Chapter 197

Meng Zexiao fearlessly met Meng Haoquan's eyes and asked: "Even a blind person can tell that you don't really like Kong Lingxin, why do you still want me to marry her? Dad, although I am your son, do I also like Kong Lingxin?" Should I have the right to know? After all, I am the one who is marrying Kong Lingxin now!"

Meng Haoquan was taken aback by his son's reasonable accusation, and then continued to speak sharply: "You just need to remember that your marriage with Kong Lingxin must be maintained, and don't ask so many other questions. When it is time to let you know, I will naturally Will tell you!"

Meng Zexiao turned his head aside, stopped talking, and started a silent resistance.

Once upon a time, Meng Zexiao imagined in his heart countless times that one day he would be able to boldly slap his father on the table and roar.

But he knew that he could only think about it.

Because she has been wearing the halo of the rich second generation for too long, there is no way to take it off.

At this point, Meng Zexiao is very self-aware, he knows that he is nothing without Dingsheng.Even if they go out to work for others, no one dares to ask for it.

Apart from continuing to be the second young master in the Meng family and the vice president of Dingsheng Group, Meng Zexiao couldn't find his value in other places.

Seeing his son's appearance, Meng Haoquan adopted a gentle policy. He lowered his voice and said, "Son, I can understand your feelings, but I also hope you can understand me! I have devoted my whole life to develop the prosperity to the present state." I don't want Dingsheng to be in crisis due to your willfulness. In short, you don't have to like Kong Lingxin, you can find a woman outside, but you just can't divorce Kong Lingxin."

Meng Zexiao knew that he could not get an answer from his father, but he still asked: "Why? Do you really believe that the Kong family has friendship with the Liu family as rumored outside? Even if the two of them have friendship, the Liu family may help us!"

Meng Haoquan said: "Silly son! Your father was able to make Dingsheng what it is today, not because of the power of any political family! By the way, speaking of this, I need to tell you the truth. The reason why your father-in-law's Changyue Real Estate came back to life , it's really because of their Liu family."

"What?" Meng Zexiao couldn't believe it, although he once suspected that Liu Hanyi was secretly helping Changyue Real Estate.However, he has investigated and found that Liu Hanyi is a complete "diehard". Even if he really likes Kong Lingxin, he can't use his family's reputation to help Changyue Real Estate without principle.

If Liu Hanyi really did this, it would prove that his love for Kong Lingxin is really deep.

A wave of jealousy welled up in my heart.

Meng Haoquan continued: "But it is impossible to save the Changyue Group with Kong Changdong's ability alone. The reason why they were able to do it is due to Kong Lingxin."

"Kong Lingxin helped Kong Changdong save Changyue Real Estate?" Meng Zexiao couldn't believe his ears.

Meng Haoquan nodded and said, "Indeed!"

Meng Zexiao had a look of disbelief, and said, "How is it possible that she can come up with a trick to get Changyue Real Estate out of the predicament just by virtue of her studying for an MBA for a few days?"

"Some people are born with a talent for doing business! Genes are really powerful sometimes!" Meng Haoquan said these thought-provoking words.

Meng Zexiao carefully recalled what he knew about Kong Lingxin. She is just a woman who is obsessed with literature every day and ponders some words that are not painful or itchy. How did she suddenly become talented in business?
Meng Haoquan said: "Trust Dad, Dad won't make a mistake."

Meng Zexiao asked again: "Father, do you want Kong Lingxin to come to work in Dingsheng? That's not possible. The relationship between her and her sister-in-law is not good. If they both go to work in Dingsheng Group together, they will have to pinch each other when they meet." , when the time comes, the employees below will not have to go to work, just watch the excitement every day."

Meng Haoquan said: "A woman without talent is a virtue! Of course Kong Lingxin cannot appear in the peak, even if she and Yang Shanshan get into trouble, you don't have to worry about Kong Lingxin at all. Yang Shanshan will never be Kong Lingxin's opponent."

Meng Zexiao was completely stunned. He really couldn't understand what it meant for his father to arrange for the two brothers to have these two daughter-in-laws whom they didn't like to see each other.

If we continue to talk like this, we can't talk about why, but the number of greetings in my heart keeps increasing. Meng Zexiao got up and told his father to go downstairs to accompany his mother.

When I went downstairs, I found that Kong Lingxin and her mother were in the kitchen. Meng Zexiao immediately became interested, and followed him in and asked, "Did someone decide to cook by themselves today?"

Chen Meilan looked at her son and said, "No, Xiner decided to make us a loving lunch."

Meng Zexiao looked at Kong Lingxin, and saw that she was wearing a colorful apron, which looked cute and cute.

However, Meng Zexiao's arrival did not get Kong Lingxin's attention, she did not raise her head, and concentrated on picking vegetables.

Meng Zexiao went straight to Kong Lingxin's side and said, "I want to pick up vegetables too."

Mrs. Qi smiled and said, "Second Young Master, I'm afraid you'll throw the grass into the basket and the vegetables into the trash can. You'd better go back to the living room to rest!"

Mrs. Qi's words made Chen Meilan laugh too. She said to her son, "That is, in order not to let us eat grass, my good son, you can go back to the living room and stay. Or go play chess with your father and wait for you After killing a game of chess, lunch can be ready."

Meng Zexiao leaned in front of Kong Lingxin, and said with a deadpan face: "I listen to the chef, if the chef asks me to go out, I will go out."

From outsiders' point of view, Meng Zexiao and Kong Lingxin are flirting and cursing young couples. In order not to annoy Chen Meilan, Kong Lingxin didn't want to say something merciless to Meng Zexiao directly.

She said in a pleasant voice: "In order to let everyone eat quality meals on time, you should go out. Be good!"

Although he knew that Kong Lingxin was acting, Meng Zexiao was very content, because Kong Lingxin had been too lazy to act in front of him for a long time.

After Meng Zexiao went out satisfied, Chen Meilan said to Kong Lingxin, "You two are doing well! How is An Xiaoyu now?"

It's ridiculous, I didn't recruit An Xiaoyu, what happened to her, you should ask your son!Kong Lingxin could only express her dissatisfaction with Chen Meilan in her heart.

On the surface, Kong Lingxin still smiled and said to Chen Meilan: "I usually have little contact with An Xiaoyu, and I didn't pay much attention to her."

Chen Meilan raised her eyebrows and said, "I really don't understand, are you being generous or disdainful! You can turn a blind eye to such a big person dangling in front of you!"

Kong Lingxin said helplessly: "Then what else can I do? Ze Xiao won't accept the trick of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself. Let her live, and one day she will get out of trouble. Anyway, it's mine. , others can’t take it away, if it’s not mine, I can’t keep it.”

Chen Meilan knew that blindly blaming Kong Lingxin would not help their relationship at all, so she stopped criticizing Kong Lingxin.After sighing heavily, Chen Meilan stopped talking.

Mrs. Qi hadn't seen Kong Lingxin for a few days, and the joy on her face was beyond words. She smiled and said, "Ma'am, don't worry, the second young lady is actually very smart. She understands what she is doing very well. Young people's affairs Just leave it to them to deal with it, and you can enjoy yourself.”

Chen Meilan said: "Holding a grandson is a blessing. Tell me, why is there no movement in Xiner's stomach now! By the way, Xiner, how was your physical examination last time?"

It seems that for a while, Chen Meilan was really troubled by that "extortion call", and she didn't even have time to ask about Kong Lingxin's medical examination.

Kong Lingxin said: "Oh, I didn't make an appointment last time, and many items don't have special physical examinations, so I didn't have a physical examination..."

Chen Meilan showed displeasure on her face, but quickly said: "Forget it, I won't get involved in the affairs of the two of you, you can figure it out for yourself. Just don't say that I don't care about the two of you." !"

Kong Lingxin was very happy when she heard that Chen Meilan wanted to give up on herself, and her mouth became sweeter.She said: "Of course Xiner knows that my mother cares about me the most! Mom, don't worry, I know what to do. Besides, the doctor also recommends at least one year after the abortion before considering having a child, so mother, you still don't want to have a baby." So hurry up, we also have to respect science, don’t we?”

I don't know if it was affected by that text message, Chen Meilan looked much more haggard than before, and she seemed powerless about many things.

She stood up and said, "I went out, I can't bear the smell of the kitchen."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Meilan was helped out by a servant.

Seeing that there was no one around, Kong Lingxin lowered his voice and asked Mrs. Qi, "Sister-in-law Qi, why were you transferred back to the old house? Is it because your parents-in-law were unhappy because you took me to Nanshan Temple that day?"

Mrs. Qi showed embarrassment, shook her head tightly and said, "No, no, Second Young Mistress, don't make random guesses. I'm actually quite good here in the old house. Ten years old are good."

Thinking of Ran Gang's aggressive appearance in the parking lot that day, Kong Lingxin always felt that there must be something strange about it.

Was Meng Haoquan so afraid of going to Nanshan Temple by himself?What's the dark secret?

At the same time, Kong Lingxin thought of his sister's violet jadeite pendant.

Earlier I heard from Chen Meilan that Meng Haoquan was going out for a party at night, if he stayed in the old house today, he might be able to find a chance to sneak into Meng Haoquan's study room which is usually not allowed to enter, and he might be able to find the pendant.

Seeing Kong Lingxin's preoccupation, Mrs. Qi thought that Kong Lingxin was worried for herself, and added, "Second young lady, put your heart in your stomach. I heard from my wife that the reason why I let Mrs. Lin go over there Taking care of you is also to drive An Xiaoyu away."

(End of this chapter)

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