As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 13 If you don't know how to talk, you will be exhausted to death

Chapter 13 If you can’t talk, you’ll be exhausted to death (2)
In this way, people's pride is instantly aroused.This is the ability of a master speaker.You can inadvertently let others be infected, so as to move forward along the path they have set up.

Taking the needs of employees as the starting point, there will be no disadvantages
Many people like to make long speeches. It is not impossible, but there must be something to say.Only meaningful words should be said. If opening your mouth is meaningless empty words, then it is better not to open your mouth.This is especially true when it comes to giving advice to others.

However, everyone understands the truth, but in real life, we often can't help talking nonsense or nagging endlessly.If you have this habit, then you should get rid of it.You know, real eloquence is not talking endlessly, but having something to say.

Ma Yun is a man with something to say.His eloquence is very good, he can talk non-stop, but there is basically no nonsense, but he can give helpful suggestions at the first time.This is great and will make people want to chat and talk to you.

Regarding Ma Yun’s words, when he was a judge of "Win in China", his comments to the contestants are the most telling.Jack Ma is always able to see the strengths and weaknesses of others, and then encourages others' strengths and advises them on their weaknesses.

The following is a review of Ma Yun.

We found a problem in all three games, the teams that didn't have the resources all won, and the teams that seemed likely to win all lost.Arrogant soldiers are bound to lose, and the same is true in the market. Many things in the market seem to be winning, but they all lose in the end, because you don't pay enough attention to them.As an enterprise, we walk on eggshells every day, and we are very careful about every project and every process every day.

Always think of your opponent as very strong, even if your opponent is very weak, you have to think of him as very strong. This is what is often said when the business world makes mistakes.

In the face of new powerful opponents, many people often make several mistakes, such as not being able to see, despise, understand, and keep up with. First, the opponent can’t be found anywhere. I don't understand how they got up, and in the end they couldn't keep up with others at all.

I think your team just made these mistakes. You think your opponents are inferior to you, and you think you know the market and customers very well.But in fact, what you said is quite right, you lose by underestimating the enemy, I think everyone must pay attention in the future.

So I also want to talk about teammate No. 5. I noticed during the speech that you are more self-centered. As a leader, you should be others-centered and customer-centered. You cannot say that what I do is right. It could all be wrong. On the 1st, Mr. Niu spoke very well at that time. Have you ever wondered why many people in the team did not take you seriously?

There are not many words, but every sentence is to the point.The reason why Ma Yun can do this is that he is good at observing life and has a habit of thinking.Because I love to think, I can see things that others can't see, and I can realize the truth that others can't.Because of this, it is possible to say something.

In fact, the ability to speak is not innate, but can be cultivated, and the key lies in how to cultivate it.The real way is not to study various speaking skills, which will help, but the effect is not obvious.The best way is to enrich yourself and make yourself a knowledgeable and insightful person.Only when you have words in your chest can you have something to say.

Don't be an empty talker, try to say useful and weighty words, only in this way will more people like us.If you just keep chattering, sooner or later people will be regarded as chatterbox and stay away from us.

To learn Ma Yun's speech, the first thing to learn is Ma Yun's rich knowledge.Only like him, who constantly absorbs nutrition from the outside world to enrich himself, and at the same time, is good at observing life and drawing his own conclusions, can he speak quality words.

Language is also particular about quality over quantity.A real master speaker pays attention to this quality, rather than talking non-stop.This is something to keep in mind.

Turn corporate goals into personal ideals for employees
Everyone has a different personality and a different speaking style.Some are kind, with a touch of grace even when they criticize others; others are bitter, even when they praise others.In fact, there is nothing wrong with these speaking styles, as long as they don't cause harm to others.But a real master speaker must have a changeable style.They know how to speak in different styles in different situations.Soft when it should be soft, sharp when it should be sharp, this is good.

Ma Yun is such a person. He has high demands on employees and often speaks mercilessly at staff meetings, but he also has a warm side and will encourage employees.This is Ma Yun's brilliance.When employees slack off due to their own reasons, we should criticize them and arouse their fighting spirit.If everyone has no confidence in their career due to the bad external environment, they should be encouraged. Only in this way can employees regain their fighting faith.

In an internal company speech, Jack Ma told employees:

I don't want to sum up today and say that we must go this way, but to discuss some ideas with you.

There is also the strength we talked about before. I saw these words on the slogan today, "Courage and Persistence".As I said before, strength is the ability to fight against blows, no matter how hard you hit me, I will not fall.It can be seen that strength is a kind of courage and persistence.Why do you have the courage?It is what we call "a man of high art is bold", I dare to go.

Courage is because you are "highly skilled and bold", and persistence is because you have a "sense of mission".You may see farther than others, and the angle you see may not be seen by others, so you keep going.In the two words of courage and persistence, rising to a higher level means that courage is whether you dare to persist in the face of pressure. Persistence often means whether you dare or not in the face of pressure and temptation.This is a very important thing for leaders.

The pressure was heavy. For example, when SARS (SARS) broke out, we felt that the sky in Alibaba was about to fall, and our doors would be closed tomorrow.We at Alibaba have never demonstrated stronger leadership than this time.At that time, we said that we cannot forget our customers, and we still have to move forward.At that time, it was really a bit like aliens hitting the earth, a fight (battle).

In addition to pressure, there is also temptation. Wei Zhe and I were talking yesterday. During the road show, according to our funds, all subscriptions, and an unreserved price of 1800 billion US dollars, we can really easily order around 18 or 19 yuan. If we sell it for an extra dollar, we can get an extra 13 million US dollars, and we can have an additional [-]-square-meter park on the other side of the Alibaba River.In the face of this temptation, do you still insist on your sense of mission?Many people soften in the face of temptation and bend in the face of pressure.

In fact, the final strength of leadership lies in courage and persistence.A real general is one that is only seen at special times.When defeating the enemy army and covering up the past, you can't see the general's courage and leadership.Only when you retreat can you see who is a good general.When retreating, in the face of pressure and temptation, if you dare to achieve your ideals, you are an excellent general.

Taobao will not charge for 5 years. One is that we want to fulfill our commitment. The other is that we know that the B2C and C2C markets are huge and we need to seize the commanding heights.In the face of this temptation and pressure, some people are saying, oops, does Alibaba not know how to make money?You are so stupid, wait. So what (so what)?Because you see farther, because you know that your mission is not to earn some money, but to create 100 million job opportunities and change the fate of countless people.So we said no and moved on.Courage lets us know our calling.Recognize yourself, but not be arrogant.

These few paragraphs of Ma Yun's words are to encourage employees not to be influenced by the outside world and lose their fighting spirit.This is Ma Yun, who can always find the best way to deal with it and use his own language to motivate employees to grow.

We will always meet people of one kind or another who turn to us for help.Sometimes the other party has stepped into the corner of the horn, and at this time you have to be a little bit harsher to wake them up.But if it is really that the other party encounters a situation that we cannot control, we must give encouragement.Many times, encouraging others is also motivating ourselves. We can see our own shortcomings from them, which is also a kind of improvement for us.More importantly, our encouragement provided positive energy to each other.It's always good to be able to help others.Watching them become stronger little by little, we will also have a strong sense of accomplishment.

If a person wants to gain more friends, more support and recognition, he must know how to change different language expressions in different environments.Always speak in a way that fits that environment, so that you can get the best results.

"Without you, how could I be so good"

At present, it is a society that emphasizes cooperation. Only by cooperating with others can we realize our ideals little by little.In this process, how to face the partner is very important.

Some people are very conceited and always feel that they are powerful and omnipotent, so they can't see the role of others, and they don't see the contribution of others.This is not good.A truly smart person will not only introduce his own achievements to others, but also tell everyone about the efforts of his partners.In this way, not only will everyone have a clear understanding of your team, but it will also make partners feel comfortable.

At any time, don't take all the credit on yourself, that's not good.On a suitable occasion, tell people the story of your friends, and tell others how much your friends and partners have paid.This will not only make the listeners feel that you are a grateful person, but friends and partners will also trust you more after they know about it.

In an interview, someone asked Jack Ma, and when Jack Ma answered, he expressed his gratitude and love for his collaborators.

Yang Daqing: We once conducted a survey. Many Taobao sellers may not rely on the product itself, but rely on the logistics price difference to earn fees. For example, a piece of clothing has a courier fee of 10 yuan on Taobao. It may end up giving the logistics provider 6 yuan, and this price difference has caused many Taobao sellers to rely on it.Today, Alibaba proposed a plan of 1000 billion yuan, and with a warehousing system invested in 200 billion to 300 billion yuan, how can Alibaba or Taobao create good rules of the game with the advantage of the right to speak?
Moderator: All in all, I feel that you have robbed others of their jobs.

Ma Yun: We don't want to grab the jobs of our partners. The Alibaba ecosystem today is created by the efforts of countless couriers.My duty and our goal is to invest all the money so that these people are respected and the living conditions of these people are good. On November 11th, Taobao’s one-day promotion alone resulted in 11 million packages. Because I was so moved, I invited the boss of the logistics company to dinner the next day. I asked them how they delivered it. All the couriers used all the staff of their wives, sons, daughters, and grandmothers.This is a miracle in China. Everyone imagines a miracle of 7800 billion, 191 million packages, and 7800 million packages added every day, but it is not paralyzed.It was sent out, which is an even greater miracle.I respect them from the bottom of my heart.I invest in logistics to make them live better. Of course, living better is not about spending money. As long as the problems can be solved with money, they are all small problems.I hope that the manufacturing industry will make money, consumers will benefit, and intermediate service providers will make money, instead of being monopolized by those traditional circulation fields.What we do is consumption and circulation, we hope that consumption and circulation will quickly affect consumption and manufacturing, and then production and manufacturing will change the way of life.

I heard that a company said that it would recruit [-] couriers. He was engaged in e-commerce. I was quite anxious for him.You must let other people in the society live well and help you live well.If the service is bad, you can ask for better.

Ma Yun did not talk about his Alibaba and Taobao, but told everyone how hard the express delivery workers are and how much they have paid.This is to advertise to your partners.In this way, not only let people understand how Taobao does business, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of Taobao, but also an affirmation of the efforts of express delivery practitioners.This practice of not praising yourself but praising others is a practice of gratitude.

We always meet such and such people, they will inadvertently give us enough cooperation and help.For these people, don't forget, and don't take what they do is necessary, for granted.On an appropriate occasion, when the topic is appropriate, tell everyone what they have done, and give them a positive and appropriate evaluation.It not only improves our own pattern, but also wins us more respect and recognition.

Don't always think about yourself as a human being. It is sad for a person who completely lives in his own world.Only those who open their arms, tolerate more with their own hearts, can see the contributions of others, and know how to be grateful, are the ones who can truly get the permanent approval of others.

Of course, the more important thing is to express this kindness.Don't keep it in your heart, just think it's in my heart.Say your thanks out loud, and let others know how much the people around you have paid.In this way, our friends will be more willing to associate with us, and our partners will be more willing to cooperate with us.

Nobody likes a guy who is arrogant and always takes the credit for himself.That being the case, don't be such a person, let alone say such a thing.Talking about the good of others is actually for our own good.

(End of this chapter)

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