When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 736 Counterattack 8

Chapter 736 Counterattack 8
When Gong Jue found the garden, under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the girl in the hospital gown was still squatting there. When he saw it, he paused, and immediately walked towards her at a faster pace.

But at this moment, beside her, suddenly, he heard a "click", and his footsteps immediately stopped there!

It was a finger that was so pale that it was bloodless, a dead branch that had been broken into several pieces, about the size of his little finger, but at this time, that slender finger that was not as big as half his palm was vividly Cut it into several pieces, after that, there were sparse sawdust scattered from her palm, and dead branches were still tightly held in her hand, turning white to the point where veins popped out!
What kind of anger is that?What made her so excited?

Standing behind his back, his hands in his trouser pockets also began to curl slightly...

Xia Ange didn't know that someone was coming from behind her. With her eyes tightly closed, it took a full minute before the hand that hurt her palm slowly let go. At this time, the dog beside her feet The dog also began to scream in pain again: "Whimper..."

When Xia Ange heard the dead branch thrown into her palm, she was about to reach out to pick it up, but at this moment, a large shadow suddenly blocked her sight. She looked up and saw the tall and handsome man in front of her. , has squatted down in front of her!

"When I brought you back from the top floor of the hospital, you resisted all the tests. At that time, I brought you here secretly. That's when we found out that you were infected with a virus. It was a A virus that destroys your body's immunity, it will stop your metabolism, make you hallucinate, have a fever, and then, step by step, destroy all your organs!"

Gong Jue spoke very slowly, every word, every single word, as if she was afraid that she could not hear clearly, he spoke very seriously.

Xia Ange finally raised her head, stared at him, and was a little dazed for a while.

Seeing this, Gong Jue pulled the hand she was holding on to the branch just now, put it in his palm, and spread it out. Seeing that some places on it had been broken, there was another throbbing pain in his deep eyes: "I don't I am telling you, because I am afraid that if you know, it will be worse for your health, because the virus has not yet been found out what it is? And the medicine that will cure you is not known, so, can you Give me a little more time?"

The last sentence, almost, he is using the tone of prayer!

Xia Ange looked at him for a full minute, and then his dry throat moved, and from it, he squeezed out a sentence: "Then... how did I get this virus?"

"I'm also investigating, but there is still no progress. However, don't worry, I have expanded the scope of the search. I believe that I will be able to find it after a while!"

Gong Jue has never said such a setback. Since he came into contact with the Gong family when he was 16 years old, he has never done anything he is not sure of. In his world, there is only control over the overall situation, and there are no chess pieces that cannot be counted.

However, this time, he really failed. He couldn't find any reason for her illness, nor could he find out what the virus was on her body?Not to mention the medicine to cure her.

So, at this time, after he finished speaking, his eyes didn't dare to look at the girl in front of him at all.

However, what surprised him was that after he finished speaking the words he thought were the most unforgivable, the woman in front of him, who was still ashamed just now, suddenly seemed like a ray of sunshine in the haze. , a light flickered in the pupils: "You mean...you don't know how I got sick?
(End of this chapter)

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