Chapter 756 Falling into the Water (2)

And at this time, some of the light and fine pollen was accidentally sucked in by Xue Luoyue.

Another wave of dizziness struck, and Xue Luoyue was able to confirm that her dizziness was related to this pollen-like thing.

The other hand quickly took out the detoxification pill and ate it, but unfortunately, it didn't seem to have any effect, there was a faint rhythm of wanting to spit out the pill.

But Xue Luoyue bit her mouth tightly, holding back the feeling of wanting to vomit.

It was the first time she was poisoned and couldn't get rid of it. For the first time, Xue Luoyue became more interested in the group of little guys.

She knew the efficacy of her detoxification pill, but now it was ineffective, which meant that the pollen obtained by these bees was a kind of medicine that she had never seen before.

She is interested! .

However, her medicine is not useless, at least, the dizziness is gone now, but breathing has become difficult, as if she is allergic to pollen, and her breathing is not smooth.

Glancing at Jun Qingruo by the lake from the corner of the eye, Xue Luoyue felt that she might not be able to catch the little bee this time, just as she was about to jump into the lake.

Something smashed hard into the water.

The splashing waves hit Xue Luoyue and a group of unresponsive bees all at once.

These bees instantly looked like mosquitoes that had been intoxicated by the incense, and they fell to the ground one after another. The scene was very objective.

But Xue Luoyue didn't look at all of this.

That thing stirred up the surface of the lake, and Jun Qingruo, who was hiding in the lake before, disappeared, "Qingruo, Qingruo, where are you?" Xue Luoyue frowned, and shouted towards the lake.

She didn't run down to rescue people immediately, because that would be useless, and if she didn't determine the target, she might miss the time to rescue the target if she went down blindly.

Suddenly, a pinkish figure floated on the surface of the lake, Xue Luoyue's eyes lit up, before she had time to think, she dodged and tuned to the figure.

In three or two strokes, the man was brought to the shore.

Looking at her face, Xue Luoyue couldn't help frowning, this is not Jun Qingruo, where did Jun Qingruo go? .

"Qing Ruo, where are you, Qing Ruo, answer me" Xue Luoyue kept looking around the fluctuating lake without checking whether the people on the ground could be saved.

At this moment, Xue Luoyue was a little annoyed. If she knew she would put Jun Qingruo in space and not let her hide in the lake, it was all her fault.

Suddenly, a embarrassed figure climbed up from the shore.

Ecstasy flashed in Xue Luoyue's eyes, she ran to the side of that person and hugged her, "Qing Ruo, you scared me to death, where did you go?"

At the same time, he patted the man on the back.

"Cough cough cough" spat on Xue Luoyue's body with a big mouthful.

"Are you all right, how's it going?" Xue Luoyue looked at Jun Qingruo with concern.

Jun Qingruo pushed back the messy hair in front of her, "Miss, I'm fine, I just drank some water," Jun Qingruo said embarrassedly.

Being next to Xue Luoyue at close range, she felt a little embarrassed for some reason.

Seeing the stains on the front of Xue Luoyue's skirt, Jun Qingruo's face was slightly unwell, "Miss, I'm sorry" she picked up her sleeve and helped Xue Luoyue wipe it, but unfortunately, it became even wetter.

Jun Qingruo froze, uh, the more she helped, the more helpful she was.

"Okay, it's good that it's okay," Xue Luoyue said, and helped Jun Qingruo up, and walked to the shore.

"Huh? By the way, miss, I really want to see you rescue someone up. Do you think she is me?" Jun Qingruo asked shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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