sweet strawberry love

Chapter 1611 Cloud Goblin

Chapter 1611 Cloud Goblin

"At that time, the housing prices here were not high. My dad took a total of twenty houses, all of which were in good locations."

Even his father didn't expect that more than ten years later, this lot would be so valuable.

The cloud is dewy.

Xingyue Bay is a high-end residence, and the security is excellent. One year's rent is paid for the down payment of the surrounding buildings.

Rents are so expensive, let alone house prices.

She took twenty sets at once. Poverty really limited her imagination.

"You're lucky. Someone called my dad yesterday and wanted to rent this house. As a result, you called me in the morning. If you were later, I'm afraid it would be snatched away by someone else."

Yunlu nodded, she likes this place very much and also wants to live here, "I rent this place, you go and prepare the rental contract!" Yunlu said: "Also give me your bank card number, I'll pay half a year in advance rent."

Mi Xiangnan laughed, "You don't have to be so polite with me, and there is no need for a rental contract. As long as you live, I will never drive you out. As for the rent, you can pay me according to the standard of your original community, of course , if you are short of money, you don’t have to give it to me.”

Yun Lu stared at Mi Xiangnan dumbfounded.

He was simply the most casual landlord she had met in years.

"Thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me, as long as you let me come to your house for dinner."

"Come here if you are not afraid of being poisoned to death."

Yun Lu is really a kitchen killer. She hasn't learned how to cook for so many years.Every time I cook, I cook dark dishes.

Mi Xiangnan suddenly lowered his head, a hot and strong masculine breath rushed towards his face, Yun Lu looked at the magnified handsome face in front of him, subconsciously backed away until his slender back leaned against the wall, "What are you doing?"

Mi Xiangnan leaned on the wall beside Yunlu with one hand, half-embracing her in his arms, his black eyes overflowing with affection, "Being poisoned to death by you is as sweet as sugar."

Yunlu stared at him for a while, smiled and raised her hand to push him away, "Don't pretend to be in love with me here, I can't stand it."

Mi Xiangnan looked at Yunlu's back, and said in a serious voice, "How do you know I'm pretending and not serious?"

"Because you like sweets!"

"Yunlu, I don't believe you can't see it. I didn't like Tiantian four years ago. The person I like is you. Otherwise, why do you think I will always be with you and be the first one when you are in trouble? Time to lend a helping hand?"

Over the years, he has confessed bluntly and tactfully countless times, but every time Yunlu pretended to be fooled, he could tell that she was evading.

This time, he felt that something should be clarified.

"Yunlu, it's been four years, haven't you come out of your last love?"

The smile on Yunlu's pretty face disappeared completely, and her soft voice carried meaningful emotion, "It's easy to get in, but it's very difficult to get out."

"Then have you ever thought that Xiao Si Nian needs a father?"

Yunlu turned around, "She has a father."

Mi Xiangnan looked at Yunlu, he understood, she simply hadn't let go of Han Yiyang, otherwise she wouldn't have refused to accept him.

"Yunlu, I won't give up. To Xiao Si Nian, her father is just a stranger, but she likes me as an uncle very much, so my chances of winning are very high."

"It's getting late, take a good rest, and call me if you need help."

(End of this chapter)

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