Chapter 360
The driver who sent Kong Lingxin came to her side and said, "Miss, don't worry, I'll take a look."

Kong Lingxin stepped aside, and the driver stepped forward to check on Meng Zexiao's situation.

"How is it? Is he seriously injured?" Kong Lingxin was anxious.

The driver replied: "On the surface, there is no external injury, but I don't know if there will be internal injury. But I don't think it should be too serious. After all, this car has good safety performance and the airbag is fully deployed."

"Then why is he not conscious at all?" The driver's words did not dispel Kong Lingxin's anxiety.

In fact, at the moment of the impact, Meng Zexiao did faint, but he woke up soon.

When he heard Kong Lingxin's anxious voice, he simply stopped opening his eyes and exchanged the car accident for Kong Lingxin's concern. He was willing.

However, the car accident was not intentional by Meng Zexiao. Just now, his eyes followed the Rolls-Royce that Kong Lingxin was riding on, and he did not notice that the signal light at the intersection ahead had changed from a yellow light to a red light.

The driver's scientific analysis failed to comfort Kong Lingxin who was out of control. She cried loudly. If Meng Zexiao really died, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

So far Kong Lingxin can't express how she feels about Meng Zexiao, but she no longer has the hatred for him that she had when she came to City B.Especially after understanding many things clearly, Kong Lingxin knew that it was not all Meng Zexiao's fault that his sister and Meng Zexiao had gone to that point.

The younger sister and Meng Zexiao met the right person at the wrong time, and external factors made them entangled.

With the passage of time, the hatred for Meng Zexiao and those who bullied his sister when he first came to City B has gradually diminished or even disappeared, but Kong Lingxin still didn't know what kind of mentality he should use to face Meng Zexiao.

"Why is the doctor still here!" Kong Lingxin's heartbreaking cry finally made Meng Zexiao unbearable, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Meng Zexiao open his eyes, the driver turned around and said to Kong Lingxin, "Miss, he's awake!"

Kong Lingxin immediately lay down on the broken car door, looked at Meng Zexiao and said, "Where are you injured? Hold on, the doctor will come soon!"

After all, Kong Lingxin took off her coat to put it on Meng Zexiao.

Seeing Kong Lingxin undressing, Meng Zexiao couldn't pretend anymore, he struggled to get out of the car.

"Meng Zexiao don't move! Let's talk when the doctor comes!" Kong Lingxin hurriedly held Meng Zexiao down.

Meng Zexiao said: "I'm fine, I'm not hurt, really!"

Kong Lingxin looked at Meng Zexiao hesitantly.

"I... I'm just a little dazed when the airbag popped out... I had a fever a few days ago and I haven't completely recovered..." Meng Zexiao greedily wanted Kong Lingxin's concern.

His goal was achieved, and Kong Lingxin remembered that he had a fever before he left City B.

When Meng Zexiao got out of the car, Kong Lingxin looked him up and down, and found that his pale face was thinner than the previous few days, and the edges and corners of his face were more distinct.

"It's only been a few days, why have you lost so much weight?" Kong Lingxin was surprised and distressed, but she didn't realize that she felt sorry for him.

During the few days when Meng Zexiao couldn't see Kong Lingxin, he almost didn't eat a whole meal, and couldn't finish it.A few days of sleep add up to less than ten hours, and almost all of these ten hours are in a half-dream and half-awake state.

Meng Zexiao himself could feel the belt loosen a circle, so it is not a legend that losing love can lose weight.

"I'm sick and have no appetite. It's okay. I will eat well after you come back." Meng Zexiao wished he could write a letter of guarantee to Kong Lingxin.

Kong Lingxin looked at Meng Zexiao's appearance as if something was wrong, and her heart slowly dropped, and then she looked at Meng Zexiao's jaguar that had been knocked beyond recognition, sighed deeply, and said, "What a nice car!" Ah, hit like this!"

The owner of the big truck behind them walked over tremblingly, and said, "Boss, I was really unlucky to be hit by your car. Let alone this year's work was for nothing, I think it will happen in the next few years... Hey!"

The driver of the truck seemed to be an honest person. Kong Lingxin felt sorry for the car just now, but now she felt sorry for the driver of the truck. She comforted the driver and said, "It's okay, master, this boss is not short of money!"

boss?Meng Zexiao felt weird when he heard this title, and suddenly felt that he was very down-to-earth.

The truck driver stared at Kong Lingxin in a daze for a while, then looked at Meng Zexiao hesitantly, and couldn't believe his ears.

Kong Lingxin gently pushed Meng Zexiao with his arm, and said, "Is that right, boss? We're not short of money, are we?"

Meng Zexiao actively cooperated with Kong Lingxin, nodded to the truck driver and said, "Yes, my boss is not short of money!"

This is the most beautiful way of showing off wealth that Kong Lingxin has heard.

The driver was afraid that Kong Lingxin would be frozen, so he quickly reminded, "Miss, it's cold outside, you should go back to the car and wait."

But Kong Lingxin insisted on standing aside and waiting for Meng Zexiao.

In order to prevent Kong Lingxin from freezing, Meng Zexiao called Wang Qi and asked him to handle the accident. He and Kong Lingxin left the scene.

The two were sitting in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, and Kong Lingxin still asked Meng Zexiao worriedly: "Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital? I've heard of some people who thought they were fine when they were hit, but then suddenly returned home. He fainted and was sent to the hospital to find that it was intracranial hemorrhage."

Meng Zexiao said very positively: "It's really all right. I know my body very well, and I'm not injured. Intracranial hemorrhage can also be ruled out. If I faint, I'm hungry."

Kong Lingxin stared at Meng Zexiao and asked, "Did you not have dinner?"

Meng Zexiao nodded and said, "Well, I didn't eat."

Not only didn't I eat tonight, but I didn't eat the dinner the night before last night.

Kong Lingxin said: "It will be at the gate of the community later, you can eat whatever you want."

"I want to eat the wontons you cooked..." Meng Zexiao was afraid that Kong Lingxin would reject him after he said it. Just now, seeing Kong Lingxin caring about the truck driver, Meng Zexiao felt that she cried for him when she saw him pretending to faint just now. Love, but compassion.

If other acquaintances had a car accident, Kong Lingxin would cry for them.

Seeing Kong Lingxin's hesitation, Meng Zexiao quickly said, "I'm just joking with you, but I've already eaten it..."

Kong Lingxin didn't say anything more, turned his head to one side, looked at the bright lights of the city at night, and thought of Huaiyang City, a small town in his heart.

Although Huaiyang City is not as bustling and lively as City B at night, it gives people a sense of tranquility. Behind the prosperity is emptiness, and behind the tranquility is fullness.

As soon as I came back, I wanted to leave.

Along the way, Kong Lingxin didn't speak again, and Meng Zexiao didn't know what to say. Although he was facing forward, he was always looking at Kong Lingxin from the corner of his eyes.

Kong Lingxin opened the door, turned to Meng Zexiao and said, "Come in, I'll cook wontons for you."

Meng Zexiao, who was standing one meter away, was surprised and happy when he heard her words, "Really?"

The corner of Kong Lingxin's mouth twitched slightly, without saying a word, he put away his bag, took off his coat, changed his shoes, and walked into the kitchen.

Meng Zexiao followed obediently, changed his shoes and took off his coat.

Entering this room that had been away for a few days again, Meng Zexiao felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time, but he could also feel that the distance between himself and Kong Lingxin was further away.

After a while, Kong Lingxin put a bowl of steaming ravioli on the dining room table and said, "Wonton is ready, eat it quickly."

After putting down the bowl, Meng Zexiao returned to the kitchen to boil hot water without waiting for Meng Zexiao to say thank you to Kong Lingxin. Even if he lived alone, he couldn't let it go.

Then Kong Lingxin returned to the living room, threw the withered flowers in the vase into the trash can, and went to the balcony to close the curtains.

Meng Zexiao looked at Kong Lingxin while eating. Her skillful movements made it impossible to imagine that she was a noble lady.

I haven't had a good meal for a few days, and this bowl of wontons made Meng Zexiao very satisfied.

After eating, he took the initiative to take the dishes to the kitchen to wash. Kong Lingxin, who was taking back the clothes that had been hanging out for several days on the balcony, saw in his eyes, and didn't intend to be polite to him.

This young master really should have the basic ability to survive.

When Kong Lingxin put the clothes in the closet and came out, he looked at Meng Zexiao who was standing in the living room and said, "Are you full?"

Meng Zexiao nodded and said, "I'm full, it's delicious, thank you."

"Okay, good night."

Meng Zexiao was taken aback, then said, "Okay, good night."

When Meng Zexiao closed the door of Kong Lingxin's house and was about to leave, he heard Kong Lingxin's cell phone ring.

After closing the door, Meng Zexiao did not leave. He leaned against the door and wondered who would call Kong Lingxin, Liu Hanyi?
Although Meng Zexiao suspected that Kong Lingxin went to Huaiyang City to find Liu Hanyi these days, he didn't have the courage to prove it. Now he just put his ear to the door and maybe he could hear who called her. He also didn't have the courage to know the truth.

Meng Zexiao comforted herself - being able to eat the wontons she cooked was already the happiest and happiest thing in the past few days.

Love will make the giving party humble. The aloof second young master of the Meng family is a typical example. He almost doesn't know himself anymore.

It was her mother Li Lijuan who called Kong Lingxin, not Liu Hanyi. When she said goodbye to Kong Lingxin at the airport, Liu Hanyi had already made it clear—I am waiting for you to contact me.

Kong Lingxin told her mother the confusion in her heart, "Mom, why did I cry when I saw Meng Zexiao get into a car accident? A few days ago, I obviously hated him very much. I was so disappointed by what he did..."

Li Lijuan said: "Stupid child, where there is no love, there is no hatred, no hope, where there will be disappointment."

Kong Lingxin was dumbfounded, and it took a while to react and said: "How could it be, how could I fall in love with Meng Zexiao! Besides, I am much happier when I am with Liu Hanyi than I am with Meng Zexiao!"

Li Lijuan said: "Silly girl, there is another saying called Huanxi Enemies!"

"Mom, I still don't quite understand what you mean. Why do you favor Liu Hanyi at one moment and speak for Meng Zexiao at another moment?"

"Mom is here to let you recognize your heart and figure out who you really like."

(End of this chapter)

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