Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 88 The God of Pure Jade [2]

Chapter 88 The God of Pure Jade [2]

 She turned around and took a look around, all she could see was a dark green that was seldom comfortable to the eyes.

Other than that, nothing.

Not to mention the person playing the piano, even her own shadow can't be seen!

"Hey! Are you still there?" Hua Xi called out again, but he was surprised that no one responded for a long time.

Is it dreaming?

If you are dreaming, you have to wake yourself up quickly. This dream is really weird, and it makes her feel very uncomfortable.

Hua Xi turned around, almost wanting to go out.

At this moment, a voice finally responded to her.

"You are the master of Jingyu?"

It was clear and pleasant, just like the sound of the piano just now, hazy, lazy and casual.

It turns out that there are people who really play the piano!
Hua Xi immediately turned around and asked, "Are you the one who played the piano just now? Jingyu? What is Jingyu?"

"The place you are in is the world of Jingyuli." He said softly with an intoxicating voice.

It is conceivable that a person with such a voice does not know what kind of evil person will look like.

"The Jingyu you mentioned is a small gourd?" Hua Xi looked around the source of the voice while talking, "Then where are you? You live in Jingyu?"

"With your cultivation, you still can't see me." The man chuckled, "For thousands of years, you are the first human being able to enter the pure jade."

"Really?" Hua Xi stopped, and stopped looking for him in vain.

No matter which direction this place goes, it is exactly the same, without end.

"You haven't answered me yet, do you live in Jingyu?" Thinking of the little gourd I wear every day, there is a man living in it...

He shouldn't be able to see outside, right?

If she could see it, wouldn't it be when she was taking a shower...

"That's right." The man seemed to chuckle lowly, "Don't worry, I can't see outside."

Hua Xi was a little embarrassed when he broke his mind, "Inside, can you know what I'm thinking?"

"No." He paused, his tone soft, "but I can guess."

"Smart man." Hua Xi curled his lips and said, "Why do you live in Jingyu?"

He was silent for a long time, when Hua Xi would not answer in the future, he suddenly said.

"I do not know."

The plain four words are somewhat heavy and unbearable.

Hua Xi thought for a while, and stopped asking, since it has nothing to do with her anyway.

"So, wise man, can you tell me how to get out?"

"Do you want to leave? I'm bored inside, can you talk to me?" He actually asked to stay.

As for the tone, there was a little bit of sadness, but also a little bit of expectation and reluctance.

This person really lived in Jingyuli for thousands of years, so boring?If you catch someone, just want to say a few words.

The corner of Hua Xi's mouth raised slightly, and asked, "What are the benefits?"

She won't do business at a loss!

With this free time to chat, she might as well go out to practice!

The man said: "You have the spiritual power of a spellcaster in your aura, but I know that your level is very low. Do you want to become the most powerful spellcaster on the mainland?"

Hua Xi's heart skipped a beat, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't moved!
The most powerful talisman master on the mainland, this person is either talking wild words, or he is really capable.

After all, she has learned the benefits of the mysterious gourd in Jingyuli.

She prefers the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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