Chapter 659
"Even if you have to pay the price of being separated from the one you love, you will never regret it?" Nuo frowned angrily.

"Never regret it!"

After the conversation here, Yan Lie's sonorous and powerful voice came from high above the sky: "The world is boundless, the five thunders rectify the law."

At the same time, a bolt of lightning appeared in his palm, and with a push of both hands, the lightning in his palm directly struck out.

There was a thunderstorm, and Jiangchen and Yinggou were seen twitching violently, as if they were enduring great pain.

This tactic of drawing lightning with the golden needle is the idea of ​​breaking through from the inside. Through the golden needle, all the lightning and lightning are guided into the general's body. In this way, no matter how strong his defense is, can he still defend from the inside?

After a few breaths, Jiangchen's body froze suddenly after a painful struggle, and then with a bang, his body exploded, torn apart, and there was no bones left.

Yinggou finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell from a high altitude.

Yan Lie was startled, cast a spell to catch him, and slowly lowered him to the ground, "How are you?"

Yinggou has already turned back into a human form, and his spirit is like a gossamer...

Not far away, Jiang Zhen, who was not far away, felt very uncomfortable after the death of the general. She struggled on the ground, her long nails sank into the ground, and the female demon was very scared, and tried to save her, "No, none of you can Die, what shall I do if you die?"

She is the only zombie left in the world, how lonely she must be... She just wanted to build a dynasty that belonged to zombies, but in the end it failed.

Jiang Zhen, however, is slowly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, curled up on the ground like a pile of dry wood, her face is covered with wrinkles, her sunken eye sockets are filled with muddy tears, and her chapped lips It moved slightly, and let out a weak "hmm" moan|groan.

Jiang Zhen looked at herself like this, without any fear at all, cast her cloudy eyes on Yan Lie, Yan Lie held her hand, picked her up from the ground, "What do you want to say?"

"Come... Lai Wu..." Lai Wu is still young, she has not experienced many things, and has not been to many places, so I want her to live well, "Lan Hen..." Find a normal for Lan Hen again This is the life he should have, but it would be inconvenient for him to bring Lai Wu with him, so I hope Yan Lie can keep Lai Wu by his side.

Yan Lie agreed without hesitation.

Jiang Zhen was glad that Lan Hen didn't see her like this, with withered hands, wrinkled skin, and ugly face.

Yan Lie agreed without even thinking about it, and promised: "As long as I am still alive, I will protect her well."

"Then I'm relieved." Jiang Zhen finally said something to Ying Gou, "My lord, I'm leaving first."

After speaking, she withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yan Lie was so helpless in his heart, he looked back at Ying Gou and said, "I'm sorry."

Ying Gou shook his head and didn't say anything, what he had to say, he had already finished speaking to Feng Ling through audio transmission, and then he also turned into fragments, and left this world together with Jiang Zhen.

At that moment, Lan Hen seemed to feel something, a little heart-wrenching, and his eyelids kept twitching.Subconsciously, she glanced at Feng Ling, just in time to collide with his gaze, saw his eyes full of sadness, shook her head, and guessed something.

Suddenly, sadness flooded into my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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