Destiny Phoenix

Chapter 278 Working For Whom?

Chapter 278 Working For Whom?

"Scared?" Feng Qingyao's light voice came from outside the prison door.

The three teenagers looked over at the same time.

Nanfang shook his head and said firmly, "Nanfang is not afraid, it's just that the smell makes you feel uncomfortable. Wait for a while and it will be fine." The smell of burnt flesh mixed with the hot stench is really disgusting.

On the other hand, those two young men, seeing Nan Nan who was younger than them, were so resolute, they felt ashamed at the moment, and shook their heads resolutely.

"We are not afraid."

Feng Qingyao looked away, and her eyes fell on the killer who was struggling in pain.

Thick smoke billowed under his feet, the soles of his feet had already turned black, and the smallest thumb began to glow with the color of charcoal fire, as if it was about to burn.Because of the pain, his facial features were distorted, and he cursed incoherently.

"Bring water!" Nanfang was the first to recover from his stupor, glanced at the two people around him, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" A boy brought over the water he had prepared in advance.

Nanfang took it and threw it at the iron plate.

The water was poured on the iron plate, and there was a "chi la" sound, and the hot air filled the entire cell in an instant.

The killer seemed to be in a steamer, and the heat made him unable to open his eyes.There is no other sensation in the feet except pain.The temperature of the iron plate washed by the water rose extremely quickly, and the remaining water droplets evaporated instantly.

The water on the soles of the feet is not so easy to dry.

The cold water soaked into the half-cooked flesh, was scorched by the iron plate, and penetrated inch by inch into the muscles.

Biting pain swept through his body again.

"Ah—ah—" The extremely prolonged moaning sound represented the intensification of pain, and the iron plate under his feet was quickly burned red again, and the pain he endured became more intense.

"You asked them to do this, are you really not afraid of scaring them?" Hua Banli appeared beside her at some time.

"They will experience these things sooner or later. If they are protected like the flowers of the Nuan Pavilion, then they will suffer in the future." Feng Qingyao said.Extorting confessions by torture is cruel, but it can remind them of what will be waiting for them if one day falls into the hands of the enemy.

With such experience, they will definitely be more cautious when performing tasks.

Nanfang heard Feng Qingyao's voice and turned to look at her strangely.But she found that she was standing alone in front of the dungeon door, looking at herself indifferently, and there was no one around her.

Maybe he heard it wrong, he thought, picked up a basin of water again, and poured it on the iron plate.

After three times, the killer's soles were almost left with bones, and even the bones of the toes were washed away by the water.His feet could not support his heavy body, and he hung crookedly on the wooden frame.

Nan Nan finally heard his weak voice, "Put, let me down, I said, I said—"

As soon as Nanfang beckoned, the two teenagers immediately turned the wheel, moved the wooden frame behind the brazier, and slowly lowered him down.

The killer was drenched in sweat, his forehead and the ends of his hair were dripping with sweat.He raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Feng Qingyao with a smile in his eyes, "Most, poison, woman, person, heart——"

"Thank you for the compliment." Feng Qingyao readily accepted.

Nanfang was startled, he could clearly see that the killer was swearing, and was thinking of venting his anger on his beloved sister Qingyao, and punching that person a few more times, but sister Qingyao accepted it with a smile.

"Tell me, who are you working for?"

(End of this chapter)

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