Chapter 574
Wen Jing looked at his stern face, bit her lip, and stood up slowly.

She held the bag in her hand, "I'll wait for you outside, we'll talk when you're not busy."

Han Yiyang sat there without speaking.

Wen Jing took one last look at him, turned and walked out.

The moment the door of the consulting room was closed, Han Yiyang's body fell back on the chair, his slender fingers squeezed the space between his eyebrows, and he braced himself up to call the next patient.

It was because of his excellent graduation grades and good performance during the internship that he was given the opportunity to work in the outpatient clinic.

Speaking of which, Han Yiyang is still very grateful for his busy internship period.

There are not many people visiting Han Yiyang's clinic.

His age is not outstanding among the professors, probably because he is a fledgling, so he dare not hang up!
The last patient will be received soon.

The mobile phone in the pocket of the white coat vibrated, Han Yiyang took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and put it to his ear to answer.

"Yiyang, have you finished receiving all the patients over there?"

"It's over."

"Then can you sit for me for a while?"

Han Yiyang refused without thinking, "No."

It's not that Han Yiyang is cold-blooded, but because the other party is from the obstetrics and gynecology department.

He didn't want to go to obstetrics and gynecology as a companion.

"Do me a favor. My daughter broke her leg at school. I'm going to rush over now. Please, I'll treat you to dinner another day, okay?"

The other party's voice was very anxious, Han Yiyang sighed, "Okay!"

Han Yiyang got up and walked out of the consulting room. Wen Jing, who was guarding outside, stood up immediately when she saw the door of the consulting room opened.


Han Yiyang didn't expect that she was still here, so he said helplessly, "Wen Jing, we've already broken up." He said, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

With his hands in his pockets, his slender body turned and walked towards the elevator.

Wen Jing chased after him unwillingly, "Is there no possibility of getting back together?"

Han Yiyang pressed down the elevator floor with his slender fingers, and looked indifferently at the front, "A broken relationship is like broken glass, no matter how you put it together, there are still cracks, and separation is the best choice."

"But I don't want to be separated from you."

"That's your business, not mine."

Wen Jing stared blankly at Han Yiyang's indifferent back, she never thought that Han Yiyang, who loved her in every possible way before, turned out to be cold-blooded like this.

She was suddenly uncomfortable.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Han Yiyang stepped out.

At the moment when the elevator door was about to close, Wen Jing suddenly chased him out.

"Han Yiyang, what if I chase you this time?"

Han Yiyang's footsteps did not stop.


Obstetrics and Gynecology

Sitting in the waiting area, Yun Lu almost died of embarrassment.

Most of the patients who came to the obstetrics and gynecology department were pregnant women or elderly women. A girl like her who was underage seemed to be...she was the only one.

Mother Yun saw her shrunk her head like a quail, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "It's okay, don't be shy, Mom gave you the number of a female doctor."

Yun Lu wanted to cry, "Mom, I'm really fine, it's just that I ate too much hot pot and got angry, which made me feel a little uncomfortable there."

If she had known that her mother had brought her to the hospital, she would not have told her.

I heard that you have to take off your pants to see gynecological diseases, even if it is a female doctor, she is also shy!

"No." Yun's mother's attitude was very firm. "Gynecological diseases are different from other diseases. If we don't check now, what if it becomes serious in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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