Chapter 598 Love at first sight

Kong Lingxin disagreed with Qiao Yuanhang's point of view, if Meng Zeting really only had him in his heart, why did he live with An Xiaoyu and Ling Xilu.

Even if he uses An Xiaoyu and Ling Xilu, he doesn't have to sell his looks.

Hearing Qiao Yuanhang's words, Kong Lingxin just smiled and did not express any opinion.

Although the smile on her face was too weak to be noticed, the sensitive Qiao Yuanhang could still see that she was laughing at him.

Qiao Yuanhang said, "Miss Kong, do you think my words are deceiving myself?"

Believe that a person really loves himself. It turns out that it not only happens to women, but also to men.

Kong Lingxin said: "I don't think anything is important, the important thing is that you think Meng Zeting treats you wholeheartedly."

Qiao Yuanhang felt very awkward in his heart, he didn't want others to think that Meng Zeting treated him badly.

He said: "Miss Kong, you are on Meng Zexiao's side, so of course you think that Ze Ting is not good, and he is not good to me. But love is something that only the person involved knows, especially our kind of love, you don't understand it at all. not."

Kong Lingxin said: "Have you been together for a long time? According to what you said just now, it should have started before Meng Zeting and Yang Shanshan got married?"

Qiao Yuanhang has never discussed his love with others in person, only talked about his love between men and women in a certain social group on the Internet.

I don't know whether it's because I've been suppressed for too long, or I think Kong Lingxin is a very suitable person to talk to. Qiao Yuanhang doesn't reject talking about his relationship with her.

Qiao Yuanhang said: "We have known each other very early, for a whole ten years. At that time, we were both in our early twenties, and we met at a glance. When I was a teenager, I found that I was different from other boys. Similarly, when other men discuss which girl in the class is beautiful, I watch these boys discussing girls. After I went to college, I finally confirmed that I am a man who likes men. There is almost no living space for us in this group in China, so I I chose to go abroad. I met Ze Ting when I first arrived in Italy, and we both fell in love at first sight."

Seeing Qiao Yuanhang's happy expression when he was lost in memories, Kong Lingxin didn't know what to say.

Kong Lingxin thinks that Meng Zeting should not be as pure as Qiao Yuanhang, he only likes men, bisexuality is more in line with his real situation.

"It turns out that you have been with Meng Zeting for ten years, no wonder you are willing to do such a thing for him."

Qiao Yuanhang took a bottle of mineral water from the food table and handed it to Kong Lingxin, saying, "Miss Kong, please drink water."

Kong Lingxin took it unceremoniously.

Qiao Yuanhang took a bottle himself, and before he opened it, Kong Lingxin had already taken a few gulps.

"Miss Kong, aren't you afraid that I will poison the water?"

Kong Lingxin looked at the mineral water in his hand and said, "I've already been poisoned once, isn't it too wicked for you to poison again? Things like poisoning the second time and poisoning the third time may happen. It happened to Yang Shanshan, An Xiaoyu and Ling Xilu, but it shouldn’t happen to you. Don’t ask me why, it’s just my feeling. But my feeling can be wrong, like the first time you asked me to get into your car At that time, I clearly felt that your appearance there could not be as simple as a coincidence, but I still got into your car by a strange coincidence."

Qiao Yuanhang looked at Kong Lingxin guiltily and said, "So you actually trusted me...I apologize to you for my actions, but I still have to do it."

"Having said so much, I still don't know what you want to do? What kind of goal do you want to achieve?" Kong Lingxin asked.

Qiao Yuanhang said: "I want you to help Ze Ting and defeat Meng Zexiao!"

Kong Lingxin pouted and said, "Please, Mr. Qiao, if you really want to help Meng Zeting defeat his younger brother like you said, then you shouldn't lock me here at all, you should prepare me a super big villa with something to eat. If you have a drink, it is best to bring it to the swimming pool. Because it is a long-term battle, and it cannot be resolved in a few days or a week."

Qiao Yuanhang said firmly: "Yes! It can be resolved in a few days! As long as Miss Kong is willing to cooperate."

Kong Lingxin looked at Qiao Yuanhang, full of doubts, "What exactly do you want?"

Qiao Yuanhang said: "I want Meng Zexiao to give Ze Ting all the stocks held by Dingsheng Group, and the title of the book states that he will no longer be responsible for any affairs of Dingsheng Group!"

"Meng Zeting's ambition is indeed great, but he eats too fast and his stomach is not so big, isn't he afraid of being stuffed to death?" Kong Lingxin used a vivid but not very pleasant metaphor.

Qiao Yuanhang said: "Miss Kong doesn't need to be cynical. Ze Ting has endured it for so many years in order to get back what belonged to him. Everything that Meng Zexiao has now belongs to Ze Ting!"

"I don't understand what you said. What is Meng Zexiao actually belongs to Meng Zeting?"

Qiao Yuanhang said: "Miss Kong, you have been married to the Meng family for more than a year. Didn't you realize that Meng Haoquan is actually a particularly eccentric Chinese parent? He focused on cultivating Meng Zexiao since he was a child, but left Ze Ting alone."

What Qiao Yuanhang said was very different from what Kong Lingxin heard before. It is said that Meng Zeting insisted on dropping out of college when he was in college, and instead studied business to study painting.

How could Meng Hao become eccentric when Qiao Yuanhang said it now?

Kong Lingxin told Qiao Yuanhang the truth about what she knew, and then she said: "Could it be that Meng Zeting suddenly thought of the Dingsheng Group to show off his talents, but his ability was questioned by Meng Haoquan, so he was not allowed to come. Turned to Meng Zexiao?"

Qiao Yuanhang immediately denied it and said: "No, that's not the case, Ze Ting is not such a narrow-minded man. Meng Zexiao is not Meng Haoquan's son at all, Ze Ting is! Meng Zexiao is not the flesh and blood of the Meng family, why should he have these things!"

Since when is Meng Zexiao not Meng Haoquan's own?Kong Lingxin was confused by Qiao Yuanhang.

She said: "Meng Zeting said that Meng Zexiao is not Meng Haoquan's biological son? Did he pick him up?"

Qiao Yuanhang raised his head and said, "Meng Zexiao is the product of Chen Meilan cuckolding Meng Haoquan!"

Kong Lingxin looked at Qiao Yuanhang in surprise, his expression didn't look like he was joking.

Qiao Yuanhang likes Meng Zeting, he will believe whatever he says, but Kong Lingxin is not so easy to be fooled.

She said: "Meng Zexiao looks very similar to Meng Haoquan. If he didn't have Meng Haoquan's genes, how could he look like him? Unless Chen Meilan's cuckold is Meng Haoquan's brother, but according to my understanding, Meng Haoquan doesn't have any brothers at all. "

Qiao Yuanhang said: "The reason why Meng Zexiao looks like Meng Haoquan is because Meng Zexiao had plastic surgery, and it was done according to Meng Haoquan's young appearance."

Kong Lingxin just took a sip of water and almost choked.

After a violent cough, Kong Lingxin looked at Qiao Yuanhang and said, "Is that what Meng Zeting said?"

Qiao Yuanhang said: "I have seen Meng Zexiao go to a beauty salon myself!"

This was probably the funniest joke Kong Lingxin had ever heard. Meng Zexiao went for plastic surgery, and it looked like Meng Haoquan.

Kong Lingxin put away the smile on his face, and said to Qiao Yuanhang: "Well, even if what you said is true, Meng Zexiao is not Meng Haoquan's son, why didn't Meng Zeting tell Meng Haoquan directly?"

Qiao Yuanhang said: "Because Ze Ting is very kind, he doesn't want to hurt her mother!"

Tsk!Another ironic joke.

If Meng Zeting was so filial, wouldn't Chen Meilan be paying attention to her now?After Kong Lingxin came back from Paris, he saw the servants of the seaside villa and brought them some gifts.I heard Mrs. Qi said that Chen Meilan's physical condition is very bad now, she has very serious insomnia problems, and also has auditory hallucinations. She always feels that she is thinking about the phone at home, especially when Meng Haoquan is at home, she sits directly next to the phone, It seemed that she was waiting for the phone to ring to be able to answer the call as soon as possible.

Kong Lingxin didn't expect Chen Meilan's health to be so bad. She knew the crux of Chen Meilan's psychology, and wanted to go and see what Chen Meilan told her about Peng Nan being imprisoned in a few days, but before she had time to go, she was imprisoned by Qiao Yuanhang Here it comes.

Seeing the ironic smile on the corner of Kong Lingxin's mouth, Qiao Yuanhang insisted on defending Meng Zeting, saying: "You are thinking from the standpoint of Meng Zexiao, and I am thinking from the standpoint of Zeting, so you think what I said is very It's ridiculous, just like I don't understand why you are with Meng Zexiao. You have a better choice, why do you want to be with a man with a heart like Meng Zexiao?"

Meng Zexiao's playful heart was also made for Meng Zeting to see, and it seemed that the effect was not bad. If Qiao Yuanhang believed it, it meant that Meng Zeting also believed it.

Kong Lingxin said: "In terms of feelings, I am actually the same as Mr. Qiao. I would rather believe the truth I see than hear the so-called truth told by others."

Qiao Yuanhang said: "Miss Kong, you can rest here with peace of mind tonight, I'm in the next room, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just need you to help me achieve the goal I said before It can be seen that Meng Zexiao likes you very much now, but I think he should be using you, because you are from the Linghu family. As long as I can be with you, even if Meng Zexiao has nothing, he can make a comeback. But Ze Ting is different, Meng Haoquan didn't pay much attention to it since he was a child, it is too difficult for him to succeed."

Anyway, it was still so early, and Kong Lingxin didn't feel sleepy for the time being, so he simply continued chatting with Qiao Yuanhang.

She said: "Hasn't Meng Zeting ever thought that he might not have the ability to be the head of the Dingsheng Group at all? If you don't have that diamond, you don't want to take on the porcelain job. You are envious when you see others succeed, and you never think about yourself. Appropriate or not."

(End of this chapter)

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