As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 15 When God is Wrong, Refutation

Chapter 15 When God is wrong, he must refute it (2)
Thank you everyone, I'm a little jet lagged, I just came back from the United States, I'm sorry everyone, every time I call you over in a hurry to communicate.Before coming here, a media friend said, what did you write on your hand?I wrote four or five characters of "forbearance" on my hand.My friends are worried about me, afraid that I will lose my temper.This year was a lot of trouble. There were three such communications. The first time was when the TV station criticized Taobao for fake products, the second time was Alipay, and the third time was this.It's strange that the Alipay incident has brought out VIE, saying that we are honest and we are cracking down on small businesses.

I heard a song on the plane, "The person who hurts you the most is the person who loves you the most".The introduction of this policy, Taobao Mall has done a lot of research, and I have been paying attention to this matter. The starting point is: first, several ministries and commissions jointly crack down on counterfeiting and online integrity. E-commerce is getting bigger and bigger. If we do not take measures against counterfeit and parallel imports, China's e-commerce will not last long.Second, China's e-commerce is facing industrial upgrading.I think China's economy will face challenges within three years, and the biggest challenges are Chinese private enterprises.The structure of the United States has done a good job. Another reason I went to the United States this time is to see how Obama solves the problem of employment. China may learn from the path they have traveled.

Some people will ask Ma Yun why you always stand on the peak of morality, but I don't, I'm just an ordinary entrepreneur.At the end of last year, at the Taobao conference, I said that there must be a difficulty in Taobao in 2011. I forgot what I said, but who knew it would come.I hope 2011 will be the last time for Taobao. What Alibaba lacks today is not engineers and customer service personnel, but legal experts, economists and policy scientists.Have you ever come across such a company?There are 800 million shoppers on Taobao, and many people make a living from it. If you don’t change, online shopping will start in three years. Online shopping and e-commerce may be the best way to solve China’s domestic demand and expand employment.I was on the plane at 1:20. Before 9:[-], I was still discussing the employment issue in California with the governor of California. It is also difficult to find employment in China every year.

We chose this path ourselves, and we did not ask for your sympathy, but just hope that you can understand the difficulty of doing this.My reputation this year is "crossing the river and tearing down bridges". I have never been a hero of the Internet, I am just a mortal born in Hangzhou.What I sometimes feel sorry for at night is my co-workers who are doing more than they can handle.Some people say that we siphoned money, illegally raised funds, and said that we used it to buy Yahoo. Do you know how much it costs to buy Yahoo?According to today's market value of 200 billion US dollars, according to the current speed of tens of thousands, the next life will not be fully funded.We are the company with the largest cash reserves among Internet companies, and we have already prepared for more than 200 billion US dollars.How much does it cost to run Taobao for a year? In 2011, the cash expenditure was more than 60 billion yuan, excluding 20 billion yuan in fixed expenses, and 80 billion yuan was spent a year. I didn't ask the bank or the government for a penny.You have difficulties, which company has no difficulties?How did we get up?More than 200 million direct jobs have been created. Every enterprise has its own pressure, and it is not easy.When Taobao was first established, everyone said that you beat eBay for free, and some people said it was a monopoly.Some time ago, I went across the desert in the United States. I ran out of gas. After walking for a long time, I found a gas station. When I saw that it was going to add 75%, the driver was very angry and said it was a monopoly.The owner of the gas station said, go and see other places, and you are welcome to invest here. I started to work as a gas station 10 years ago and invested day and night.

The people who came to make trouble today are not unreasonable. I listened carefully and listened a lot. The idea of ​​our policy formulation is good, and the method needs to be improved and communicated.Wang Shuai reminded me again and again not to scold the media, but to use the communication method of the Internet age. I was surprised that the report was not that we were cracking down on counterfeiting and building a high-quality mall, but that the price was increased by 5 to 10 times.I think there is a problem with our communication this time. Those who formulate the system are all young people in their 30s and 5s, and there is a lack of system experts.I totally understand the resentment that some people have, and today I have to face that challenge. More than 5000 people participated in the attack. More than [-] people actually participated in the attack. Half of them did not have Taobao stores. Those who had stores had been punished. Of course, there were employees of an Internet company behind them.We are not without fault, and we apologize to everyone.

This is the way Ma Yun speaks, and it will always be able to receive the greatest effect.First of all, I expressed my apology to appease everyone's emotions, then explained the reasons, sorted out the reasons for the whole incident, etc., commented on the right and wrong of the links, and finally expressed my apology to everyone.After the whole routine, people will naturally have a lot less questions.

The brilliance of Ma Yun's speech is here. He can always adjust his speech strategy according to the audience.Many people have also faced a similar crisis, but either because they were too strong and caused greater dissatisfaction, or they were attacked by others because of their empty words.

The correct way to deal with it should be to affirm the other party's behavior first, but this affirmation is also learned. It is necessary to affirm the other party's mood, not the other party's behavior.In layman's terms, it is to tell the other party that they can understand their feelings, and if they were in their position, they might make the same choice.But you must not directly say that their behavior is right. After such affirmation, there is no way to make follow-up affirmation.

Give the other party a certain degree of affirmation in order to appease the other party's emotions and make them less excited.Then it’s about presenting the facts and reasoning, analyzing the causes of the whole incident with them, telling them how much each other has paid, and letting them understand that we have done well enough.If you deny their behavior at this time, the other party will naturally have nothing to say.

We need to pay attention to skills in speaking. Even if we are completely correct, we must leave a little room for the other party, at least to save a little face for them.

When God is wrong, refute it
Chinese people have always been relatively introverted, they pay attention to being kind to others, and they pay attention to harmony, especially in the field of business. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that harmony makes money.

Indeed, modern society is a service-oriented society, and people pursue the concept of customer first and customer is God.But sometimes God makes mistakes.Especially when the external environment changes, there will be many conflicts between customers and the company.At this time, how to deal with it depends on one's wisdom.

Some people choose the way of making money with harmony, and satisfy all the requirements of customers one by one. This is not impossible, but if the request is something we are unwilling or unreasonable, we may as well refute it directly.

Only by adhering to principles can we make our career bigger.

At this point, Ma Yun has done a good job.For Jack Ma, 2011 was an eventful year.This year, Alibaba’s Taobao under the leadership of Ma Yun continued to have incidents, especially the incident of Taobao Mall raising the threshold, which had a particularly strong response. Many people questioned Ma Yun’s approach, and some even protested outright.Faced with this situation, in early July 2011, Jack Ma flew back to Hangzhou from the United States and met with the media for clarification and explanation.

At the interview site, Ma Yun refuted the so-called Taobao Mall raising the threshold service fee one by one as "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge", and even made cash preparations for the rumored acquisition of Yahoo: "Some people say that Alibaba does not understand small businesses and does not care about the life and death of small businesses. I would like to ask , which company or institution in China can stand up and say that it understands small businesses better than us, and can directly understand the current situation and problems of small business development than we do? In the past 12 years, the development of Alibaba and the development of small businesses in China have been honored or disgraced. Together, I am proud of it!"

"Taobao has been in operation for 9 years, and Taobao still insists on the strategy of opening stores for free. We never expect to make money from Taobao Mall, but we require all merchants to ensure the overall quality of this platform. The important basis for making money is that all merchants must It can provide consumers with high-quality goods and services.”

Ma Yun said that the development and growth of Taobao has been a responsibility for Alibaba people. "Taobao's annual operating cost alone exceeds 70 billion yuan. The transaction scale of Taobao platform will reach 6000 billion yuan this year, cultivate more than 800 million merchants, and directly and indirectly provide 200 million job opportunities every year. If one day Taobao gateway opens, even if If it is shut down for one day, the impact will be unimaginable. Therefore, we must take all measures to ensure quality, which is also the original intention of Taobao Mall to raise the quality threshold.”

In the face of a voice, how we respond does not depend on the identity of the other party, but on whether the other party's request is reasonable.If the other party's request is reasonable, then we must obey it, at least we cannot refute it, even if we are unhappy, we cannot refute it. This is the most basic principle.But if the other party is unreasonable, don't make concessions for the sake of calming down the matter, as that is also irresponsible to yourself.In the face of unreasonable demands, just refute them directly, even if the person is our customer.

Ma Yun upholds such a mentality.Taobao is a product of Jack Ma's company. What they do and how to do it is naturally up to Jack Ma to decide. As long as he does not violate the contract signed with the customer, it is reasonable.If you ask Ma Yun to make unconditional concessions because your profit margins have been compressed, it is naturally wrong and unreasonable. At this time, you should directly refute it.Although it is said that the customer is God, when God is wrong, we have to respond.

We often encounter similar situations in life, some people speak with sarcasm or they are directed at us, with an unfriendly attitude.At this time, we have to refute it back, and use our sharpness and acrimony to let them know that we pursue harmony because harmony is beneficial to everyone, but if it crosses our bottom line, we will not continue to endure it.

There must be a reason for everything.Concession when it is reasonable shows that we have cultivated well, and it is correct not to concede at this time.Therefore, if the other party is really malicious or has caused us harm, then we might as well put aside the so-called harmony and fight back tit for tat.Then show your kindness and give it to those who are worthy of our kindness.

Refutation is skillful, you might as well use the facts as "condiments"

There are many offensive questions, some of which keep bringing up things we don't want to talk about, and some of which point out parts of our behavior that seem contradictory.For the former, tit for tat and a direct response is enough, while the latter requires a lot of effort to explain.

The difference is that it doesn't matter if the former doesn't answer, at most it's just being said to be small-minded.But if you encounter the latter, the problem will be a little troublesome.Because the other party has already set us as contradictory during the process of asking questions. At this time, if we do not give a good response, the audience will think that we have acquiesced, and thus have a discounted impression of us.

In this regard, Jack Ma has always done a good job. His response is very fast, and he can tell which category the other party's question belongs to in a short period of time, and then respond quickly and effectively. In 2012, Jack Ma encountered a similar situation when he was interviewed by "Esquire".

Reporter: You have been praising small companies, but Ali is a big company. Does this feel contradictory?
Ma Yun: I personally think that praising small companies is because this is my ideal.Today Ali is a relatively large company, which is our reality.My ideal is to believe in small companies.In fact, we dismantle ourselves faster than anyone else.I split Taobao into four companies.Soon, several companies will be dismantled.We have spun out ten companies.Moreover, we are not considered a group management, our current management is more like an organization.We are more like an ecosystem, raising all kinds of birds, rabbits, kittens, and puppies.We want this to be the case in this social environment.Big and small, how to say?We praise all kinds of animals in the park, but the park cannot be done if it is too small.What we are building today is an ecosystem, not a big company, but a real ecosystem.

This morning, if you're in our session, it's a reflection on the organization.I said that we may have 20 companies or 30 companies in the future. We are not called companies, but 30 industry groups, and no one will report to anyone.But with this group, there will be countless small companies growing up.Because of this tree, a lot of pine cones grew.Having a lot of pine cones will attract a lot of squirrels, eventually forming such a system.

If you define yourself as an institution purely for profit, you died.So, I don't think it's contradictory.I have always said this and I have always believed so firmly. If I start my business again today, I will never work for such a big company again.When I woke up this morning, I was really thinking about these things: Do I want to keep going?Keep going, and it will grow bigger and bigger immediately.This is beyond our control.Suppose I had to do it all over again today, what would I do?I would like to start a small company on Taobao, have fun, hire more than a dozen people, and be down-to-earth.This is what I feel is the greatest joy and ideal in my life.But today there is no way, the reality is already like this.Can I cut it into a bunch of pieces?The problem is, AT&T could still dismantle it in the United States at that time.May I ask the Chinese government and which institution in the world can dismantle Taobao into pieces?The first is that it cannot be dismantled, and the second is that after the dismantling, 1000 million companies are gone.How do you dismantle it?This is a reality.

There are fixed techniques for speaking, but no fixed answers to questions.Each problem is a new problem and requires a corresponding response from us.Only in this way can you get more recognition for yourself.Just like Ma Yun, he faced many acute problems, but he was always able to resolve them one by one, relying on this adaptability.

Of course, the most important thing is the mentality.When someone asks us with sharp questions, don't bring strong emotions, thinking that person is here to trouble us.Especially in public places, like gatherings of many people.You must control your emotions so that you can add points to yourself.Then it is to analyze the intention of the other party's question and what impact it can have on us.Then go to formulate corresponding countermeasures and give a good answer.

Keep in mind that it is the worst way to answer sharp questions with emotions, which will not only lose your demeanor, but also your connotation.May wish to use the facts as "condiments" to increase persuasiveness.If we present the facts, even if the other party does not admit defeat, the bystanders will give us more approval, and that is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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