The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 715 Having a husband and not having a son

Chapter 715 Having a husband and not having a son ([-])

Some students booed: "Master, don't worry, no matter who bullies Teacher Qi in the future, we will definitely not forgive him."

"Teacher Qi, Master is so kind to you!"

"Teacher Qi is so happy."

Qi Yuxi blushed and said: "With you guys covering me, who would dare to bully me in the future, don't just talk, eat quickly, the food will be cold."

"The food at Mr. Qi's house is delicious, a hundred times better than that in the cafeteria. Can you pack the food if you can't finish it?" some students jokingly asked.

Someone immediately raised an argument: "You still want to pack, dream, I won't leave until I finish eating today."


During the banquet, laughter continued.

Being with these energetic young people, Qi Yuxi felt young too.

Her eyes fell on Deng Yueze, who talked the least. When the other students were talking and laughing, he kept his head down and ate, neither uttering a word nor laughing, frowning, looking very preoccupied, which looked weird.

Lu Mufeng looked at Deng Yueze following Qi Yuxi's line of sight, and casually picked up a piece of ribs for Qi Yuxi: "Eat."

Lu Mufeng seldom served Qi Yuxi food, and it was only then that Qi Yuxi realized that there was something wrong with his face, as if he was jealous.

This man is really the king of vinegar in Asia.

She just glanced at her student, and he became jealous.

Lu Mufeng is not only jealous, but also has a strong sense of crisis, afraid that Qi Yuxi will fall in love with the young fresh meat, and he is more than ten years older than these young fresh meat.

Faced with these little fresh meats every day, will she think he is old?
Thinking of this, Lu Mufeng felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Lu Mufeng's gloomy face, Qi Yuxi put some food for him with a smile, and signaled him not to be jealous. In her mind, he is the best and no one can replace him.

After lunch, Lu Mufeng took Qi Yuxi's shoulders and sent the students to the door.

The students got into the car and kept waving: "Teacher Qi, Master, goodbye!"

"Goodbye." Qi Yuxi watched the white car go away, and said to Lu Mufeng until he couldn't see it, "I can't hide it now."

"It's just right if you can't hide it." Lu Mufeng had a complacent expression of "I'll just wait for this day".

It's time to give him a name.

Qi Yuxi shrugged helplessly: "From now on, if I want to be quiet at school, I won't be able to be quiet."

"At least no one will dare to bully you in the future, let alone subject you to unfair treatment."

With Lu Mufeng's gold-lettered signboard, she is as invincible as if she had a golden bell to protect her body.

It can be regarded as pros and cons!

It's just that it's harder for her to be a good teacher.


As expected, the news spread quickly, and that afternoon, Qi Yuxi received a call from Dean Chen of the academy.

During the phone call, Dean Chen's attitude improved significantly: "Mr. Qi, the college has already found out that you were wronged. Come back to class tomorrow!"

Qi Yuxi sneered and asked: "What about the person who framed me, the academy is going to deal with it?"

"Mr. Qi, the person who posted the post has not been found yet. Once found out, he will definitely not tolerate it."

What Dean Chen said were all clichés, it was impossible for Qi Yuxi not to hear them.

It was simply to protect those who framed her.

Can't find it?
Hmph, how could it not be found.

Qi Yuxi was angry and didn't want to be fooled by others.

Even if Dean Chen was not happy, she would say a word that does not know how to flatter: "Dean Chen, then wait until the person who framed me is found out before I go back to school. I believe the school will investigate thoroughly and give me back." justice."

(End of this chapter)

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