Chapter 268 Competition
The man was dumbfounded when he didn't see the person he thought he would see.

Isn't it already arranged?
Duan Shengya stared at him closely, and naturally noticed his strangeness.Of course he knew what the man was thinking, so he just asked, "I don't know who that person you are talking about? All the guys and masters in our shop are here."

Looking at the burly men lined up, the man was even more dumbfounded, with panic in his eyes.

The development of the matter completely exceeded his expectations!

When he was in a hurry, a man stood up, "Master Duan, it seems that you are missing one person here!"

"One less person? No less!"

Duan Shengya spread his hands and looked innocent, "Our buddies are all here!"

"One must be missing!" the man insisted.

"Brother, how do you know that we are missing one person? You are very familiar with us! Oh, I recognize you! Aren't you the guy from Baojing Weapons Store!"

Duan Shengya's words made the man flustered, how could Duan Shengya recognize him?

However, thinking of his own purpose, he calmed down.

"Yes, I'm a guy from Baojing's weapon store, so what? Can't you let me say a word of justice?"

"Oh, as long as you like it."

Duan Shengya's words made this guy almost hurt internally, especially his forgiving and patient eyes made him almost jump in anger!
Others also saw the problem and stared closely at this farce.

Baojing Weapons Store is not the shop of the Mao family, but it has a very good relationship with the Mao family, and it can be regarded as always attached to the Mao family.

Duan Shengya had been mentally prepared for a long time, so when he saw these two gangsters, his expression was very calm and calm, and he didn't see any anxiety.

This made the two of them panic. Could it be that they were exposed?

"Master Duan, you seem to be missing a buddy! That buddy named Zhao Ying!"

"Zhao Ying?" Duan Shengya looked dazed, "You mean Zhao Ying?"

They were proud, "Yes, Zhao Ying!"

They have already discussed with Zhao Ying, and they are waiting to make Fengyun Weapon Shop suffer!

But unexpectedly, Duan Shengya turned her head in surprise, "Zhao Ying, they are looking for you!"

"What are you doing with me?"

A blank voice sounded, and at the same time a burly man came out.

Looking at the man's solid arms and strong physique, one can tell that he should be a blacksmith, otherwise, how can he hold that heavy hammer?
"You are Zhao Ying?!"

After seeing the appearance of "Zhao Ying", the two were dumbfounded, "You are not Zhao Ying!"

"What do you mean I'm not Zhao Ying?" Zhao Ying frowned and looked at them with a trace of anger in her eyes, "I am Zhao Ying! Change your name if you want to sit or change your surname!"

"This this this..."

"Zhao Ying, they said that you sold them the weapons, right?" Duan Shengya asked.

"Damn! I'm too busy forging weapons every day, so I don't have time to sell things! I'm not a buddy!"

The strong smell of gunpowder smoke on Zhao Ying's body, as well as the muscular arms, all showed that what he said was true.He's a blacksmith, not a guy.

"Who the hell are you guys? Don't just bring these rags to us to touch porcelain!"

The buddies and blacksmiths in the shop nodded one after another.

"That's right! We are very busy, okay! Don't make fun of these things that are similar to paper!"

"Exactly! When I started learning forging a few years ago, the things I forged for the first time were much stronger than this thing!"

"What are you talking about escaping from the mouth of a third-level spirit beast! You really have such an ability, you can't even tell the quality of the weapon? A joke!"

"Don't be an idiot sent by someone, just to tarnish our store's reputation!"

"If it's true, I'll give him a hammer!"

These blacksmiths were all very rude and heroic. Although they were speaking in "whispers", their voices were loud enough that everyone could hear their anger.

Now, no matter how stupid people are, they can see the problem.

These two people didn't really come to touch porcelain to blackmail them, did they?

It's really possible!

The business of this store is so good these days, don't be too jealous!

"You two, is this the Zhao Ying you are talking about?"

"You liars!" The man was anxious, "This is not Zhao Ying!"

"Brothers, according to what you said, you have only bought something here once, so you can tell who's name is clear? You two have such a wide range of friends, I admire you!"

Duan Shengya's sarcastic words made both of them blushed, but their hearts were even more flustered.

At this time, what should they do?
Are they okay to keep going?
"However, in order to prove that the quality of our weapons is very good, I decided to have a competition with you!"

"Competition?" The buddy of Lingjing Weapons Shop was dumbfounded.

This was originally their ultimate goal this time, but why did Duan Shengya bring it up first?

This made them feel at a loss.

"Yes." Duan Shengya nodded, then looked around, and said loudly: "In order to let everyone believe in the quality of our weapons, and to improve our forging level, we decided to hold a friendly match! Except Lingjing weapons shop , I will also invite other weapon shops. At that time, I hope you can come and guide me!"

Everyone was stunned by the sudden development of the plot!
Why is there a competition all of a sudden? !
Although it is said to be a friendly match, if they really lose, it will have a great impact on their store!
However, at such a time, who can refuse?

"Brother, although this knife does not belong to our shop, we don't care about it with you for the sake of your brother's death. We just hope that you can take good care of it and find out the identity of this knife as soon as possible." Makers, let your brothers rest in peace!"

This made the man's face turn blue and white, which was very ugly.

Duan Shengya turned his head and said to everyone: "For the sake of fairness in this competition, we decided to invite masters from the alchemist union to be judges!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar again!

Alchemist union? !
Where did they get such a big face!

You know, the alchemist union is not accessible to ordinary people!Even if they are mercenaries who are used to life and death, they may not necessarily have any connection with alchemists!

Alchemists are all superior!How could there be time to deal with these things!

What big faces they have!
However, someone reacted.

Isn't Yun Qianyou the owner of Fengyun Weapons Shop!

Yun Qianyou is the youngest and most monstrous mid-level warlock!With such a boss, how could it be impossible to invite people from the alchemist union!
For a while, everyone was discussing and excited.

But the two people in the center have a look of bewilderment and despair——what kind of development is this f/mother? !

But no matter what, at this time, they have to grit their teeth and agree!

Otherwise, how could they mess around!
 I've changed everything, and you still don't love me... blah blah...

(End of this chapter)

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