The soldier is a girl

441 Chapter 245: The Rope Can't Be Solved

441 Chapter 245: The Rope Can't Be Solved
The reason why it is called the Valley of Stranglethorns is that there are many thorn trees in it, which can be seen from above the mouth of the valley.There are other trees, of course, and the Beast, Hibiscus feels, definitely exists.

Because of the snow, the rock wall is very slippery, and it is not easy to climb, not to mention the unfamiliar road section, and I don't know how many meters I have gone down. Mujin has suffered a lot of injuries.

Above Taniguchi, not long after Hibiscus went down, a red dress appeared there.

Under the snowy night, the red dress was very red against the white snow.

But that stunning face and the eyes embedded in that face are as cold as this snow.

"Louis, do you think it's time for the Lord to untie this rope?"

Although her return was facilitated by him, and he also wanted to see how she would respond, he never expected that she would jump off a cliff because of that Mo Ling. Is Mo Ling worthy of her?Why does he feel so unhappy?
Louis said nothing.

"Why do you think she jumped down? She really likes black so much?" Feng Yao said again, unable to hear much emotion.

"Isn't red good? How beautiful." While talking about Feng Yao, he flicked his sleeves and said to himself, sounding like he was asking, but he didn't wait for Louis to answer at all.

Feng Yao really wanted to untie the rope, he always felt that this would be the only way to relieve his anger.He tried his best to plot Mo Ling down, so why send someone to rescue him.

But when he thought of untying the rope, the little guy might fall down and die if he lost his balance, and he felt a little pity and a little annoyed when he thought about it.

So why is this little guy jumping off a cliff? Isn't this a problem for him?

I don't know how long I stood there, the red clothes were stained white by the snow, and Feng Yao didn't come up with an answer.

"Louis, you can figure out what to do with this rope. I'm tired, so I'm going back to sleep." Unable to figure it out, he just waved his hand and left without saying a word, Feng Yao just flung his sleeves and left.

"Yes." Louis, who had been pretending to be dead, responded at this time.

Louis didn't know that Feng Yao had been struggling for a long time, he only said that his master was thinking about how to deal with people, and if he watched him deal with it, he must deal with it in the usual way.

So Feng Yao walked forward, and Louis quickly untied the rope with his back foot.

It has to be said that Louis will also have a wrong day.Of course, it's not considered to be wrong at the moment, but later, this kind of behavior will be wrong.

After untying the rope and dropping off the cliff, Louis turned around and quickly followed Feng Yao's footsteps.

Feng Yao will not take care of the matter after handing it over to Louis.

The rope was originally an auxiliary function for Mujin, but when the rope was untied by Louis and dropped, the protrusion on the cliff that Mujin was stepping on was overwhelmed and shattered, and Mujin was trying to use the rope to stabilize her figure , The rope fell down at this time, without any support, so that Hibiscus was caught off guard and fell from the middle of the cliff.

Mu Jin didn't have time to scold her, and she didn't have time to think about who the hell untied her rope. She only had time to take the quickest countermeasure, pulling out her dagger and stabbing it hard at the cliff.

Obviously, the cliff cannot be stuck with a dagger, but the dagger sliding on the cliff will help Hibiscus to slow down the speed of sliding down, and it will also help Hibiscus stretch out the other hand to grab the protrusion on the cliff.

Finally, when Mu Jin's hand was cut with blood by the rock on the cliff, he grabbed a rock and stabilized his body.

The chest was also very painful from being rubbed, and Mu Jin felt that the chest cavity was about to be crushed by the impact of one rock after another.

But Mu Jin would rather choose this than losing an arm or leg or being pierced all over by a thorn tree.

(End of this chapter)

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