Chapter 375

Ling Tianya had a splitting headache, and her whole body was in a limp state of weakness. After a while, her whole body was covered in cold sweat.

This time the pain was more intense than before. She endured the severe pain and got out of bed, but because it hurt so much, her body fell to the ground as soon as her feet hit the ground.

Ling Tianya crawled to the dressing table, opened her handbag, and wanted to take painkillers.

In the past, every time she got sick, she would immediately take two painkillers and drink water.After a while, the pain will go away naturally.

However, this time the headache was so fierce that two pills couldn't suppress it at all. Ling Tianya finally took five pills and drank all the water in the room, and the headache was relieved.

With the five painkillers came an overdose and a severe reaction.

Chest tightness, dizziness, shortness of breath...

Ling Tianya's face was pale, and she began to panic.She hadn't had a headache for a long time, and Ling Tianya even ignored the existence of this symptom. Fortunately, she always kept medicine close to her.

But why are the symptoms so strong this time?There seemed to be something in my mind that was about to burst out, but it was choked by a force, and two forces were entangled and colliding.

Not long after she arrived abroad six years ago, a car accident happened.After brushing shoulders with death, the problem of headache is left behind.For this reason, she has seen many doctors, but every doctor said that Ling Tianya's mind is normal.In addition, later, her headaches did not occur frequently, so Ling Tianya gradually didn't care about this matter.

After all, a normal person still has occasional headaches.

When Ling Tao came back, he saw Liu Fen who had been beaten into a pig's head, and two extra men in the family.

"Butler Liu, what's wrong with you?" Ling Tao pointed at the freshman and junior, "Who are they?"

Liu Fen glanced at Xiaoyi, shrank her neck with lingering fear, "They were brought back by the eldest lady."

"Ya Ya brought it back?" Ling Tao frowned and looked at the serious two, "Then what's the matter with your face?"

Liu Fen looked at Ling Tao sadly, bit her lip lightly, as if hesitating to speak.

"Isn't it the masterpiece of your good daughter?" Mrs. Ling said quietly from behind.

"Yaya?" Ling Tao was taken aback, looking around, "By the way, where is Yaya?"

Seeing that Ling Tao didn't care about the wound on Liu Fen's face, but cared about where Ling Tianya was, both Mrs. Ling and Liu Fen turned pale.

"Don't worry, your daughter is so big that she doesn't even pay attention to me as a grandmother. After beating her, she went upstairs to sleep, and she hasn't come down yet!" Old lady Ling said angrily.

Hearing that Ling Tianya was sleeping upstairs, Ling Tao turned his attention to Liu Fen's face, "Yaya doesn't hit people for no reason, something must have happened here."

Seeing that she was hurt like this, and Ling Tao still spoke out in favor of Ling Tianya, Liu Fen looked aggrieved, bit her lip, and looked like she was about to cry.

Little did they know, her plump and burly figure, her thick voice, and her swollen pig-like face, coupled with her current expression, were truly more terrifying than the loss in the movie.

Ling Tao frowned in disgust, turned away from looking at her, and walked straight to the sofa.

The maid came up with tea, Liu Fen immediately walked over with a tiger's face when she saw this, snatched the teacup from the maid, and gave the maid a warning look.

It seemed that the maid was trying to rob him of the man, which made the maid bewildered for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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