Ou Shao is not familiar, please go away

Chapter 410 Uncle, you finally woke up...

Chapter 410 Uncle, you finally woke up...

In this way, it will not cause great side effects to his body.

"Let's stay for another week, and then come and talk to me about being discharged from the hospital." This morning, after he came to round him up as usual, when he asked again when he could be discharged from the hospital, he shook his head. When I returned, I left such a sentence.

Really, why do you keep thinking about getting out of the hospital if you have nothing to do? Can't you go out after taking good care of your body?
Ji Chengzhi looked at the pile of documents piled up next to him, and the notebook that seemed to have not been closed all night. When he went out, he deliberately added a calming medicine to the medicine list.

Damn, you really think of yourself as a machine, it's already like this, do you still have to work so hard?

So after the injection, Ou Muchen slept from nine o'clock in the morning until almost eleven o'clock, and at eleven o'clock, there seemed to be some twitching sound in his ears, and he frowned. , trying to open his eyes.

"Little Treasure? Why are you here?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the little head with red eyes lying beside his bed, and he was stunned for a moment.

This is so surprising, why did he see this little bun as soon as he opened his eyes?
Could it be that he had a fever and dreamed again?

Ou Muchen stared at the little bun for a long time without reacting.

Seeing him waking up, Ye Xiaobao was very happy. He has been waiting for him here for almost an hour. If he doesn't wake up, he won't have time to talk to him. When Mama Zhang finds out that she is gone, she will definitely tell Lin Uncle's.

Fortunately, he finally woke up!

Ye Xiaobao wiped away the water marks from his eye sockets with some dirty hands, and happily moved over: "Uncle, you finally woke up."

He is a boy, he doesn't like to cry, if he didn't wake up for so long after arguing just now, and the time passed by every minute, he wouldn't be so anxious to cry.

Ou Muchen was still a little dazed, because he had just woken up, and also because he suddenly saw him appearing next to him.

But after he heard him speak, he still nodded: "wake up, why are you here?"

"I'm here to find you, Uncle, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The four-year-old child, sitting on that stool, seemed to be such a small ball, but after seeing his uncle lying on the hospital bed, he still worked hard to move his small body over and touch his uncle. abdomen.

"Uncle, are you feeling better? I saw the news that you were seriously injured."


Seeing the soft little hand carefully placed on his abdomen, Ou Muchen's heart softened for a moment, and finally, he reached out with his long arm and hugged his small body.

"Did you come alone?"


"How did you get here?"


Ye Xiaobao who was hugged by him originally wanted to say, but when he thought of the redness and swelling on his forehead, his little face immediately lowered again, not wanting him to see: "I came here by bus."

Ou Muchen looked at his suddenly lowered head and the LOOK hat that was still firmly on his head, frowned, and suddenly, he reached out and took his hat down.

He wasn't a shy kid, especially when it came to him, but now that he couldn't even look up and see him, something must have happened.

Ps: Happy National Day, friends!I wish you all a good time, and what's more, if the baby is still updated on time during the festival, can you hit me hard with a ticket? ^_^^_^^_^^_^
(End of this chapter)

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