HiLittle Wife

Chapter 1611 Lion Action

Chapter 1611 Lion Action (19)

When everyone left, the man reminded again, "Don't touch the things in the villa. Some places have traps, and we are not responsible for injuries."

The pirate was polite, waved his hand, turned and left.

Xu Yi stared at the backs of a group of people leaving. This group of people was more refined than imagined, and they were very different from the rough image of pirates in their impression.

She crossed her arms, looked around the hall, and then went out through the side door.

It's very hot outside, like a steamer, and you can feel the heat rising from the ground when you walk on the marble-paved road.

Xu Yi pulled up the mask on the gown to cover her head. She looked around and found that there were not many guards.

Probably everyone who went to rob the cargo ship last night was resting, and there were not many people in sight.

She avoided the guards and walked around the villa. There was nothing special about it, but there was a small western-style building behind the villa.

The building has red bricks and white tiles, with a strong Arabian style, but the house is old, and the doors and windows are closed, revealing a strange atmosphere.

The western-style building is not far from the villa, about 600 meters away, surrounded by lush trees and tropical flowers and fruits blooming in the entire garden, which is incompatible with the depressed building.

Xu Yi was curious. Considering the economic conditions of the island, this house was too old and unoccupied. It should be repaired or refurbished, but it stood here alone, looking weird.

To keep such a place, either there are secrets hidden in it, or it is taboo, and it is inconvenient to break ground.

Driven by curiosity, she strode over, looking around from time to time on the way to prevent the guards from discovering.

Passing through the garden is a four-meter-wide dirt road. The road surface is made of special dirt that will not dry up under the scorching sun. It looks like plasticine.

It is extremely soft to step on, in stark contrast to the hard marble road behind.

The dirt road is not overgrown with weeds. It seems that someone has cleaned it specially, and the dirt has also been refurbished. It should have been tidied up not long ago, and there is already a row of new footprints on it.

Xu Yi looked all the way over, the row of footprints leading to the front of the western-style building, only the footprints of going, no footprints of returning, but only the only passage, indicating that the owner of the footprints is still in the building.

Visually, the footprints are about 42 yards three, obviously a man, and he is not short.

To avoid trouble, Xu Yi walked forward stepping on big footprints, and successfully reached the front of the mansion.

She stepped up the steps, and the front porch of the western-style building was cleaned very clean, with no stains on the first floor.

She walked to the window and looked in through the gap, but it was so dark that she couldn't see clearly.

She pushed the door, and the door opened in response to the sound, but it was not locked.

Xu Yi stepped inside, the room was pitch black, only a ray of light penetrated through the crack of the door, dimly illuminating a small area of ​​the living room.

It looks like an old house from the outside, but the interior is very luxuriously decorated. The very modern living room exudes a classic medieval atmosphere.

Coffee-colored sofas, fireplaces and rocking chairs, European court murals on the walls, silver candlesticks and antique vases on the fireplace.

The floor was covered with a dark golden carpet, Xu Yi touched the floor, it was very clean, not a trace of dust could be touched.

Looking at the furnishings, there should be people living here.

She closed the door gently, waited for her eyes to adapt to the darkness, turned on the light on the phone screen, and went upstairs.

Xu Yi was just curious, but as soon as he reached the stairs, he heard noises coming from a room on the second floor.

There was a sudden sound in the silent air, which made people tense up subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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