When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 532 He just wants to protect... 6

Chapter 532 He just wants to protect... 6
The real cause of Jiang Fangmei's death, after the forensic autopsy results came out that day, Gong Jue blocked all news, even in the police station, he also told Director Zhang not to reveal it.

Of course, Qin Ke was an exception. She was from there. If he wanted to know about such things, he couldn't stop him.

Xia Ange didn't know this, but when he heard that he was beaten to death because of a dispute with the prisoner, he thought of the life he had lived in Myanmar for a few years, and he didn't have the slightest doubt at the moment.

"It turned out to be like this. He has always been like this. In his heart, there has always been only the mother and daughter. When did he think about me and my mother?"

Speaking of this, Xia Ange's eyes turned red again when he thought of what he had yelled at Xia Houming's office that day.

In fact, it would be a lie to say that I am not sad. The father who once loved me so much now treats me like a piece of garbage. I push all the mistakes on myself, and anyone else will feel uncomfortable.

When Gong Jue saw it from the opposite side, his heart ached. Although he didn't want her to continue asking, but he also didn't want to see her sad, so he hurried over and sat next to her: "Okay, don't think about it." That's it, I'll show you something."

Xia Ange was stunned: "What?"

But he turned around and took the tablet next to him, opened it, and entered the company group page.

Xia Ange didn't know what he was going to do?Seeing those pages opened, not long after, a very beautiful and familiar picture jumped out of it, and she was stunned: "This is...?"

"This is the company's anniversary project that you are in charge of. It has been completed in the past two days. Look, isn't it beautiful?" Gong Jue purposely enlarged the picture to let the girl next to him see it more clearly.

So Xia Ange glanced over, and in his pupils, he was completely shocked by the beautiful snow-white castle on the green field!
The round arches, hollowed-out European-style windows, and snow-colored walls without any variegation make people look particularly beautiful and mysterious at first glance.And when this photo was taken, it was breakfast, so from this angle, the brilliant and gorgeous morning glow enveloped the entire green field, like a lush forest, through the dense branches, you can see There are roses all over the place, pink ones, bright red ones, and snow white ones... Each one has a clear smile in the morning, pure and fascinating, delicate and silky white, and the morning dew on the petals .
really beautiful!
Xia Ange was dumbfounded: "Is this our case? Has it been completed yet?"

Gong Jue nodded: "Gu Chen personally took charge of your recuperation period. As of yesterday, the work has been completed. He sent this photo just this morning."

When he was talking about this, he deliberately made the picture bigger, so that the woman could see the fonts inlaid with blue crystals on the huge anniversary poster on the castle——

"Executive Director Gong Jue of Gong Group, and his wife Xia Ange——Congratulations!"

That poster is hung up every time the Gong's Group holds important events. The purpose is to welcome the guests and also to show the company's polite attitude. It is equivalent to being the only reliable source for announcing the owner of the Gong's.

But for this poster, Gong Jue didn't even write his sister Gong Yu, his younger sister Gong Xin, or even his mother Chen Yuling. Most of them, he wrote his own name, or added his grandfather's name.

(End of this chapter)

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