Chapter 157

No one paid any attention to him. The man was lying there with his eyes slightly closed, and his face was full of exhaustion, as if he didn't even want to move.

When Ji Chengzhi saw it, he sensed that something was wrong, so he got up from his chair and came over to him: "Sick?"

The man lying there did not make a sound, his eyes still closed.

Seeing this, Ji Chengzhi was very surprised, but in the end he prepared some medicine: "It's amazing, the third young master of the Ou family is still sick. What's wrong? Didn't you feel fine yesterday?"

"Who told my mother where I was?"

Suddenly, he said this.


Ji Chengzhi was stunned: "That's definitely not what I did, what? Your Mrs. Naou gave you another woman?"

Ji Chengzhi is definitely a smart person, he guessed what happened immediately after saying this.

That's right, as far as his mother is concerned, she can't wait for him to give birth to a grandson for her right away. Such a good opportunity, how can I do it if I don't make noise?

Ji Chengzhi understood, and his smile became ambiguous: "Since you are enlightened, how did you get here last night? Could it be that single mother..."

"Shut up! Believe it or not, I'll close your hospital immediately?"


In a word, Ji Chengzhi shut up.

Okay, he's rich, he's the boss, it's okay if he doesn't say anything...

Ji Chengzhi lowered his head and opened the game account. Seeing that everyone in Langya Pavilion was online except the one in his office, he slowly sent out a sentence: "Do you know why the third young master's temperament changed so much yesterday?"

The eldest son: "Why?"

Shopkeeper Zhan: "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

The number one beauty in Langya Pavilion: "What happened?"

After Ji Chengzhi smiled triumphantly here, he typed a few words: "He spent a night alone with a woman last night..."

Eldest son: . . .

Shopkeeper: . . .

The number one beauty in Langya Pavilion: . . .

Three seconds later, the eldest son said, "I finally understand. It turned out that his mother called me yesterday to ask me where he was because of this!"

Now it was Ji Chengzhi's turn to be dumbfounded!

His mother called him?

So, just now this person asked who revealed his whereabouts. It turned out that it was this bastard who betrayed him after he went online for a few seconds yesterday?
Ji Chengzhi thought that this game account could indeed be located, and began to sympathize with this person: "Master Qu, take care!"

Eldest son: . . .

Suddenly, he felt a very bad premonition in the game, so he quickly typed: "I'm going to go abroad in half a month." It disappeared completely.

That's right, at this time, if he still stays here, then he, the young master of the Qu family, will definitely die.

Ji Chengzhi turned off his cell phone and was about to attend a surgery meeting, but at this moment, the phone on his desk rang suddenly.


"Dean, the family member of Ye Xiaobao who has just been transferred to the VIP ward said that he wants to see you." It was the voice of the nurse at the front desk.

Ji Chengzhi froze for a moment...

Ye Xiaobao's family?

Oh, by the way, it was the rare single mother who was personally arranged by this person to enter the VIP ward area.

Ji Chengzhi understood, so he nodded: "Okay, you ask her to wait for me in the doctor's duty room, and I will go there later."

"Okay, Dean!"

The nurse hung up the phone and arrangements were made quickly.

And Ji Chengzhi here, after taking a look at the man who was already asleep on the sofa after drinking his medicine, turned around and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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