the brightest galaxy

Chapter 249 Hello, Miss Xia

Chapter 249 Hello, Miss Xia
Xi Mubai didn't know, he also planned to start pursuing her seriously.

That night, he called her and asked her to have dinner at noon the next day.

Fearing that she would not agree, he explained: "Xiao Lin will also go, and he misses you very much recently."

"Okay." Sure enough, as soon as the child was mentioned, Xia Xinghe agreed.

However, the reason why Xia Xinghe agreed was because she believed that Xiao Lin had never eaten with his parents.Maybe she will die soon, so she doesn't want to leave this regret to her child.

Although Xi Mubai was very jealous of Xiao Lin, he was very happy that Xia Xinghe agreed to come out for dinner.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, he believes that as long as he is serious and hardworking enough, one day Xia Xinghe will agree to remarry him.

For the next day's date, Xi Mubai asked someone to make some preparations.

Xia Xinghe treated it with a normal heart.

She even went to the hospital the next morning.

Lu Qi had something to talk to her about today, and it was naturally about artificial prosthetic limbs.

Under the guidance of the nurse, Xia Xinghe came to a conference room, and found not only Lu Qi, but also several doctors inside.

They were very happy and polite to see her.

Xia Xinghe was also very polite, and she answered their questions.

After discussing for a long time, everyone found that she is very capable, especially in mathematics, she is simply very talented.

The simulated prosthetic limbs are made so precise only after using a lot of sophisticated algorithms.

Because of Xia Xinghe's strong ability, even though she is very young, she has been respected by several authoritative doctors.

Lu Qi even asked to invite her to dinner.

Xia Xinghe declined his kindness, "I still have an appointment, let's have dinner together next time."

Maybe, there will never be a next time...

Lu Qi nodded understandingly, "Okay, I'll invite you next time I have a chance. Let's go, I'll give you a ride."

Lu Qi was very polite to Xia Xinghe, even respectful.

Xia Xinghe actually respects him a lot, because Lu Qi is really a very good doctor.

She had heard of his deeds, and he had devoted almost all of his life to the cause of medicine.

I even often go to war sites to do free clinics and participate in various international medical aid organizations.

Xia Xinghe appreciates such a person who selflessly contributes to human health...

If she is not going to die, maybe she will help Lu Qi solve more medical problems.

But she was running out of time, and there was nothing she could do.

"Doctor Lu..." Just as Xia Xinghe and Lu Qi walked halfway, a woman suddenly walked towards him.

To be precise, the woman was walking in a wheelchair.

She is very young, but disabled.But her eyes gave people a very different feeling.

Seeing her, Lu Qi introduced to Xia Xinghe: "This is one of my patients, also named Xia, maybe you two know each other."

Xia Xinghe glanced at the woman, shook his head, "We don't know each other."

That Miss Xia looked at her happily, "But from now on, we know each other. Hello, Miss Xia."

"Hello." Xia Xinghe nodded slightly, but doubts arose in his heart.

For some reason, she felt that Miss Xia looked at her a little strangely.

But Xia Xinghe didn't think much about it, and said to Lu Qi: "Doctor Lu, since you have a patient, I'll take a step first. Goodbye."

"OK, bye."

Xia Xinghe walked away, but he didn't know that Miss Xia had been staring at her...

 Sorry, the update is late, I try to write as soon as possible~
(End of this chapter)

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