Meng Shao, you have today too

Chapter 515 The truth of the year

Chapter 515 The truth of the year

Like previous springs, April in Huaiyang City is often cloudy and rainy.

The continuous drizzle lasted from day to night, and the slight spring breeze blew over, and the wind was warm.

Brushing over the face is like being caressed by a baby's hand on the cheek, soft and comfortable.

Kong Lingxin got into her mother's bed and regained the feeling of being at home before. She leaned her head on her mother's shoulder and said, "Mom, I will miss you."

Li Lijuan took off her glasses, put the book in her hand on the bedside table, looked sideways at her daughter, smiled slightly, and said, "It seems that you have decided to go to France with Meng Zexiao?"

"I want to go to France with my mother."

Li Lijuan's expression suddenly became a little melancholy, and then she said firmly: "Xin'er, I'm sorry, everything is destined. It is fate that you returned to the Linghu family. Mom can't enter the Linghu family with you." The door is also destined."

"Why?" Kong Lingxin sat together and looked at her mother face to face.

After Li Lijuan sighed, she said, "There are some things that I really should tell you."

Looking at the seriousness on her face, Kong Lingxin could feel that what her mother said next might be a very bad thing, but as the daughter of her father and mother, Kong Lingxin felt that no matter what, she should know their past, good or bad.

Then, Kong Lingxin heard a long, long story.

It turned out that Kong Lingxin's grandparents, Li Lijuan's parents, were studying in the United States. They met Kong Lingxin's grandparents during school in the United States, and they were very good friends.

At the end of the war and the stage where everything is waiting to be done, the country is in great need of talents from all walks of life.

Kong Lingxin's grandparents came back from the United States and planned to show their talents. The first few years went very well, so they proposed an invitation to Linghu and his wife.

Although Linghu and his wife are of Chinese origin, it does not prevent them from coming back to develop.

Kong Lingxin's grandparents, Linghuxuan's parents, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and they are all scientists.

It is conceivable how depressed her grandfather Linghu Kun was when Kong Lingxin's grandparents were studying this major.It is said that Linghuxuan was born in the United States, and was taken away from his parents by his grandfather Linghukun the second day after he was born, because he did not want his grandson to become a scientist like his parents, he wanted his grandson Linghuxuan Become a businessman.

Linghukun carefully cultivated his grandson, hoping that when he grows up, he can be his successor and become the core figure of the KING Group.

Because Kong Lingxin's grandparents are all Chinese, they are not used to it when they first arrive. Linghukun will seize the opportunity and send people to persuade them to return to the UK to do business and stop doing science.

During this process, Kong Lingxin's grandparents gave Linghu and his wife a lot of help, so they finally adapted to life here.

Grandpa Linghu felt that he could not persuade his son and daughter-in-law to go back to do business. The biggest reason was Kong Lingxin's grandpa and grandpa's fault.

But what happened in the end was far beyond the imagination of the couple who returned with passion back then. They were envied because of their talents, they were slandered, and both were imprisoned for undeserved crimes.

Kong Lingxin's grandparents, who persuaded them to come back, were very guilty and tried every means to rescue them, but they couldn't help their friends get rid of the crime by using all available manpower, material and financial resources.

In the end, even Kong Lingxin's grandparents were also implicated, and the good friends of the year finally became inmates.

Four people were finally executed.

Li Lijuan's real name is Li Hui. After her parents were imprisoned, the nanny who watched her grow up was taken from city B to her hometown Huaiyang City. In order to prevent her from being sought by her parents' enemies, the nanny changed her The earthy name - Li Lijuan.

The nanny gave birth to two daughters in Huaiyang City, because her in-laws felt that her daughter was disliked. The nanny went to private schools for several years, and she was considered a cultural person of that era.

It happened that the nanny's husband's family name was also Li, so she changed Li Hui's name to Li Lijuan according to the rules of naming her daughters.

The nanny claimed that she left home when she was pregnant, so the locals did not suspect it.

However, after the nanny returned to Huaiyang, her former husband had already remarried, and she left her husband's long-awaited son, so she didn't like to see the nanny and her "mother and daughter" who came back from other places.

Fortunately, they still have a place to live.

Although the conditions in City B were very different from those in the past, it was still a place to settle down.

Although the nanny's two daughters kept in touch with Li Lijuan, they did not kiss each other after all.

Especially after the nanny passed away, Kong Lingxin's two aunts had less contact with their mother.

What makes Li Lijuan grateful is that when her husband died in a car accident and there was no funeral expenses, she was the support of the two sisters.

Now that I think about it, it's a great irony that the descendant of the dignified Linghu family, the grandson of the famous Linghu Kun, didn't even pay for the burial.

A few years later, before her parents were executed, Li Lijuan saw them for the last time with the help of her parents' former classmates.At the last meeting, Kong Lingxin's grandparents told her mother Li Hui that what they regret most in their life is to persuade her grandparents to come back from the United States.

To a certain extent, Kong Lingxin's grandparents felt that they were the ones who sent her grandparents to a dead end.

These two couples have become the most important friends in each other's life during the years of going to school in the United States and returning to China to work together.

Sending a friend to a dead end was a very painful and tormenting event in the end of life for Kong Lingxin's grandparents.

Li Hui was only 14 years old when she saw her parents for the last time, not too old or too young, but it was enough for her to recognize many things clearly.

Li Hui knew that the friends of her parents used aliases in public, but in fact, her uncle's surname was Linghu, and they belonged to a well-known British Chinese family. They had a son who was about her age, named Linghuxuan.

After burying her parents, Li Hui and her nanny came to Huaiyang City to live again. Before Kong Lingxin met the Linghu family, Li Hui, who changed her name to Li Lijuan, never returned to City B.

According to some details after Linghu Kun and her great-granddaughter Kong Lingxin met later, Li Lijuan speculated that what happened to the Linghu family was roughly like this——

Linghu Kun was very angry at the tragic fate of his son and daughter-in-law, so when the KING Group's business spread all over the world, he was the only one who refused to open a branch here.

Linghuxuan knew that his parents died in China. Since he was separated from his parents since he was a child, he really wanted to know what kind of person his parents were, so he persistently wanted to go to school in China.

Linghukun, who couldn't screw his grandson, had to agree to let him come, but the condition was that he would return to England to inherit the family business after finishing university.

After arriving in China, Linghuxuan followed in the footsteps of his parents to the places where they stayed, including of course the cemetery where his parents were buried first.

Although there are no their ashes in those two cemeteries, because the ashes have been taken back to the British family cemetery by Linghuxuan's grandfather for burial.

Passing by the tombs of Kong Lingxin's grandma and grandpa, who were called by the grandfather to be evil spirits, Linghuxuan heard a middle-aged man who came to visit their husband and wife say: "Lao Li, sister-in-law, I am really sorry for you. No matter how hard I try, I can't find Xiaohui...No matter what, I will try my best to find Xiaohui and give her a better life. She is the only daughter of the two of you...Back then the nanny took her to Huaiyang City, but I searched through my comrades in the public security system for a long time but couldn't find Xiaohui..."

After the middle-aged man left, Linghuxuan came to the tombstone of the couple whose teeth were tickled by grandpa's hatred.

There are photos of them on the tombstone. The woman looks gentle and beautiful, and the man is also handsome and unrestrained, and they look like a good match.

Hearing that person mentioned Huaiyang City, Linghuxuan seemed to be attracted by a kind of magic, and used the time of vacation to go to a small city with a small mark on the map.

Maybe it's a predestined marriage, someone has searched for it for several years but couldn't find it, not even a trace.

Some people just came to meet.

Linghuxuan walked along the ancient city wall of Huaiyang City, and was knocked down by a girl riding a bicycle in a box. The pure and beautiful girl back then became the mother of two children. She was Li Lijuan.

The first time he saw Li Lijuan, Linghuxuan felt that she was the person he was looking for, she was very similar to the facial features of the hostess on the tombstone.

At that time, the nanny who brought Li Lijuan to Huaiyang had passed away, and Li Lijuan had never gone to school since she left City B. She deliberately erased her parents' names from her mind, probably because of her sense of self-protection after a major trauma.

Li Lijuan seemed to have some magical power, which fascinated Linghuxuan deeply, but he knew that his grandfather would not accept Li Lijuan as his granddaughter-in-law, because her parents killed his son and daughter-in-law.

In the end, Linghuxuan decided to run away from home. He felt that after giving birth to a child and relying on his own ability to establish his own business, his grandfather would finally accept Li Lijuan.

Unfortunately, Linghu Xuan did not wait until that day.

After hearing this story, Kong Lingxin's eyes were covered with mist, and she didn't know what words to use to describe her mood at this time.

Special times, special feelings, and special mistakes have created a series of knots.

Only then did Kong Lingxin understand why her mother looked so different from other aunts. It turned out that her mother also lived a princess-like life when she was a child.

Although she did not go to school in Huaiyang City, she received education from her parents when she was a child. The knowledge in Li Lijuan's mind is no worse than that of other university graduates.

The only difference was that Li Lijuan was in poor health. The death of her parents and her husband left Li Lijuan in a slump. Fortunately, with the company of her daughter, Li Lijuan forgot the pain of the past as her daughter grew up.

(End of this chapter)

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