Rebirth of the first proud concubine

Chapter 395 Was Xu Xiaoyue poisoned and disfigured?

Chapter 395 Was Xu Xiaoyue poisoned and disfigured?

"Yes." Xu Xiaoyue nodded and said immediately, "But I believe this matter has nothing to do with Junior Sister Ye."

"Master, Ye Buyan has already admitted that she gave the medicine, and Yue'er did this because of her medicine, so I implore the master to deal with her according to the sect's rules."

Mo Qingcheng raised his head, and directly angrily yelled at the fourth elder, "I always talk about poisoning without saying a word, so what's wrong with Senior Sister Xu, she said she was poisoned without saying a word, and I will cover it with a white cloth later, and say that you are harming me!" I'm dead."

Ye Buyan pulled Mo Qingcheng, frowned and reprimanded her lightly, "Don't say such unlucky words."

"I can't see their hypocrisy, the more I look at it, the more hypocritical it is." Mo Qingcheng said angrily, he didn't think it was anything before, but now the more he looks at it, the more annoying the master and apprentice are.

"Poisoning people, and being so arrogant..."

Ye Buyan interrupted the Fourth Elder impatiently, "If you say I was poisoned, you always have to show evidence, and Senior Sister Xu took off her veil for people to see what kind of poison she was poisoned and what symptoms she has."

If Shen Zhihan wasn't here, she wouldn't have a backing, so she could let them bully her?

"Xiaoyue, take off the veil and raise your head for them to see." Zhang Jiyan looked at Xu Xiaoyue and said.

Xu Xiaoyue froze for a moment, then reached out and slowly took off the veil, and slowly raised her head.

I saw pea-sized black pustules on her cheeks starting from her neck, which seemed to be able to ooze pus at any time, and the skin that was originally white and tender as tofu now also had three or four black bloodshots, and the length, According to the situation, it spread from her collarbone.

Seeing this, Mo Qingcheng looked at Ye Buyan in amazement, not because she doubted her, but because she thought it was a coincidence, as if she had just said in front of her master a few days ago that some kind of medicine mixed together could have such a disfiguring poison.

But when she said it, she, Wu Yan and the three masters, how could it be possible to be overheard?

This is completely framing Buyan, and may provoke the trust relationship between them, as well as the master-student relationship between Buyan and Master, this is killing three birds with one stone!
What a vicious heart!
Seeing this, Ye Buyan frowned lightly, "It's all disfigured, if you don't get rid of the poison, you won't be able to get married."

Seeing that she was so indifferent, Mo Qingcheng wasn't nervous at all, and couldn't help but relax a little, "Now she's uglier than me, it seems that I'm going to get rid of the title of the number one ugly girl in Lingxiao Palace."

Ye Buyan looked up at Mo Qingcheng's chubby, pale face, and said with a frown, "You are not ugly, but your heart is ugly, which is the ugliest."

After she came back, she helped Mo Qingcheng find out the ugly medicine. After it was discontinued, she didn't continue to gain weight. The red acne and dark skin on her face were much better under the beauty pill, but there was no cure yet. I can't lose weight, and the acne on my face can't be completely eliminated.

Mo Qingcheng hummed, and heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. Just now, she was really afraid that she would think that she had betrayed her. After all, only the three of them knew about this kind of poisoning symptoms, so she was too suspicious.

"Ye Buyan!" The Fourth Elder roared angrily, "You are the one with an ugly heart. You ruined Yue'er's face with jealousy and hatred, and even destroyed her spiritual power. Why is your heart so vicious!"

Xu Xiaoyue pulled the fourth elder's clothes, and persuaded in a weak voice, "Master, Junior Sister Ye is not this kind of person. I believe her. Besides, there is no evidence, let alone such affirmation."

(End of this chapter)

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