As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 22: Always Say Chapters in Unexpected Ways

Chapter 22 Always speak in unexpected ways (1)
Talk like Ma Yun with personality, no one wants to forget you
If you don't learn from others, you can't let others learn from you
Everyone is unique in this world, there is no one like us in this world, and there can be no one like us.But many people always want to dress up like others and pursue a kind of sameness.This is completely unnecessary.

There is a saying, "What makes me who I am lies in the place where I am different from others".In other words, the reason why I am me is that I am different from others.It is those differences that set us apart from other people, these are our characteristics, our personalities.

No matter what we do or what we say, we must retain this individuality.This is our label, our business card, and our competitiveness.Today I feel that I am not good enough because I have not found my own style, not because I feel that I am not good enough to learn from others.

In this regard, Ma Yun has a deep insight. He has always been himself, not imitating others.Because he felt that if he did that, he would not be himself, and he would not be able to succeed.The following report exemplifies this problem.

Over the past few years, there have been many companies that have imitated Alibaba, and many companies have even copied Alibaba's products directly, including "If you have any questions, please contact Alibaba", "A lawsuit will be under the jurisdiction of the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court" and so on. The terms of service have repeatedly appeared in the terms of service of these imitators' products.

"Over the past few years, at least thousands of companies around the world have claimed to provide the same services as Alibaba, and many companies even threatened to replace Alibaba!" Five minutes before Ma Yun told reporters this number, his subordinates had just reported a piece of news— —Another domestic peer has also launched a trading platform recently, and plans to hold a grand press conference at the gate of Alibaba (Hangzhou) in a few days to show "challenge Alibaba".

"Those who resemble me will die, those who learn from me will live." Ma Yun used Qi Baishi's famous saying to warn the latecomers.Ma Yun explained that the most important thing for a trading platform is popularity and orders. Alibaba has accumulated millions of users and established a global procurement system. It is neither rational nor realistic for latecomers to play the same brand. , and there is no way to start a new Alibaba!" "Study the business philosophy of successful companies carefully, find out what is still lacking in the market, complement the existing large companies, and go out of your own way." Ma Yun believes , This is a "way of life".

Going out of your own way is the best way.Ma Yun's business path is like this, and so is his expression path.Ma Yun speaks with great personality. It can be said that he already has his own Ma style, which is his competitiveness.

Therefore, if you want to learn Ma Yun's speech, you must learn his "meaning" instead of learning "shape", that is, study Ma Yun's speech skills instead of learning Ma Yun's tone.We are not Ma Yun, and it is impossible to achieve the same effect as Ma Yun when speaking in Ma Yun's tone. Instead, it is easy to make people think that we are following others and arty.

People still need to retain some individuality, put these unique personalities that belong to us in our own speech, form our own style, and then study more speaking skills, we will naturally be able to develop good eloquence.

If one day we think that this person's speech is good, we imitate it, and the next day we think another person's speech is excellent, and we imitate it again, then we will lose ourselves in less than two or three times.A person who loses himself will definitely not be welcomed by others.

No matter what you do, you must find the most suitable for you, only the most suitable is the best.No matter what you study, you must grasp the key points. Only when you grasp the key points can you gain something.Parrot-like learning is the most undesirable thing, it can only make others a joke, and it will not benefit one's own growth at all.

The best way to improve one's speech level is to retain one's own strengths, and then use others' strengths to fill one's own weaknesses, instead of copying what others have.Distinguish which ones are good from the other side and keep your own basic advantages.In this way, we can really get the harvest.That kind of unreserved learning is undesirable at any time.

Skillfully use the "backup group" to enhance the effect of persuasion
There is a popular saying that if a person hangs out with a group of poor friends all day long, he will probably not become rich; if he hangs out with some millionaires all day long, he will soon be able to start his own business.The reason lies in the environment. The poor always like to complain when they are together, and they are not willing to make money, so they have no money.When the rich are together, they are more willing to discuss business, share each other's business information, and seek cooperation, so they can get more information and opportunities when they are together.What's more, after being with a millionaire for a long time, a person's temperament will also change.When you appear with them, in the eyes of the uninformed, you must also be a millionaire, so they are more willing to believe you.

This truth may make some people uncomfortable, but it does have some rationality.

A smart person will also use this method when introducing himself.Some people are capable, but they don't know how to introduce themselves in front of strangers, and they don't know how to gain others' trust.And a wise man will tell something about the things that happened between him and the more famous and respected people that everyone knows.In this way, people will subconsciously feel that this person must also be a powerful character.

In a customer meeting, Jack Ma said:
Last Saturday, the CEO of Starbucks visited our company. This company is worthy of our respect.Everyone knows that coffee can be sold like him, with a market value of 350 billion U.S. dollars, and anything is possible.He sells coffee with strong values ​​and a sense of mission.

I was chatting with the boss of Xintiandi. A cup of coffee across the road costs [-] yuan, but at Starbucks, a cup of coffee costs [-] yuan, and there are more people sitting there.What are you selling?I want to share with you the story told by this boss.

He went to London, the busiest street in London is Oxford Street, where every inch of land is expensive.After he went in, he found a small shop in the busiest place, the facade was not small, and it said it sold cheese (cheese).Cheese is very cheap, equivalent to the lard we sell here.A store in this kind of place must sell expensive things to maintain itself.He went in, and there was an old man inside, with an unshaven beard, working very seriously and vigorously.He asked the old man how much the rent for the shop was, and how he managed to maintain his business in a place where the land price was so high.The old man replied, young man, these shops and buildings are mine.Our family sells cheese, from my grandpa's grandfather to me. My son is making cheese on the street in London now, and he sells it for me.Our interest and hobby is to make the best cheese in the UK and Europe.Now that we have such a large property in our family, there is no problem with renting out the house, but we still make cheese.The owner of Xintiandi said that he never buys cheese, but he bought more than $50 cheese that day and brought back a big bag.Doing business, making any product, as long as you are interested and put in love, it will definitely last.

Each of us now wants to do big projects, big things, and big products, but what this old man is doing is a small thing.As I said last time, when we went to Japan a few years ago, there was a very small store with the words "148th anniversary of our store opening". I went in and took a look. It was only about 15 square meters, and it had been operated from generation to generation.It is made for snacks and sold in the palace.So this is another thing we learned, passion.

What is passion?Even after 30 years of work, you are still doing it, and you are still passionate. This is called passion.Many of our passions are only for three days or three hours, and they will disappear after a while.

We are going to have a strategic cooperation with Starbucks. This strategic cooperation is not about doing business, but about social responsibility.We want to build a platform to make a connection on social equity and social responsibility.

Some people may not want to admit Ma Yun, and some people may think that Alibaba's Taobao is very ordinary.But everyone knows that Starbucks is a large enterprise with a certain scale and a certain status.Ma Yun used the attitude of the boss of Starbucks towards them to successfully show the importance of his company.This is superb speaking skills.

It's hard to get the approval of others, especially strangers you're meeting for the first time.Generally, when you meet a stranger, although you have the desire to get to know each other, you usually have to set up a line of defense in your heart.And the best way to break through this line of defense is not to tell the other party how good we are. That would be suspected of direct persuasion, and it would also make people think that we are bragging and boasting about ourselves.In another way, let them know how good people we are working with, and how those good people evaluate us is enough.

The angle of speech is very important. Don't talk to people in a way that others will resist. Not only will you not be able to narrow the distance between each other's hearts, but it may have the opposite effect.

borrow someone else's words to carry the sedan chair

Some people are very strange and always like to watch people order dishes.The same sentence, if it is said by an ordinary person, they think it is very general and nothing special, but if it is said by a more famous person, they think it is very reasonable.This kind of psychology is bad, but we can't make them change.Therefore, when there are important words or truths that are beneficial to the other party and ourselves that need to be believed by the other party, we might as well tell a white lie and use celebrities to package ourselves.

In a speech to Alibaba employees, Jack Ma once admitted that he had done similar things.

I think there is a sentence. Before I say it, I want to tell you the most essential things of the company. The essence of Alibaba is "embrace change" and "never give up".

Many people start a business to make a fortune, to make money, and to start a business for survival.Maybe most people are like this. I think when we start a business, we want to prove that we are right and what we are right about.We want to prove that we can help many people gain wealth through the Internet. The Internet will change every aspect of human life. This is what I said.

At that time, I said that the Internet will change all aspects of human life, but no one paid attention to me, so I changed it to what Bill Gates said.We began to follow this path persistently in 1994 and 1995, and determined that the Internet would change lives, and we wanted to help small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs, and disadvantaged groups.

At the beginning of his business, Jack Ma was unpopular.He went around giving speeches, but people didn't think highly of him.Even Jack Ma once laughed at himself that many people regarded him as a liar at that time.But Ma Yun knew in his heart that he must be on the right path.At this time, he adopted the method he mentioned above, using Bill Gates' reputation to achieve his goals.Originally a sentence that did not attract much attention from others, when he said that Bill Gates said it, many people immediately agreed, and people began to pay attention to the Internet and Jack Ma.

This is the art of speaking.Honesty is a virtue, and each of us has to tell the truth, but sometimes it's okay to tell a lie once in a while.The key lies in the motivation of lying. If it is to get closer to others, and the lie is not boasting or causing harm to anyone, you might as well give it a try.

We must remember a principle, no matter what we say or how we say it, the purpose is to better communicate with others and to shorten the distance between each other. If it is for this purpose, it is okay to tell a harmless little lie questionable.It is no problem to use the influence of celebrities to achieve our goals.

Of course, what is even more unproblematic is to directly quote what celebrities have said, especially those that are well-known, which will be more convincing.Moreover, when talking with people, a famous quote often comes out of our mouths, which not only makes our own words more convincing, but also gives the other party a better impression that we are knowledgeable and knowledgeable people.As long as you give the other party a good impression, it will be easier to communicate.

If you study Ma Yun's speech, you will find that he is a master of it.Ma Yun not only often quotes famous quotes from famous people, but also is particularly willing to tell some short stories that famous people have experienced to help prove his point of view.Doing so is both figurative and persuasive, and is a good way to talk.

If we ourselves cannot attract enough attention from others, we need to consider using external forces.This kind of help is not necessarily to find someone to help, quoting those famous quotes can also allow us to achieve this goal.When others see what we are doing now, there are many famous people who are doing or have done it, then their confidence in us will increase, and the confidence will increase, and naturally they will trust us more.At this time, whether you want to make friends with the other party or do business with the other party, it will become easier.

Unless you are a celebrity, don't always start with "I", and know that our own examples and words don't have enough power in others.Quote more famous quotes, the effect will naturally be better.

"People always look up to busy people"

Ma Yun is a master of speech, he can always win the audience's heartfelt applause through his own words.This is not only due to Ma Yun's unique thinking and his words, but also because of his superb speech skills.

The same sentence, spoken by an ordinary person without any strength, has become a classic when Jack Ma speaks it.On the same occasion, when other people speak at the beginning, they are flat, but if the speaker is Ma Yun, it will be different immediately, and he will speak very vividly.

Ma Yun can do this because he understands people, knows what others want, and can meet people's needs.

In 2001, Alibaba held a member meeting in Wenzhou, and Ma Yun gave a wonderful speech.He started it like this:

Today is Sunday, everyone can come, on behalf of the employees of Alibaba, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks!
I went to the United States on November 11th, and members from all over the United States flew to New York to attend the Alibaba meeting.We will soon hold an Alibaba membership meeting in Japan, and in 4 we will have a meeting of European members.Now our members are growing very fast, and our members all want to know more about Alibaba.

This is the first time I have come to Wenzhou to meet the members. I came to Wenzhou in 1983, and I have always admired the entrepreneurs in Wenzhou.This time in Wenzhou, first, I want to introduce the current situation of Alibaba; second, I want to personally experience the entrepreneurial spirit of Wenzhou entrepreneurs; Everyone share.Many enterprises do not know whether e-commerce is useful to enterprises and how to use it.Many people say that Internet companies are going from bad to worse, and they are almost the same. Is it the same for Alibaba?I will share my true thoughts with you.

(End of this chapter)

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