HiLittle Wife

Chapter 1623 General Sea King

Chapter 1623 General Sea King (11)

"Since joining Liberty, you must be able to help this team, otherwise you will be useless." Xu Yi's eyes were sharp, and he had an aura.

Haiwang looked at her, and he raised the corners of his mouth, which was always indifferent, and showed a mild smile for the first time, but the scarred face and one-eyed eyes were still a bit pervasive.

"Your name is Dakui, right?" After a moment of silence, Haiwang opened his mouth, saw her nodding, and continued, "I will never treat those who are loyal to me badly, but those who dare to betray me will definitely end badly!"

Xu Yi smiled, and looked at Prison Jin Si, the man raised his eyebrows.

A very normal move, but in Xu Yi's eyes, there was a hint of ambiguity, which reminded her of what happened just now, and she couldn't help but restrain her smile...

Soon, the chain was fastened, and the two auxiliary ships pulled the freighter back.

Back on the island, it was already late at night, and the pirates were used to operating at night, so the later the night, the more energetic they were.

They plan to unload the goods overnight and send them out tomorrow morning to exchange them for cash.

The Freedom Pirates gang had a large number of people, thousands of people carried it together, and the cargo ship was vacated in less than two hours.

The wrecked freighter was sent for repairs, ready to be transformed into a pirate ship...

General Neptune is cold on the surface, but in fact he is very kind to the brothers below. He asked Kevin to arrange a banquet, and waited until the brothers finished moving the goods before holding a celebration party and having a drink with them.

The banquet was held in the reception hall next to the villa. A total of more than a dozen tables were set up, and almost all high-ranking pirates were present.

Xu Yi, Jin Si and Maya were also invited to the celebration party. They had a table with General Haiwang, Kevin and Long Face.

It is only today that Xu Yi knows that the long-faced name is Noel. He and Kevin are the most powerful assistants under the King of the Sea and are highly valued.

It is said that both of them have amazing abilities. Before joining Freeman, Kevin was a marine in a certain country in Africa and was responsible for training diving.

He can work in water for a long time, the longest record is 25 minutes under static conditions, and this world record is 22 minutes.

At the same time, his diving time can reach 3 minutes, and he can swim nearly 300 meters, and the world record is only 20 minutes and 152.4 seconds to swim [-] meters.

Kevin's strength completely exceeds that of the world record holder, but he is relatively low-key, does not seek fame and fortune, and works silently in the cause of building an excellent navy for the country.

He has taught countless outstanding talents, and finally became the leader of various naval forces, known as the "sea instructor".

Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, he became a pirate...

Long-faced Noel is a world flying saucer champion, has participated in two Olympic Games, and once broke his own record.

Although he is no longer the world record holder today, the brilliance he once created is still the dream of all athletes.

Kevin is 39 years old this year, not too old, but he is thin, with a pointed face and loose skin, so he looks much older than his actual age.

Noel was younger, in his early thirties, lean but capable, with the build of a sniper.

The two are the right and left hands of Neptune, and they are loyal to Neptune without any second thoughts.

Because of their abilities, they are also loved by their brothers.

The information about these two was told by Maya. Xu Yi was more curious about Kevin. As a soldier, he still has such achievements. Why did he become a pirate in the end?
After drinking for three rounds, the hall was very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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