The soldier is a girl

Chapter 771 Chapter 579: Mo Renyun's Hibiscus

Chapter 771 Chapter 579: Mo Renyun's Hibiscus
Mo Ling didn't stop, the leading soldiers continued to chase, and they stopped after chasing people within the danger limit. At this moment, Mu Jin had already led the soldiers to meet Mo Ling.

Mo Ling didn't plan to take advantage of the victory to pursue the battle. The casualties here were heavy. In terms of casualties, they actually lost, because their side had suffered too many casualties at the beginning, and Mo Ling's original intention of fighting was to reduce casualties, that's all. By the way, revitalize the morale of the army. If you have been suppressed by the enemy for too long, you should retaliate.

After a while, Mu Jin saw the two bloodstains on Mo Ling's arm, and her eyes turned red instantly, "Why are you hurt?" How did he get hurt when she wasn't hurt? Who can hurt him.

Upon hearing this, Mo Ling felt inexplicably guilty, but he didn't show it, and only said coldly, "No problem."

"Young Master Ling is so capable. As expected of a general, he broke into the enemy's camp alone. He is really brave and good at fighting."It sounds like a compliment, but it is full of irony.

Mu Jin glared at Mo Ling, she didn't know why he sneaked into the enemy's camp, but this situation cannot be tolerated, but it's his two affairs, she doesn't need to make Mo Ling look bad in front of others.

"To be a general, you have to work hard. It doesn't matter if you are injured or bleeds. It's better than some people hiding behind the team." Don't think she didn't see him when she first came. Mo Renyun was hiding behind the team like a turtle. His life is like a wall of meat.

These words made Mo Renyun's expression crack. What do you mean by some people? This is even more embarrassing than naming names.

Mu Jin didn't care what Mo Renyun's expression was, and directly tore off the hem of the clothes, pulled out a corner of the inner garment, and tore off a strip of cloth with a dagger, and then split it into two pieces, and tied them directly to Mo Ling's arm. On the wound, the blood should be strangled first, otherwise how much blood will flow if it continues like this.

Seeing Mu Jin's actions, Mo Renyun suddenly felt that he had something to talk about, even if he couldn't get back the scene, he could at least change it, "Oh, it's not good that so many people, General Mu, only care about Shizi Ling."

Mo Renyun walked through the crowd towards Mu Jin.

"I care about whoever I want to care about. Does it have anything to do with His Highness the Third Highness?" Mu Jin rolled her eyes, and there was still an unrelenting hostility in her eyes. It wasn't aimed at Mo Renyun, but just murdered until now. The hostility in the eyes has not receded, "Or is it that His Highness wants to fight?"

Mo Renyun felt a little chilled by Mu Jin's eyes, and at the same time, a lot of hostility arose in his heart, because he felt that Mu Jin didn't take him seriously, what did he want to do by looking at him so cruelly, did he want to rebel?He is a prince.

"His Highness is just curious. Does little general Mu need to be so aggressive? Or is it about little general Mu and Ling..." With a puff, Mo Renyun's next words were interrupted by the sound of sharp arrows piercing flesh.

A group of generals in Chenying are standing at the critical point of the danger zone. To put it bluntly, if there is a master with arrows, then the sharp arrows will definitely be able to cross the danger line.

Bei Tangxiao, who had retreated back into the city, went straight up the city wall. When he saw Mo Ling and Mu Jin standing side by side, the hostility in his eyes couldn't be stopped, so he pointed a special bow and arrow at that Hibiscus, almost with his back turned, shot an arrow.And just when the sudden arrow was about to pierce Mu Jin's back, Mo Ling, who was standing beside Mu Jin, suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the person back a few steps, so that the arrow just penetrated into Mu Jin's back. Standing on the left shoulder of Mo Renyun who was hurting someone three steps away.

(End of this chapter)

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