When Lin Shen meets Xia

Chapter 234 Who Says Qiangwei Has No Mother? 4

Chapter 234 Who Says Qiangwei Has No Mother? 4
As soon as she woke up, she saw that it was just dawn outside and the child next to her was still awake. She rubbed the forehead that hadn't relieved the pain after sleeping all night, got up from the bed and went to the small table to clean Qin Yan's face from last night. I took the given document.

So many things happened last night that she didn't even have the time to think about it. Now that she woke up after sleeping all night, she finally wanted to take a good look at this thing, Li Runsheng?

Who is Li Runsheng?
After browsing through it at a glance, she couldn't help but frowned again when she saw that the name of the company's largest shareholder displayed on the information was indeed this strange name.

how so?How could it have nothing to do with what I want to check?It obviously appeared in the mother's information, is it missing somewhere?Frustrated, she also became a little irritable. She quickly turned the document to the front page, and was about to throw it back, but at this moment, on the densely written paper, suddenly, a The name of the company caught her attention...

"In the early days of Galaxy Securities' establishment, the first batch of financing companies included Dali Trading, Hengyuan Export... and other five companies financing."

Dali trade?

Dali trade? ! !

As if something flashed in her mind suddenly, her eyes lit up, she suddenly lowered her head and quickly took off her necklace, she opened the pendant and took out the small chip inside, then got out of bed and turned on her laptop .

Dali trade, if she remembers correctly, when that bitch Jiang Fangmei brought Xia Susu to join her father in the name of a classmate, she hoped that her father could lend some money to her younger brother Jiang Yuan to do some business. The registered company is called Dali Trading!
Yes, it's called Dali Trading...

She was so excited that her fingers trembled a little. As soon as she turned on the computer, she couldn't wait to enter the core disk. Sure enough, in the financial summary statement that Qiu Rujin left behind, Galaxy Holdings was marked with a heavy yellow color. marked, and when she double-clicked its sub-table, it popped up, and there were five companies on the material Qin Yan gave her, but similarly, Dali Trading was also marked in yellow.

It turned out that Qiu Rujin was accused of embezzlement at the beginning of embezzling tens of millions of funds from the Gong Group. However, the chip that Qiu Rujin left for Xia Ange before her death clearly stated that there were problems with the financial accounts of that year. The project was marked, but when the information in the computer was opened, she was stunned...

what happened?Why does Dali also cooperate with Gongshi?

Why is this happening?

It was like the dawn that suddenly appeared in the darkness and was cut off abruptly. The woman who was still excited just now stared at the words on the computer monitor, and suddenly she was dumbfounded.

Why is Dali doing business with Gongshi?

No, it's nothing to do business, the key is, if Dali also has economic relations with Gongshi, then the bank holdings will block Gongshi from the US JM. What are the benefits of R company's cooperation?
Could it be that?She was wrong again?The Dali here is not the same company as the Dali in her impression?
No, if it wasn't the Dali company on this document, why would the information left by my mother be marked?
All of a sudden, she was completely confused!

(End of this chapter)

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