HiLittle Wife

Chapter 794

Chapter 794
"Contradictions." Lu Nan sat down next to him, sneered, and said, "Since she thinks she's interesting, how can it be considered a sacrifice? If you really like her, you don't treat yourself badly! Xu Yi..."

He turned his head and looked at the opposite side, leaned over and said in a low voice, "I think Lu Dong's method is feasible. If it succeeds, we can all retreat, but..."

He glanced at Lu Dong, shook his head, "With his virtue, the possibility of Fifth Lord liking him is relatively low..."

"Nonsense!" Lu Dong sat up straight and tugged at his collar, "I'm the school grass of No. [-] University, so many women fall under my suit pants, don't underestimate my charm."

"Okay, okay." Lu Qian felt disgusted and had goosebumps all over her body.

"But Xu Yi, the low chance doesn't mean there is no hope, why don't you just let him try?" Lu Nan changed the subject.

Lu Dong nodded, feeling that he had finally said something human.

"It's important to save the young marshal, how do we have so much time!?" Lu Qian disapproved, frowning.

Xu Yi pondered for a moment, then said with a serious expression, "I think I can give it a try..."

She looked at Lu Qian and analyzed, "Lu Qian, you should know the power of the five districts of Bermuda in Southeast Asia, especially in other people's territory. Here, no matter how powerful they are, they will hit stones with pebbles, and the army will not even think about entering. We have to It is almost impossible to rescue Jin Si from the prison and get out of it, the only way is to let the fifth master give up on his own initiative! What do you think?"

Lucy frowned. She knew the rules of the fifth district of Bermuda. She had no law and had her own mercenary army. Those soldiers were as desperate as brainwashing.

Not to mention this city, the entire five districts of Bermuda belonged to their world, and rioters were often shot.

It's not easy to successfully take away a person, especially the young commander-in-chief is still the fifth master.

"Lu Dong, since you did it voluntarily, then don't be careless." She explained repeatedly, her brows furrowed.

"Don't worry." Lu Dong has never been so serious, and assured her, "I have confidence and certainty. The key now is to grasp the dynamics of the fifth master and create opportunities for us to meet."

"I will hire someone to collect information." Lu Nan acted cautiously, he just took a photo of Mu Wu.

He immediately called the local spies. They were local snakes, and the whole city was full of eyeliners. Of course, the price was very expensive, starting at three hundred dollars per hour.

Ten minutes later, they came out of the bar. Shortly after driving, the spies sent a message saying that there was very little information about the woman in the photo, but they would keep an eye out and notify him if they found any movement.

"It's normal to have little information." Xu Yi drove the car himself, and glanced at Lu Nan who was holding a mobile phone in the rearview mirror, "There are very few people outside who have seen Master Wu, and no one even thought that she would be a woman! The people above Mu Wu District have done such a good job of keeping secrets, even the leaked information has been erased in advance."

"Well, we can only send people to watch in various places." Lu Nan sent a message to the spies and directly increased the reward.

Then they returned to the hotel, waiting for news...

Mu Wu doesn't often appear in public. It took two days to see her in a casino. Almost five minutes after she stepped into the casino, the message was sent to Lu Nan's phone.

Xu Yi and the others set off immediately. After arriving at the parking lot, Lu Dong got out of the car alone, and Xu Yi repeatedly took care of him.

Lu Dong made an OK gesture to them, blinked, and walked into the casino in style...

(End of this chapter)

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