Meng Shao, you have today too

Chapter 579 The Last Step

Chapter 579 The Last Step

The corners of Meng Yue'er's mouth moved slightly, her smile was bitter and self-deprecating.

She said: "Some things, I thought I would never mention them again in my life, but I didn't expect that what should come will still come."

Then, Meng Yueer told Lin Hao a long and sad story.

More than 20 years ago, Meng Yueer, who was hardworking and studious, got a chance to study high school in the UK at public expense. Under the guidance of her alumni, she met Linghuxuan, a member of another school's basketball team.

The complexion of the body is doomed to lack of athleticism in some sports, so Linghuxuan, who is on the school basketball team, is particularly eye-catching.

At that time, Meng Yueer, like other girls, began to yearn for love in a daze.

Linghuxuan became her target.

When she heard that Linghuxuan's family wanted him to seek his roots and go back to China to go to college, Meng Yueer even wanted to give up the chance of being recommended to a prestigious British school and follow in Linghuxuan's footsteps.

However, her decision was strongly opposed by her elder brother Meng Haoquan. She finally got out of the exam and went back to university, either because of mental problems or mental problems.

Meng Yueer's resistance failed in the end, she went to university in England, while Linghuxuan went to city B to go to university.

What's it like to be in love?Now Meng Yue'er still has a bitterness from the bottom of her heart when she speaks.

During the winter vacation of her senior year, Meng Yueer planned to confess her love to Linghuxuan. For this reason, she dragged her suitcase to the classroom and flew back to China after the exam.

The feeling of can't wait can only be experienced by herself.

However, after coming to the school where Linghuxuan was studying, they heard that he had dropped out of school for several months and disappeared, completely cutting off contact with the Linghu family.

Meng Yueer still remembers that it was snowing heavily that day. She walked alone on the snow-covered campus with a big suitcase, and the temperature in her heart was several degrees lower than the ice and snow outside.

In the last semester of her senior year, she had the opportunity to go to a noble school for an internship, but Meng Yueer finally let her go.

At that time, Meng Haoquan had just quit his job in a state-owned enterprise and was about to go into business. Meng Yueer said that he was coming back to help his brother.

At that time, Meng Haoquan devoted all his energy to starting a business, and did not interfere too much with Meng Yueer's willful actions.

Meng Yueer looked for Linghuxuan for four years, but there was no news of him, until one day Meng Yueer saw Linghuxuan in Meng Haoquan's office.

What made Meng Yue'er feel heartbroken was that Linghu Xuan couldn't remember her at all, his eyes just swept across her face without stopping at all.

At that time, Linghuxuan also used Meng Haoquan's office phone to call a hotel. From the conversation between Linghuxuan and the person on the other side, Meng Yueer could tell that the person over there was his wife.

Later, Meng Yueer learned from her elder brother that Linghuxuan used her own drink formula to cooperate with Meng Haoquan.

At that time, Meng Haoquan proposed to spend money to buy his drink formula, but Linghuxuan insisted on only buying shares and not selling them!
Considering the domestic beverage market at that time, Meng Haoquan finally signed a cooperation agreement with Linghuxuan.

At the beginning of the establishment of the beverage factory, Meng Haoquan really couldn't raise so much money to buy equipment for a period of time. When he wanted to give up, Linghuxuan appeared and wanted to pawn his violet natural jadeite bead chain and pendant.

But every time he went to the door of the pawnshop, Linghuxuan did not take the last step.

Lin Hao felt that the reason why Linghuxuan didn't go to the pawn shop was because he didn't want to be found by the Linghu family.

At that time, the Linghu family used all their forces to find Linghuxuan. The things Linghuxuan took away were the violet natural jadeite bead chain and pendant. Naturally, the old man Linghu would not miss this clue.

In the end, Meng Haoquan solved his urgent need with a loan, and Linghuxuan finally kept his violet natural jadeite bead chain and pendant.

Meng Yue'er still clearly remembers the last time she saw Linghuxuan, that time Linghuxuan was in a hurry, as if she couldn't wait to go home to see her beloved.

Almost bumped into Meng Yueer who was walking towards him, Linghuxuan kept apologizing to Meng Yueer.

Meng Yue'er finally plucked up the courage to talk to Linghuxuan, she said: "You are in such a hurry, is there something wrong?"

I saw Linghuxuan said happily: "My wife is pregnant with twins!"


Meng Yue'er felt dizzy for a while, and she finally realized what it was like to treat others as the number one male, while others regarded her as the number one passerby.

That kind of pain is a heart-wrenching pain.

When Meng Yue'er recovered and wanted to send her best wishes to Linghuxuan, he had already walked away.

This time, when he heard the patchwork news about him, he was no longer alive.

What kind of regret it was, only Meng Yue'er knew.

Except for Lin Hao, Meng Yue'er had never mentioned Linghu Xuan to anyone else, including Meng Haoquan.

Meng Yue'er once refused to be introduced to her by others, and she spent many years unable to get out of her unrequited love.

It wasn't until later that a man stepped forward and told Meng Yueer that he had been secretly in love with her for many years, and then he mustered up the courage to confess his love to her.

Meng Yue'er knew too well what it was like to be in love with someone secretly. She hoped to help him realize her wish that she could not fulfill, and finally she married him.

It just so happened that the business of her husband's family could also help her elder brother Meng Haoquan's business, but the good times didn't last long. Meng Yueer and her husband were married less than five years before he was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Before he died, the husband said: "Thank you for giving me five years, so that I have no regrets in this life. I know that you don't like me. I hope you can find the man hidden in the deepest part of your heart and marry me." give him!"

After five years of marriage, Meng Yue'er only remembered the words of her deceased husband, and couldn't tell whether she was touched or felt guilty.

After the story was finished, Meng Yueer turned to Lin Hao and said: "Lin Hao, thank you for bringing me a long-lost happy time a while ago, which made me almost think that I finally found the feeling of being in love, but then I felt that In my heart, I just regard you as Linghuxuan's substitute. For so many years, you have been working under Mr. Linghu, and you are about the same age as Linghu. Mr. Linghu has always intended to train you. Linghuxuan has similarities... I'm really sorry..."

Facing Meng Yueer's candid words, Lin Hao not only didn't feel sad but was very happy. After all, she had opened up her heart to him.

Lin Hao has already memorized the information about Linghuxuan, and he has known in detail what kind of people Linghuxuan has known at what time, but he has never heard of Meng Yueer's name. It can be seen that Meng Yueer was in Linghu What is the position in Xuan's heart.

Not even passerby A, passerby B, passerby C...

For so many years, Meng Yueer has been hiding someone who doesn't like her in her heart. Lin Hao doesn't know whether to define Meng Yueer as infatuation or persistence.

After telling her story, Meng Yueer talked about Kong Lingxin. She said: "When I saw this child for the first time, I thought she was Linghuxuan's child. You must have the same feeling. It is said that you The first time Nanshan Temple saw Xiner, it was sure that she had something to do with Linghuxuan?"

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Yes, the blood relationship is so wonderful. When I first saw Xiner, I thought she should be the direction I have been trying to find for so many years."

Meng Yue'er couldn't help but think of the scene when she first met Kong Lingxin. At that time, Kong Lingxin was a shy girl, and she didn't even dare to look Meng Zexiao in the eye.

It wasn't until he heard Meng Zexiao talking to others that Kong Lingxin dared to raise his eyes to look at Meng Zexiao, and there was deep love in those eyes.

Looking at Kong Lingxin at that time, Meng Yueer seemed to see herself back then.

Meng Yueer didn't have much contact with Kong Lingxin. This was due to her evasive psychology. The daughter of the person she had a crush on back then was adopted and became her niece and daughter-in-law.

Meng Yueer just told Meng Zexiao to take good care of Kong Lingxin and not to let her down.

"Is your brother Meng Haoquan choosing Xiner to marry Meng Zexiao because he knows that Xiner is the flesh and blood of the Linghu family?" Lin Hao asked.

Meng Yueer shook her head and said: "I can say this responsibly, it's not like that. My brother is also Mr. Linghu and Xiner only knew that Xiner and Linghuxuan belonged to the famous Linghu family after they met each other. Descendants."

However, Meng Yueer concealed one thing, she did not tell Lin Hao that the name used in the cooperation agreement signed by Linghuxuan and Meng Haoquan was Wang Yuan.

Meng Yueer added: "My brother just felt that Xiner was the daughter of his partner back then, so he asked Ze Xiao to marry Xiner."

Lin Hao then asked: "Is the last time you saw Mr. Linghu also the last time your brother saw Mr. Linghu?"

Meng Yue'er thought for a while, and said: "It should be the last time I saw you. Not long after that, the beverage factory started production and soon became profitable, but Linghuxuan never showed up."

Lin Hao probably guessed that the reason why Meng Haoquan sold the beverage factory was probably because Linghuxuan had never contacted him. Beverage factories that have signed cooperation agreements are sold and then invested in other projects.

The laws and regulations at that time were not particularly perfect, and Meng Haoquan could take advantage of this loophole.

Meng Yueer never asked about her brother's business affairs, and she didn't even know how many shares she owns. She donated almost all the dividends she got every year.

The reason for doing this is because Meng Yue'er felt that her brother used many despicable means during the entrepreneurial stage, and she did this as atonement for her brother.

Of course, some crimes cannot be wiped off with a single donation.

Meng Yueer thought for a while and asked: "I heard that Linghuxuan's wife was pregnant with twins. Do you have any news about the other girl?"

Lin Hao said regretfully: "Xiner's adoptive father, Kong Changdong, said that in a family of four, only Xiner survived..."

(End of this chapter)

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