Meng Shao, you have today too

Chapter 795 Prelude to Marriage Proposal

Chapter 795 Prelude to Marriage Proposal ([-])

During the whole process, Chen Meilan dared not speak out. Her husband should have known that Meng Zefei was not his biological daughter. Why did he ask such a question?
Could it be that he was willing to give up just to see the miserable fate of this non-his own daughter?

However, after Meng Zexiao finished answering Meng Haoquan's question, Meng Haoquan didn't say anything more.

After a boring lunch, Meng Zexiao was not in a hurry to leave after putting down his chopsticks. He said, "Mom and Dad, I hope you can remember what I said on the balcony earlier."

Chen Meilan was very eager for her husband to stand up and protect the interests of their parents-in-law and parents, but what Meng Haoquan said was—"How is the company doing now? How many shares are in the hands of outsiders?"

Meng Zexiao replied truthfully: "Now more than 50.00% of the shares are in the hands of outsiders, and 70.00% of the shares will be returned next month."

"Hey, heaven has eyes, so I know that God will not let Dingsheng fall into the hands of outsiders."

Meng Zexiao couldn't help correcting and said: "This time it's because the KING Group didn't intervene, otherwise, the Dingsheng Group would not have the surname Meng long ago!"

Meng Haoquan slowly raised his eyes to look at his son and said, "Ze Xiao, I know what you mean. You look down on your father very much, but you have to understand your father! I, Meng Haoquan, have been proud all my life, but what I faced in my later years was this. In the end, I dare not go out of the house to see the faces of those people! A generation of heroes has become a generation of bears! You will never experience the gap in your heart!"

"Father, if you really care so much about what others think of you, shouldn't the first thing you should do be to regain the dignity you lost in the past little by little?"

There was silence in the dining room, and the servants who were about to clear the table shrank back in fright.

Meng Zexiao added: "Mom and Dad, you will be grandparents in a few years. I hope you can let your grandson and granddaughter live in a very loving family like the Liu family and the Kong family. Only when children grow up will they not be full of bad things, and even their own brothers, sisters and parents will have to plot. The Dingsheng Group you are proud of can still maintain the surname Meng in their generation at least!"

After speaking, Meng Zexiao got up and left the house.

After he left for a long time, Meng Haoquan and Chen Meilan did not dare to move.

Meng Hao didn't move because he approved what his son Meng Zexiao said just now. He is a failed father and cannot be a failed grandfather again.

The reason why Chen Meilan didn't move was because Meng Haoquan didn't move.

After an unknown amount of time, Meng Haoquan looked at Chen Meilan and said, "Follow me to the study!"

This was almost the only sentence her husband said to her in the past half a year. Chen Meilan followed Meng Haoquan upstairs to Meng Haoquan's study in surprise and apprehension.

The next day, after Kong Lingxin woke up, she found that the only servants in the house were her. She looked at the time and found that it was still early.

The housekeeper told Kong Lingxin that Mr. Linghu went out with Lin Hao and her mother after breakfast.

Kong Lingxin didn't pay much attention to it. She felt that her mother and Uncle Lin probably couldn't handle her grandpa, so she accompanied him to Liu's house.

After breakfast, the bored Kong Lingxin called Meng Zexiao and Liu Hanyi respectively, and they both said that they had something to talk about and couldn't talk for too long.

Then Kong Lingxin called the Kong family again, but was told by the servant who answered the phone that her adoptive parents were not at home, and that her younger brother had gone to school again.

Finally, Kong Lingxin called Liu's family again, and what made her feel even more miraculous was that the orderly who answered the phone said that Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu were not at home.

With infinite doubts, Kong Lingxin put the phone aside and muttered - "What day is today, the day of collective disappearance?"

When preparing to eat at noon, Kong Lingxin, who was sitting in the living room, heard the sound of a car driving outside, jumped up from the sofa, ran to the door, and saw his mother and Uncle Lin getting out of the car, helping his grandpa get off.

"Grandpa, Mom, Uncle Lin, where did you go this early in the morning? After I woke up, there was no sign of you!"

Li Lijuan explained: "Your grandpa wanted to play chess with your grandpa Liu, so your Uncle Lin and I accompanied him to Grandpa Liu's house early in the morning."

"But I called to go to Grandpa Liu's house, and the attendant said that Grandpa Liu and Grandma are not at home!"

Lin Hao went on to say: "Just halfway there, the old man said that his stomach was not feeling well, and we had to go to the hospital. Your Grandpa Liu waited for a long time but didn't wait for us, so he called me and followed him to the hospital .”

"Oh, that's how it is!" Kong Lingxin didn't doubt the authenticity of what her mother and Uncle Lin said. She immediately looked at her grandpa and said sternly, "Grandpa, look at you, don't be so self-willed, okay! Don't play chess for a day You are so uncomfortable! What to do if something happened on the road! Did the doctor say that after the examination?"

Faced with his great-granddaughter's questioning, Mr. Linghu couldn't say anything about his grievances. In order to match what his granddaughter-in-law and Lin Hao said, he acted as if he had made a mistake, and replied: "The doctor said everything is normal, maybe it's because I didn't have breakfast. Urgent, so it caused gastrointestinal discomfort."

"Look, look, for playing chess, you actually ate something wrong with your stomach! Fortunately, this time it was a false alarm! From now on, I want to make a rule!"

Grandpa Linghu vaguely felt that the rules set by his great-granddaughter were aimed at him, so he quickly said: "There is no need to make rules, grandpa will just listen to you in the future!"

"No, you have to stand! Starting tomorrow, grandpa, you are not allowed to go out for three days! Tomorrow is Friday, that is to say, you can't go out until next Monday!"


"Stop it, objections are invalid! Hurry up and have lunch!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Lingxin went to the restaurant with the help of Mr. Linghu.

Lin Hao behind them smiled and said to Li Lijuan in a low voice: "Now the roles of the grandpa and grandson are almost completely reversed. Xiner is more and more like the old man, and the old man is more and more like the well-behaved Xiner."

Li Lijuan agreed with Lin Hao's words, she also nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed upside down! But what about tomorrow? Xiner won't look at her grandpa and prevent him from going out, right?"

Lin Hao said: "It depends on how you, a mother, use your tricks to hold her back!"

"This is very difficult. It's not like you don't know this girl, she's a ghost, if you didn't react quickly just now, you would have exposed her!"

Lin Hao said: "There is still time, let's think of a complete plan in the afternoon!"

After Grandpa Fu Zu sat down, Kong Lingxin looked up at her mother and Uncle Lin who were still standing in the living room and said, "Mom, Uncle Lin, what are you talking about, go wash your hands and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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