Meng Shao, you have today too

Chapter 129 Learned to Act Like a Baby with Someone

Chapter 129 Learned to Act Like a Baby with Someone
Meng Zexiao's nerves, which had been tense for a whole day, instantly relaxed a lot because of Kong Lingxin's soft words.

Both of them seem to have forgotten the inexplicably unhappy mood in the ward last night. At this time, Meng Zexiao especially wanted to come to Kong Lingxin's side, look into her eyes and have a good talk with her. He had already forgotten the way she spoke softly. .

From Meng Zexiao's point of view, since Kong Lingxin's temperament changed drastically, when talking to him, he was either icy cold, ruthless or indifferent.

He was hospitalized two days ago, and when he woke up from the coma, he saw that Kong Lingxin really cared about him, but he knew very well that the proportion of guilt in her heart was greater than concern.

After all, Kong Lingxin was still a kind woman. She could think of her servants and Wan Si, but she only ignored his feelings.

Meng Zexiao felt that he had tried his best to make up for the harm caused to Kong Lingxin due to his fault, but her reaction was very limited. He didn't even know how long he could last in his current state.Maybe it was true as Song Kai and the others said, he was not really moved by Kong Lingxin, but because of his character, he was originally a very possessive person, once the people around him lost control, he would do everything A way to control those people and those things.

Maybe he chased her back again, and she would become less important in his heart than before.

A woman once lived in his heart, and since that woman left, Meng Zexiao no longer knows what it feels like to miss someone.

Including Kong Lingxin now, when seeing the images transmitted from the camera, Meng Zexiao would smile knowingly when he saw her innocent appearance, but he was not like he was with that woman back then. miss her.

"Did you hear that? Get plenty of rest and don't let yourself get tired. Illnesses come and go like a mountain. Don't think that your body is as strong as a cow and you can ignore it. When the time comes, your body will retaliate against you for not caring about it."

Kong Lingxin's soft words brought Meng Zexiao back from contemplation to reality. Meng Zexiao said, "Okay, I understand. You can go to the hospital with Wan Si and tell her to have a good checkup. The company will pay for it."

This is what people say!

After Kong Lingxin hung up the phone, she looked at the phone and giggled for a while, and after a while, she withdrew her smile again.

Thinking that just now, I would speak to Meng Zexiao in such an ambiguous tone that only lovers would use, I feel very inconceivable.

Maybe it's because the guilt of causing him to be hospitalized hasn't passed, maybe it's because she called Liu Hanyi without telling him last night, so she used this way to make up for it...

Just when Kong Lingxin's mind was in a mess, Wan Si changed her clothes and came out. She seemed to have forgotten her embarrassing experience just now, and looked at Kong Lingxin with a meaningful smile and said, "Oh, hey, I even learned how to talk to someone You are acting like a baby, it seems that the two of you are showing signs of reconciliation now!"

Kong Lingxin didn't dare to look into Wan Si's eyes, for fear of being seen through by her.

Kong Lingxin turned to the side, smoothed her hair to the base of her ear, and said, "Did you hear me wrong! When did I act like a spoiled child! Okay, let's go, I have to send you to the hospital immediately."

Wan Si said: "Well, it's fine if you don't admit it! Anyway, I just lost my love, and I hate those people who are passionately in love to show their affection the most, so let's just say you are still in the cold war!"

Kong Lingxin and Wan Si walked out of Wan Si's house together. When they came out, they found four bodyguards standing at the door, two on each side, as if they were on guard. Wan Si couldn't help but take a second look.

Kong Lingxin whispered in Wan Si's ear, "If you want, you can start a new relationship now."

After listening, Wan Si came over to answer Kong Lingxin and said: "They can only look at it, Shi Lei is more handsome than them, and the result..."

After entering the elevator where even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly, it was impossible to whisper, and Kong Lingxin and Wan Si could only communicate with each other with their eyes.

Four 1.8-meter bodyguards in suits and leather shoes, Kong Lingxin exuding an aristocratic atmosphere, and a dignified Wan Si stood in the elevator from upstairs to downstairs, stopping several times in the middle.Residents standing in front of the elevator who were about to come in saw the behavior of the six handsome men and women in the elevator very uniformly—they forgot to enter the elevator after staring blankly.

The elevator opened and closed, but there were always six of them in the elevator.

After leaving the unit building, Wan Si looked back and saw that the people who didn't come in the elevator just ran to the stairs and looked down.

Wan Si said to Kong Lingxin: "Believe it or not, when I go home tomorrow, my neighbors will block the door and ask me if I am the agent of a female celebrity."

Kong Lingxin smiled and said: "You can still joke. It seems that you are not particularly sad, so I can rest assured."

Wan Si said helplessly: "Life is a trap. As long as you are alive, you may be trapped. If you untangle one trap, there will be another trap. I wanted to get rid of Shi Lei's trap a long time ago, but I have never been ruthless. In fact, I should say thank you. It was you who made me make up my mind to take this trick. The reason why I was reluctant before was because I had his original appearance in my heart, but today I saw his ugliest side. The only thing left in my heart The good feelings are gone! That's it, starting today, I want to return to the normal life track."

Kong Lingxin felt relieved and said, "If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come. The better ones will be in the back. If he doesn't leave, how can there be room for the next boyfriend? The best ones will be at the end!"

Wan Si said: "Can you not use such a serious way to persuade a woman who has lost her love, but choose a relaxed way, which makes me really think that falling in love is a very serious matter."

Kong Lingxin looked at Wan Si and said seriously: "Actually, what I want to tell you the most right now is that you haven't been in love at all, so why pretend to be lovelorn!"

Immediately after finishing speaking, he trotted forward a few steps, for fear of being retaliated by Wansi.

Wan Si rolled a blank look at Kong Lingxin, "You're making too much of a knife!"

Kong Lingxin said: "Okay, in order to make up for your wounded heart, let me tell you a joke. Let's tell a joke about a man who has broken up in love! A man broke up in love, and he told his friends who came to persuade him that women are the worst in the world." Things, their hearts are poison, I advise you not to approach women."

Wan Si asked, "And then?"

Kong Lingxin said: "A few days later, my friend saw that he was very intimate with a woman, so he asked him: Why are you with women again? Are they poisonous? Guess this man answered like that?"

Wan thought for a while and said, "The brain cells died in battle, so I can't think of it."

Kong Lingxin solved the riddle and said, "The man said: Ever since I lost my relationship, I have been very pessimistic and have always wanted to commit suicide by taking poison."

Wan Si looked at Kong Lingxin and said, "Then what do you think of me?"

Kong Lingxin once again showed a very serious expression and said something very serious: "I hope you, like that man, quickly commit suicide by taking poison."


However, as soon as the laughter of the two of them stopped, they saw the face they least wanted to see again.

Shi Lei shamelessly stayed at the gate of the community and did not leave. After seeing Kong Lingxin and Wan Si coming out, he pulled his suitcase, to be more precise, took Wan Si's suitcase and walked up to Wan Si again, saying: " Sisi, you can't just leave me alone, you know I'm penniless and I have no place to live, can you lend me some money, and I'll pay you back right away when I make money..."

Before Shi Lei finished speaking, the bodyguards who were behind Kong Lingxin and Wan Si rushed up, pulled Shi Lei aside, and stared at him with warning eyes.

Maybe there is really no way out, although Shi Lei is afraid of being beaten up by the bodyguards again, but he is even more afraid of the days without money.

Kong Lingxin was about to tell Wan Si, if you soften your heart once now, you will become this bitch's permanent cash machine in the future.

But before Kong Lingxin could say anything, Wan Si took a step forward and said, "Shi Lei, I made it very clear just now, the relationship between the two of us is completely over! You have hands and feet, you must learn to take care of yourself. Future responsibility! I have no obligation to take care of you, don't force me to say bad things. Let's go and relax!"

But Shi Lei said relentlessly: "Wan Si, you have changed, you have no sympathy at all! Look at your expression when you say this, exactly the same expression as a shrew!"

Kong Lingxin wanted to tell Wan Si again, this is Shi Lei's aggressive method, so don't talk to him.

But Wan Si kept a clear mind and said: "There is a very widely circulated article that said that a meek woman becomes aggressive, it must be because the man is not up to date, and she has to stand out. A pure and noble woman becomes vulgar, It must be that the man is not of high grade. On the contrary, a mediocre woman, whose appearance becomes cute, her eyes become bright, and her behavior becomes graceful, must have a good man. So, I become unsympathetic and shrew, that’s all Thanks to you!"

Not to mention Shi Lei, even Kong Lingxin was surprised that Wan Si suddenly became so enlightened!

Shi Lei was speechless, his mouth was opened wide, and he couldn't speak for a moment.

Wan Si turned to Kong Lingxin and said, "Let's go."

Kong Lingxin showed a relieved smile and said, "Okay, let's go."

Kong Lingxin and Wan Si sat in the car, and when they were about to leave, Shi Lei's reflexes came to him, and he chased after the car and shouted: "Wan Si, what the hell are you! If you get closer to rich people, you'll think I am a member of the upper class! In fact, you are a shameless bitch! Let me tell you, I, Shi Lei, was the only one who slept with you blindly for two years. I can kick you!"

Shi Lei's shameless words pierced into Wan Si's heart word by word, and two lines of tears flowed down from her clear eyes.

Kong Lingxin took Wan Si's hand, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but at this moment, any words seemed powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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