When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 346 Who is whose heart disease? 4

Chapter 346 Who is whose heart disease? 4
But Xia Ange couldn't hear it. At this moment, all she could think about was his injuries. Seeing that he had pulled everything off with all his strength, she hurried over with disinfectant and hemostatic medicine.

"I'm going to clean up the wound for you, you... bear with it."

Because he was leaning on the sofa, Xia Ange had to stand up when cleaning.

But when he heard this sentence, he closed his eyes without even the slightest hint. Afterwards, Xia Ange bent down with the disinfectant in front of him, and suddenly saw the amazingly handsome face under him.

In fact, he is really beautiful. His hair is short, but it is clean and tidy. His hairline is also clear and deep at the sideburns. They looked like two small fans with long eyelashes, even when she saw them, she couldn't help being a little jealous.

What does a man look so good-looking for?
Xia Ange always remembered how shocked she was when she saw this man for the first time. After that, she was always a little puzzled. Why is a boy more beautiful than her?

But mother said, because Gong Jue's mother is prettier than her, the child born will naturally be prettier than her Xia Ange...

It makes sense,

Xia Ange has never met the palace father, but she always remembers the palace mother Chen Yuling, when she went to Jingyuan for the first time when she was 13 years old, she was amazed when she saw the woman in cheongsam.

That's right, Chen Yuling is very beautiful. It is said that at that time, she was a famous beauty in Bincheng, and many people came to propose marriage, but later, the Chen family still fell in love with the wealthy Gong family. After that, Chen Yuling went to the Gong family and was born The three brothers and sisters of Gongjue got off.

Thinking of this, Xia Ange uncontrollably glanced at the man again, but unexpectedly, the man under him suddenly moved, and after a while, those eyes that had been closed all the time suddenly opened. : "What the hell are you doing?"

"Ah? I... I'm adjusting the disinfectant..."

"Do you need to adjust the disinfectant water?"

"Yes... yes, my cousin said, you are traumatized, if you use pure alcohol, you will hurt badly, so you have to tone it down a bit." Xia Ange really admired her ability to lie more and more. Words can also make her pull it out.

Fortunately, the man curled up on the sofa below didn't understand these things. He frowned and closed his eyes when he heard that it was for him not to hurt. When Xia Ange saw it, he quickly wet the cotton swab. , and gently wiped his forehead.

It's really strange, she remembered that when she was in the billiard room just now, the wound wasn't that big, why can she even see the flesh inside now?
"Are you hurting yourself again?"

The man who has been lying on the sofa without speaking is quietly looking at the light blue work clothes in front of him. It is specially designed by the design department for the company's white-collar workers. It is made of khaki, clean and delicate sky blue, and the buttons are , which is also the pattern of Gong's LOGO, which is very pleasing to the eye at a glance.

However, that’s not enough. What’s terrible is that after taking off the small suit, the tailor-made shirt wrapped the woman’s beautiful figure exquisitely, and there was nothing superfluous, so he just took a look at it. After passing by, facing the piece of light blue that was facing him, she leaned slightly behind her back, the milky white button was stretched open, and after that, the fullness hidden inside, like a deadly poison, broke into his chest without hesitation. In the eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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