HiLittle Wife

Chapter 785 She Stripped Off, She Was Indifferent

Chapter 785 She Stripped Off, She Was Indifferent
As soon as she waved her hand, the bodyguard stepped forward and pulled Lu Bei out, but Lu Bei refused to leave, turning his head every step of the way.

"Young commander..."

"Let's go!" Prison Jin Si stared at the woman in front of him coldly without turning his head, the coldness in his eyes was spreading.

Lu Bei kept silent, looked at the man's cold back, and finally strode away with the bodyguard...

"Get out of here!" The woman ordered in a deep voice, keeping her eyes on the man.

The male assistant waved his hand and led everyone out of the room.

As soon as everyone left, the two of them were left in the bedroom. The woman rushed forward, her arms tightly wrapped around the man's neck, and her red lips moved closer, trying to close his mouth with her own.

Prison Jin Si pushed her away violently, his dark eyes were gloomy, and his powerful aura was extremely frightening.

"Hehe." She chuckled, straightened her long wavy hair, her eyebrows and eyes were charming, "You think I don't know, you are delaying time? When Third Young Master Xu leaves the city, even if you die, you won't be my man, You can't fool me with this little trick of yours!... Huh, but it doesn't matter, you will be mine sooner or later!"

She approached him and patted his face, "Ju Jinsi, the person I, Mu Wu, either dies or can only be mine!"

She flicked her hair, and walked out with a graceful figure...

After going out, a group of subordinates outside looked at her, seeing her frowning with displeasure, they immediately lowered their heads, not daring to say anything.

"Fifth Master, didn't you succeed?" Ah Yan asked cautiously with the high heels in his hand.

"No!" She growled, and angrily pulled off the brown wig on her head, revealing short black hair reaching the ears, "No, no! No!"

She took off her earrings as if venting, and threw them all on the ground. She probably forgot that she was not wearing shoes, and stepped on them twice.

The sharp earrings stuck into the flesh, she frowned and pulled them out, as if she didn't feel any pain, she turned and left.

The milky-yellow carpet was stained with blood, and the woman pulled her skirt as she walked, cursing:
"Waste of time, waste of energy! Who bought this dress? He doesn't like it, he must not like this kind of dress!"

Behind him, the subordinates followed step by step, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, their hearts jumping with fear.

Ah Yan murmured: "Fifth Master, Prison Jin Si is too ignorant of flattery, you are the person in charge of the fifth district of Bermuda, how dare he reject you!"

"Is the talker amazing?!" Mu Wu turned her head and stared at him fiercely, "He doesn't like me, and I'm a scum in love!"

"..." The male assistant was at a loss for words, unable to utter a word.

"Bastard! Go to hell!" She stomped her feet and tugged at her skirt.

In order to meet Jail Jin Si, she had someone prepare a sexy skirt, a wig and heavy makeup.

Not wanting to make him feel that she was deliberately dressing up to please him, she specifically said that she went to the dance.

I planned to fascinate him so much that I couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, but the fact is that the man didn't look at her from the beginning to the end!
All men like sexy women, and all men can't stand women walking barefoot, they are full of lies, let alone barefoot, it is estimated that she is stripped naked, even Prison Jinsi is indifferent!

"Fifth Lord..." Ah Yan tried to comfort her, but was stared back by the woman.

"Get out, get out!" She roared angrily, wiping off the makeup on her face with the back of her hand.

The lipstick was all over the cheeks, the eye shadow was rubbed out, and the colors on the face were horrible.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she reached behind her back and pulled the zipper forcefully, about to take off her skirt in public.

(End of this chapter)

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