Chapter 123
Touching the black plastic bag, Wan Si felt that there should be something like paper in it. Under normal circumstances, who would put paper in the refrigerator.An inexplicable excitement flashed through Wan Si's mind, and her heart beat faster. She expected that when she opened the paper, she would see the secret Kong Lingxin said.

Just when Wan Si was about to open the plastic bag with her hands, she suddenly heard movement outside the door.Because he didn't want the neighbors around to see the lights suddenly turn on in this room, Wan Si has always used his mobile phone as a lighting device.

Wan Si hurriedly turned off the light on the phone, put the black plastic bag in his pocket, and was a little flustered for a while.She didn't know where she should hide. If she hid in the house, those people outside might have the same purpose as her. They were all looking for things, and they would definitely turn the whole house upside down.With a height of 1.6 meters [-] and a weight of [-] catties, she would be discovered within a few minutes.

But if you wait to meet them at the door, these people will definitely snatch this hard-earned item in your hand.

What should I do?How to do?
Through the door, Wan Si could tell from the sound of footsteps and their low-pitched voices that there were at least three of these people, and they were all men.

Wan Si ran around anxiously, lost his mind for a while, walked to the kitchen on the side, looked down, the eleventh floor turned out to be so high, if he jumped from here, he would become a vegetable without falling to his death.

Wan Si looked up to the sky and sighed, if only he knew magic, he could turn himself into an invisible person, so that he could easily avoid the pursuit of those monsters and ghosts...

Soon Wansi calmed down, it was time for life and death, and she was still dreaming of a girl's magic dream, which was childish and ridiculous and could not solve the problem.

With an idea, Wan Si used her mobile phone to call the property management in the community where Peng Nan's family was located, and the property's phone number was posted on the message board at the door.

After the property manager answered the phone, Wan Si immediately said: "Property management, hurry up and send security to 1102, Block C, Building [-]. I saw a few sneaky men walking from there when I went downstairs to throw out the trash. But, it seems like a thief."

Fortunately, properties in high-end communities are still very responsible, and security patrols will be arranged at night.After receiving Wansi's call, the property management immediately notified the security guard near Block C of the fifth building to check it out immediately.

After Wan Si finished making the phone call, she walked back to the door lightly, with her ear pressed against the door, listening to every move outside.

"What's going on with you today! Why did the lock open so slowly, it's been 3 minutes!"

"This lock is different from others. The lock cylinder is better. It's a little troublesome to open. Don't rush."

Wan Si secretly rejoiced that Peng Nan was a rich man, and even installed a lock that was different from other people's houses, otherwise these few people who didn't know their origins would have come in long ago.

It took less than a minute to wait for the security guard after making the phone call, which was longer than the usual day.

Every move of the unknown people outside made Wan Si feel like she was about to collapse. She really couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she collided with these people.

It's not worthwhile to be beaten to death like this before you have a good relationship!

"It seems that someone is coming up the stairs!"

There was a sound of panic outside, Wan Si was so happy that he covered his mouth with his hands, for fear that he would be too happy to make a sound—it seems that the phone call he made worked, and the security guards came up!
"Quickly, grab your things and go!"

Then Wan Si heard a "ding", and she knew that these people should have run away from entering the elevator.

After a while, there was another sound of footsteps outside, which seemed to be the voice from the walkie-talkie: "How are you? Are you here? Is there anything unusual?"

Only the security guard replied: "Report to the captain, I didn't see anyone, and they may have slipped away before we came. But this lock does have signs of being picked."

Wan Si suddenly felt a little bad again, what would happen to her if the security guard was too conscientious to stand guard here!

In order not to leave traces of herself in this house, Wan Si tied up her braids and put on gloves. The shoes on her feet were temporarily bought in a shoe store.Originally, she was a size 37 shoe, but bought a pair of size 36 shoes. Only I know whether the shoes fit or not.After tossing and tossing for so long, Wan Si already felt that his feet were a little too much.

Sure enough, there were two security guards outside the door, one stayed at the door and guarded, and the other began to look around.

The security guard at the door asked his supervisor through the walkie-talkie: "Captain, do you want to call the police?"

The captain replied to him: "Now we are adjusting the surveillance video. If the residents are stolen, we will call the police. If they are not stolen, we will print out the photos of these people and circulate them among everyone. If we see them again in the future. The community will follow them closely!"

Wan Si's feet were really uncomfortable, so she simply sat on the floor against the door, waiting for the dedicated security guard to leave.

After a while, a middle-aged woman's voice came from outside the door, "Hello, are you a security guard?"

The security guard immediately replied: "Yes, I am the security guard here."

"When the elevator passed the seventh floor just now, I seemed to hear something unusual. You'd better go down and have a look."

The security guard immediately said, "Okay, I'll go down now."

Then Wan Si heard a light knock on the door, and she said, "Wan Si, are you in, come out quickly."

Wan Si was startled, the other party knew that he was here, opened the door quickly, and saw Lu Fang who had been carefully disguised.

As soon as the door was opened, Lu Fang pulled Wan Si out, and said as she walked, "Ling Xin said that she was worried about you, so let me come over to take a look. Fortunately, I am here, otherwise you may not be able to stay here for a long time. Woolen cloth."

Wan Si was still in a state of shock, and he didn't know whether he was scared or the shoes were not suitable. When he was walking, Wan Si felt that the two legs under his body didn't listen to him at all, and he almost tripped several times. Hold on.

It wasn't until she sat in Lu Fang's car that Wan Si's heartbeat gradually eased. After taking a deep breath, she said to Lu Fang, "Thank you, auntie, I was really scared to death just now."

Lu Fang didn't know what Kong Lingxin asked Wan Si to do from the beginning to the end. She gave the address on the phone and asked Lu Fang to come over, saying that Wan Si was here. People lead away.

Wan Si took off her shoes and asked Lu Fang to stop the car near the trash can. After she threw the shoes into the trash can and returned to the car, Lu Fang couldn't help asking: "What the hell are you two doing? The one just now Whose house is it?"

Wan Si said: "I don't know what I'm doing either. Lingxin should have a reason for letting me do this. That house belongs to Peng Nan, the former family doctor of the Meng family. She has been missing for several days."

Lu Fang nodded thoughtfully, and said: "It turned out to be her... Wan Si, you must tell Ling Xin that you must be very cautious when asking her to do things in the future. The Meng family is not as simple as you two think. "

Wan Si said: "I think Lingxin is very clear about what she is doing. Auntie, don't worry, your daughter is not the cowardly person she was back then. After some experiences, she has completely transformed into an excellent person."

When Wan Si said this, she didn't hide her admiration for Kong Lingxin at all. Lu Fang was even more worried because she didn't know this adopted daughter very well, so she didn't know what she did, and she didn't know what she did suddenly. How to help her in this situation.

Lu Fang said worriedly: "You young people are not wrong to take risks, but don't underestimate the power of the Meng family. By the way, don't forget to tell Ling Xin the best news when you go to school tomorrow. Your Uncle Kong went to the company for a meeting overnight, and someone released the news overnight, saying that the price of the Shengshi Mingmen real estate will increase, and it is said that there are already people queuing up at the sales office, waiting to choose a house when the sales office opens tomorrow."

This is indeed great news!
Wan Si said excitedly: "Wow, really! I didn't expect the good news to come out so soon. It's only been a few hours!"

The difficult night was finally over. When Kong Lingxin got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast, she saw that the servant who delivered breakfast to Meng Zexiao had already returned. She looked at the clock on the wall, it was only 07:30.

Then he asked the servant, "Why did you come back so early? Has he had breakfast?"

The servant raised the lunch box in his hand and said to Kong Lingxin: "Second Young Mistress, Second Young Master has been discharged from the hospital early in the morning. I didn't see anyone when I arrived at the hospital. Just after dawn, he clamored to be discharged from the hospital, and he was discharged from the hospital without listening to persuasion. Fortunately, the doctor said that the second young master's physical fitness is very good, and he is fine, and his body does meet the indicators for discharge. So, second young lady, you also Don't worry too much."

Kong Lingxin let out a soft "Oh" and walked slowly to the dining room.

After taking a sip of porridge, there was no taste in his mouth. What was in his mind was why Meng Zexiao suddenly asked to be discharged from the hospital. Could it be that there is something important at work?Does it have something to do with the file from last night?

A good drama about the lives of wealthy urbanites, unexpectedly turned into a suspenseful thriller drama by Kong Lingxin...

This play can be said to be a rose garden, or it can be a hell on earth, it all depends on the hearts of the participants.In view of what happened to her younger sister, it was absolutely impossible for Kong Lingxin to allow herself to stay in this illusory rose garden. The illusory things would be wiped out sooner or later.

The hell on earth has been formed, and the door to turning back has been closed. Kong Lingxin has no way to turn back at this point.

In the living room, the TV broadcasts the local morning news. From the air quality to the news of the parents in the community, from weddings and funerals to dating and making friends. At the end of the program, Kong Lingxin heard a familiar name——Zhong Xu !
That Professor Zhong who authenticated her bead chain! (If you have no impression, go back and read Chapter 99)
(End of this chapter)

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