Chapter 1779 Loved (20)

Ou Manhui thought of something, quickly opened the search engine, and searched for news about the death of Ling Muye's parents.


22 years ago... on Qingxue's birthday! ! !
It turned out that they died that day.

She only heard from Sheng Shaocheng that she was dead, but she didn't know that she died that day...

It turned out that she had misunderstood Sheng Shaocheng all along...!
He didn't betray her.

It wasn't that he lied to her.

He didn't have sex with others, and he didn't break his oath...

he didn't...

He had always been hers, hers alone.

But she didn't listen to his explanation carefully...

"Wow?" Seeing that Ou Manhui was stunned, the black bear yelled twice tentatively.

Ou Manhui regained consciousness in a trance, but her eyes were empty.

The bear nudged her head and forced her to look at it.

Then it showed her the movie ticket it held in its mouth.

movie ticket?
For a moment, Ou Manhui seemed to think of something, a movie, yes, a movie.

He said he would invite her to watch a movie...

It was a movie she wanted to see before but never saw...

Can you make it?

Is there still time?
Ou Manhui took out the movie ticket from the black bear's mouth, and there was a black bear's saliva on it. She wanted to cry, so she suddenly reached out and gave it a big hug.

"Thank you black bear, thank you! You are the best dog in the world!!"

"Aww?" The black bear looked bewildered, but he still enjoyed being praised.

Heh heh, let it just say, it is a smart dog, how stupid it is! !
Ou Manhui wiped away her tears and said to it, "I'll go find him!"

The black bear has an expression of hurrying, hurrying, don't cry.

Ou Manhui bit her lip, and ran away with the movie ticket.

The movie is coming to a close.

It's still too late for her to rush over...!
But still can't stop.

Because I have been waiting for so long, and I have missed it for too long...

Want to be by his side.

Even after 22 years, this wish has not changed.

I have been suppressing my emotions all the time, not letting him know, not letting others know, not letting the whole world know, and even forgetting about myself.Because I always felt that he was the one who betrayed her first.

Feeling that all love has become a lie, she can no longer afford to embrace it.

But at this moment, she finally knew that this was not the case.

Her love never faded away...

And she, she was too absolute...believed what she saw, but didn't distinguish those...

Back then, she was just a little girl who was dazzled by love, and she ran into him on a rampage, just wanting to be with him.

It doesn't matter if you don't make flowers in the greenhouse.

Even if you don't want Yuwei to leave your sea area and lose your voice, you still have to find her love.

Even if she can no longer be her daughter, she has never regretted giving up her luxurious life.

Everything is so willing, just because it is him, as long as he is by his side is enough.

But how much she hated him, she had no reason to stay by his side...

Used to hate him so much.

It turns out, never...

He never betrayed her.

What he said is right, the reason for all this, the reason for the separation of the flesh and blood for so many years, is not him, but her...

It was her blindfolded eyes, lack of courage to explore the truth, fear of knowing the truth, and no reason to miss him, so she blindly escaped for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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