When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 479 Bitch is so cruel! 2

Chapter 479 Bitch is so cruel! 2
Clothes, milk powder, toys...

When he arrived at the mall, he held the child in his arms. Along the way, he thought about what the woman had said to him during the video in the afternoon, but he didn't pay attention. In this mall, from the moment he entered with the child in his arms, the father and daughter were super excited. The high appearance and the aristocratic atmosphere that naturally exudes from the body have become a beautiful landscape. Along the way, I don't know how many people's eyes have been attracted.

"Dad, are you going to take the baby to the amusement park?"

Mi Bao still remembers the Children's Mall. Last time, when her father brought her here, she had a great time.

But, to her disappointment, this time, Dad didn't bring her here to play, but to bring her shopping...

"Baby, tell me... what else do you want besides drinking milk and playing?" Looking at the dazzling array of goods, the man who had no idea where to start asked his four-year-old daughter naively.

As a result, when Mi Bao heard it, his eyes lit up like black grapes: "Huahua..."


"Hmm! And Kitty cat..."

kitty cat...

The two black lines on the man's forehead were finally brushed down heavily. He didn't want to deal with this nonsense little milk bag. He hugged her and went directly to the largest children's product store in the mall.

"Sir, what do you need to buy?"

"Well, I want to buy some daily necessities and clothes for my daughter, which ones do you think are more suitable?" Maybe it was because it was the first time to buy things for his own child. In his heart, he felt a little bit at a loss as a new father. heavier.

Fortunately, this store is an international brand, and the clerks inside are all specially trained. As soon as I heard that this young and handsome man was shopping for the baby in his arms, immediately, the clerk introduced him in detail: "Okay, sir, what does this little baby usually use are a little more acidic? Or a little more alkaline? Also, are her clothes made of cotton? Or light gauze? Are you allergic to some things? Woolen cloth?"

Why is it so complicated?

Men who are exposed to these children's products for the first time are a little confused!
What the hell is acidic alkaline?And clothes are divided into cotton and light yarn?

He suddenly felt that his head was very big. For a moment, his tall body of about 1.8 meters stood there holding the pink bun in his arms, not knowing what to do?

Seeing him like this, the clerk was a little amused: "Is this the first time, sir, to buy something for your baby?"


"It's normal if you don't know. Why don't you call your wife and ask her what kind of food she needs? Children's skin and intestines and stomach are relatively delicate. If you buy the wrong one, don't say you spent money. I'm not in good health."

I have to say that the service attitude of the clerk in this store is still very good. Under such circumstances, I didn't think about introducing it to the customer casually, and asked him to call and ask his wife.

Gong Jue thought for a while, and finally held the child with one hand, and took out the phone with the other...

In less than ten seconds, the call was connected.


"Ah Jue, where are you? Have you come back?"

Surprisingly, as soon as the phone was connected, he hadn't spoken yet, but a woman's voice came over impatiently.

Gong Jue paused for a moment, then frowned slightly: "What happened?"

That's how he is. The vigilance he has cultivated for a long time allows him to detect the slightest disturbance in the surrounding things, and he can smell abnormalities.

Xia Ange was a little out of breath when speaking on the phone, but after hearing his voice, she felt inexplicably at ease: "That Ouyang Linglong brought a lot of people to Mu's Manor, and Zhou Muqing, who said they were throwing a party for Mi Bao! "

(End of this chapter)

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