When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 426 How does it feel to be a father for the first time? 7

Chapter 426 How does it feel to be a father for the first time? 7
"Shushu, do you really need to wash?"

When the water was about to be released, the four-year-old child was worried and asked again.

But this man, too, because of the lack of care for this child for four years, he was also determined, and wanted to give it a try, so for the first time in his life, a man who only knew how to deal with files and computers, with a wide palm, He picked up the fleshy little arm of Fen Duanzi.

"Shushu, when mother washes the baby for nothing, she must first put a lot of water in this basin."

Gongjue: "..."

After a while, she silently let go of that sensual little arm and turned on the shower.

Finally, the water was full, he turned off the tap, and started to squat down to take off the dirty and outrageous little flower dress for his daughter, but at this moment, seeing Mi Bao, who was full of water in the bathtub, became excited again When she got up, before her father knelt down to undress her, she bent down and put her whole little arm inside.

As a result, three seconds later, the child's earth-shattering scream came out from the bathroom: "Oh my God! Shushu, do you want to cook Baby Mi?"

Gongjue: "..."

One minute later, the man who was in a state of desperation took out his mobile phone angrily: "Are you here?"

"Come here, come here, where are you?"

On the phone, the woman's voice was panting heavily, and it could be heard that she was rushing over as fast as possible.

Hearing this, Gong Jue finally calmed down a bit, stood up from the ground, he opened the door, only to see that the salesperson just now appeared at the door again: "That... sir, do you really need my help? I thought I heard a child's cry just now."

There was a flash of impatience in Gong Jue's eyes, he wanted to ignore it, but thinking of the woman who was coming here soon, he replied lightly: "No need, my wife is here!"

His brows and eyes are slightly closed, but inside, there is something that cannot be hidden...

The wife is here, of course I am in a good mood, hum, don't care!

But the salesman choked up
So, he really has a wife?
This is not nonsense?Without a wife, where are the children?
Three minutes later, at the elevator entrance of the shopping mall, a beautiful lavender figure appeared in everyone's eyes-
It was a very beautiful woman, with short hair at the ears, clean and neat, exquisite and beautiful facial features, bright eyes and white teeth like a city, and the lavender Chanel's latest autumn dress that she was wearing this year made her beautiful. The good posture and grooming are all at a glance. Everyone just glanced at it, and everyone was amazed and jealous.

There is such a beautiful woman in this city?
But soon, when the woman walked towards the children's clothing store where the father and daughter went in, everyone understood...

That's right, except for the man's eyes, the child is the same as this woman. No wonder the man was as cold as ice when they tried to strike up a conversation just now. It turns out that the child's mother is such an outstanding person.

In less than a second, the young mothers staying in the playground all lowered their heads.

Xia Ange didn't know the people behind her were looking at her. After finding the shop the man mentioned on the phone, she rushed in: "Miss, is there a gentleman here with a child?"

She walked too quickly, and she was a little breathless when she spoke.

But next to him, the man who was already sitting in the rest area of ​​the store completely ignored this scene, picked up a magazine on the coffee table and read it calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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