When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 662 Guo Zhengnan is dead! 8

Chapter 662 Guo Zhengnan is dead! 8
"Guo Zhengnan, do you know? He is a fake! I came to Myanmar these two days, went to the military headquarters stationed here, and then found his information here. Guo Zhengnan was indeed dead back then, and the military department personally It was only because he was involved in a big case at the time, and after his death, his identity was sensitive, and he was always connected with An Ge's case behind his back. As you know, An Ge is Xia Zhifeng's granddaughter, With such a background, many people would think this matter is very complicated, so even if he died, the news was not disclosed."

Speaking of this, the woman's voice seemed to be choked with sobs, and she paused for a long time before continuing: "What I hold in my hand now is his ashes!"

Gongjue was stunned!

It turned out to be such a news?
In fact, Gong Jue didn't know that this incident back then, from the outside world, might be just a very ordinary murder and drug trafficking case, but it was not. Xia Ange is behind Xia Zhifeng, and this crime, once confirmed, is very serious.

Therefore, this is the reason why Du Guoqing personally intervened in this matter.

But it's a pity that Xia Zhifeng was killed by Jiang Fangmei before there was time to investigate. Qin Ke had no choice but to investigate this matter behind his back.

However, even if this is the case, after Guo Zhengnan escaped with Xia Ange and was hacked to death, before Xia Ange was cleared of his suspicion, his charges could not be removed. Therefore, even if he died, his body , and can only belong to the military department, and the case will not be handed over to anyone until it is clarified.

And this time, if it wasn't for Qin Ke's identity, probably, it wouldn't be short of these things.

In the elevator, the man holding the phone was shocked!
It turned out to be such a news?
Guo Zhengnan, is he really dead?

After digesting for a full minute, he finally came back to his senses: "I know!"

There was no unnecessary expression, and no emotional ups and downs were heard. After hearing this amazing news, this person was surprisingly calm.

Qin Ke couldn't understand on the phone. Although, she didn't know what was going on with him and her good sister.However, in her heart, she has always believed that finding out whether Guo Zhengnan is true or false is the key to thawing the relationship between the two. Otherwise, she would not have called him first instead of Xia Ange.

But what does he mean now?With such a flat voice, there was no surprise at all. Could it be that this news meant nothing to him?
Qin Ke became a little angry: "What's the matter with you? I told you that Guo Zhengnan is dead. Why do you react so coldly? Are you unhappy?"

Qin Ke is really straightforward, no matter who it is, just say what comes to mind?Who cares if he is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu or something?

Gong Jue was choked for a moment!

Is he not happy?
Of course not, this assumption, in fact, was calculated by him an hour ago in the office, and he had already heard the voice of ecstasy in his heart.

However, at the same time, after confirming the man's death, the guess that he calmed down after an entire hour in the suite, wasn't it also finally confirmed?How can he be happy like this?I'm afraid, the increase is just a deeper layer of blood peeling pain.

"No, I'm just a little excited..."


Qin Ke had some doubts about the word she heard.

(End of this chapter)

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