happy ex-wife

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

Shui Anluo tightened her arms again, "Thank you." Shui Anluo said hoarsely, thanking him for taking off the military uniform, and thanking him for finding her.

Chu Ningyi didn't speak, but walked up with her back a little more firmly.

But Chu Ningyi took a few steps, and frowned tightly, "Shui Anluo, did you hug him like this when you were carried by Mo Lusu?" Chu Ningyi thought, and immediately a touch of Unknown anger.

Shui Anluo was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "How do you know that senior brother carried me?"

The senior brother carried her because the road down the mountain was too muddy and the road was too narrow, and the senior brother had no way to support her, so he took the risk of carrying her on his back, but how could Chu Ningyi know?
"I will settle this matter with you when I go back." Chu Ningyi said, looking up at the rough road ahead, his brows furrowed even more, but fortunately the weather has cleared up now.

Chu Ningyi chose a relatively open place, then put Shui Anluo down, "Wait for me for a while."

"Don't go." Shui Anluo hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab Chu Ningyi's arm, looking at him pitifully.

Chu Cuiyi lowered his head, looked at her pitiful appearance, knelt down and wiped the dried dirt on her face again, couldn't help but lowered his voice and said, "I'll find some herbs for you, Be back in a moment."

"I don't hurt, don't go." Shui Anluo said eagerly, as if she was afraid that he would really leave, and hastily changed her hand from holding his arm to hugging his arm.

But Chu Ningyi wanted to do it, so he pecked her lips directly, and said in a low voice, "Don't go?"


What hovered in front of Shui Anluo was no longer the cold air, but his warm breath.

Shui Anluo didn't speak, but the strength on her arm didn't relax at all.

Chu Ningyi turned around to leave, but Shui Anluo still held his arm tightly and refused to let go, looking at him stubbornly with a small face covered in mud.

Chu Ningyi was suddenly irritated by her big eyes, lowered his head and pinched her chin and said angrily, "Shui Anluo, why didn't you leave?"

The feeling Shui Anluo gave him made him uneasy. Sometimes, he would feel that she still had her own in her heart, so she chose to stay, but sometimes, she gave him the feeling that it was she who did all this. All for the little ones.

This feeling of uncertainty bored him.

Why not go?
Because he was afraid that other women would appear by his side.

Shui Anluo pursed her lips and said nothing, because she was afraid that she would be despised and ridiculed if she said it, so she chose to guard like a turtle, and did not allow other women to appear beside him.

But Chu Ningyi didn't allow Shui Anluo to escape, and slightly increased the strength of the fingers pinching her chin, forcing her to face him.

Shui Anluo had nowhere to escape, she could only face him, but her hands holding his arms were clasped tightly together, and her big eyes stared at him with stubbornness and unwillingness.

"Why?" Chu Ningyi asked in a low voice, as if he was bound to get an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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