Chapter 510
Although she has indeed made it clear that she wants to join Suzaku Academy, she has never thought of cooperating with Suzaku Academy in the matter of snatching the key to Shenzang.

Besides, among the six great talents, the other five rely on their strength to protect the keys. How come she has to go through the back door to rely on Suzaku Academy?
Then does she still want to meet people?
This monk brought up this obvious matter, but Feng Xi ignored him.

"The female benefactor is also a person who cares about the world's eyes." The monk began to use the aggressive method.

"It's really not as good as you, a highly respected monk!" Feng Xi said contemptuously.

In addition to the above reasons, there is also the fact that she has not yet officially joined the Suzaku Academy, so it is not fair to find her name in the past, and she does not like to let others intervene in her work, and this time, she is confident that she can break through!

After resting for several hours, Feng Xi and the monk started to act.

As soon as the two acted, they were discovered: "Hurry up, everyone, the monk and Medusa are fleeing in that direction!"

"That direction, isn't that where the Divine Treasure is?" Someone looked at the direction and said.

"Absolutely not wrong, now that the Nine Great Divine Treasures are about to be opened, they must be rushing to the Divine Treasure!"

"Then hurry up, I'm afraid there are quite a few people on this road, don't be preempted by others!"

But on the way to Shenzang, they saw the grand scene of the torrent gathering.

"There are so many people?" Everyone was taken aback when they saw the casual cultivators gathering towards the sacred place.

"That's for sure." Anyway, it's not a secret, and someone next to him said: "In another month, Shenzang will be opened, and it's fine if you don't grab the key of Shenzang, but the medicine that will be revealed at that time, That can't be missed!"

"Now the powerhouses in the entire inner hall are basically coming here, how can there be so many people?"

"I just don't know how many pills will be revealed this time."

"I heard that there are fewer and fewer pills leaked from the ancient gods' treasures."

"It's not difficult to understand. Every session consumes the pills left before."

"I'm afraid that at some point, no more pills will be revealed from this ancient treasure."


There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the topic in the ancient ruins always changed very quickly. One moment ago, they were still discussing Liu Tianjiao's gossip and gossip, but the next moment, the hottest topic became the upcoming opening of the Shenzang.

When the ancient divine treasure is opened, there will be a pill that will be revealed at that time. It can be held without the key of the divine treasure. Whoever grabs it first at that time will own it. And these are all precious pills left over from the ancient times Because the medicine is well preserved, the efficacy of the medicine has not been lost much, so every opening of Shenzang is a grand event.

And this session is totally different from the previous ones, the nine great treasures are released together, and the number of pills that will be revealed must be more than the previous ones!
"Hey, if those who didn't come in know that they have missed such a big event, I'm afraid their guts will be green with regret!"

"That's right, the nine great gods will open together at that time, and the pills that will be revealed must be countless. Even those with low strength may be able to get one or two, so it's not in vain to come in!"

"Who says it's not, and there are so many opportunities in the inner hall, how many people have broken through and reached the peak of the spiritual realm after entering? Together, they dare to fight even Liu Tianjiao's idea!"

"If they want to fight, let them fight. I don't plan to get involved. Those six people are all ruthless characters. I'll be satisfied as long as I get some pills!"

"You are too worthless. How can the elixirs revealed in the divine treasure be compared with those in the divine treasure? I'm afraid it's not as good as the one in the divine treasure!"

"I know this too, but you have to have that life to go in. You can see that Liu Tianjiao is in dire straits right now!"

"This brother can see clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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