Forensic Wife

Chapter 186 Dare You Say You Don't Know?

Chapter 186 Dare You Say You Don't Know?

A lot of materials need to be prepared for company transfer. If the lawyer moves quickly, he can prepare the things needed by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau within a few days.

At that time, Shen Lin and Yu Jing will only need to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change the legal person, and soon, these companies will not have the surname of Shen.

Shen Lin was very naive. The reason why he dared to transfer the company to Yu Jing with such confidence was because he believed that it was the joint property of husband and wife. Even if Yu Jing took it, it was impossible for her to take it all away.

But how did he know that these things, Rong Junhan has already planned, when the time comes, as long as he is set up to "derail within marriage", the evidence is solid and the situation is bad, it is not impossible for him to leave the house.

If she didn't even have such a back trick, how could she be counted as having schemed against the Shen family for so many years?

The current situation is that the more the Shen family targets Yu Jing, the more Shen Lin has to prove his determination. Even if Huang Yu leaves him so sadly, he still insists on giving the company away, without thinking about his parents at all. .

Because in his opinion, parents have worked so hard all their lives, and in the end these things must be given to him. Otherwise, what are parents fighting for?
He took it for granted, and felt that Shen Jinyun and Huang Yu were just being fooled by Mu Qiqi, so he wanted to get things done as soon as possible, because he was afraid of complications.

However, during the past few days when the lawyer was preparing the materials, the Shen family did not appear in front of him. It seemed that it was true what Huang Yu said that day. Could it be that he really didn't recognize his son?
Seeing that Shen Lin was silent, Yu Jing was afraid that he would be shaken, so she tried every means to persuade him: "Are you afraid that your parents will be angry? You are the treasure in their palms, and they will not easily get angry with you."

"However, in the past few days, there has been no movement in the Shen family."

"There is no movement, maybe it's a kind of fulfillment from the elders of Shen's parents?" Yu Jing hugged Shen Lin's head and said, "In the future, I will be even more kind to my mother."

"That's right, now that Grandpa has Mu Qiqi, how can he still see me?" Thinking of this, Shen Lin put away his fear and strengthened his determination, "Xiaojing, fortunately, I will be with you tomorrow." You can go through the formalities."

"Fool, I love you whether there is a company or not."

Only Shen Lin believed this.

The Shen family didn't move. Although Rong Junhan was also curious, she believed in her heart that the Shen family was helpless, so she simply ignored it and let Shen Lin go to trouble. Anyway, isn't it just a few companies?The second child, Shen Jinyun, does not rely on these companies for food, but it is enough for the family.

Knowing that Yu Jing is her daughter, knowing that Yu Jing is deceiving Shen Lin, but Shen Lin just doesn't believe it.

This feeling is really worth opening red wine to celebrate.

But how did she know that the Shen family had already made all preparations for a counterattack, and tomorrow would be a great day to expose Yu Jing.


The Shen family knew that Shen Lin and Yu Jing would go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to go through the formalities tomorrow, and they were VIPs by appointment.

So early in the morning, Shen Jinyun and Huang Yu also cleaned up decently, just to go today and give Shen Lin a "surprise".

Mu Qiqi told the two elders that they must go one hour later than Shen Lin's time, deliberately wait for them to finish the formalities, and make sure Shen Lin and Yu Jing believe that the deal is done and cannot be undone.

Only in this way, Yu Jing could show even bigger cheating feet, because she thought that the scheme had succeeded, so she might not be willing to continue to perfunctory Shen Lin.

Therefore, Shen Lin took the lawyer and Yu Jing to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to handle everything smoothly. He didn't know that the staff of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau was actually entrusted by the Shen family. Signed the document, but, the staff, did not really accept it.

Because the Shen family told the people in the Industry and Commerce Bureau that they might be suspected of fraud, so the staff arranged this play.

According to the procedure, within five to ten working days, the legal person will be changed and a new legal person license will be issued.

But in Yu Jing's heart, at this point, the Shen family can no longer change it back.

In particular, when they were about to leave, they saw Huang Yu and Shen Jinyun appear in the hall of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Shen Lin's expression changed because he saw Huang Yu covering his face and crying.

She rushed over directly, grabbed her son's arms and said, "It's all over? You really gave the company to this bitch?"

"Mom She is my wife, I don't allow you to say that about her. "

"Are you still protecting her?" After Huang Yu finished speaking, she took out the photo from her bag and threw it to Shen Lin, "Look for yourself."

Shen Lin took the photos staggeringly, flipped through a few, and saw that Rong Junhan and his father-in-law were actually living together. However, he still favored Yu Jing in his heart, so he held up the photos and replied to Huang Yu: "Can this be?" What do you mean? Mom, are you making a fuss too much?"

After Shen Lin finished speaking, Shen Jinyun's slap came over: "Wake up, Rong Junhan lives with this man surnamed Yu, won't Yu Jing know? You just don't want to believe it, this family is all liars Right?"

"Dad..." Shen Lin was shocked because he had never been beaten by his father.

"Yu Jing, don't you really know?" Shen Jinyun didn't want to talk to his son anymore, but turned his attention to Yu Jing and asked.

But Yu Jing never thought that her parents would be secretly photographed, so she didn't know how to answer.

"Do you dare to say that you don't know?"

"I..." Yu Jing was about to speak, but a text message came from the mobile phone in her bag, and Yu Jing panicked, trying to let everyone ignore it.

However, Huang Yu snatched her purse, took out her mobile phone, and saw the text message from Yu's father: "Have the transfer procedures been completed?"

Seeing this question, Huang Yu showed it to Shen Lin: "It seems that your father is very concerned about whether the company has been successfully transferred."

Father Yu never liked to ask about this kind of thing, he was obsessed with paintings, but today at such a time, he sent a text message.

This made Shen Lin finally put his suspicious eyes on Yu Jing: "Xiao Jing, what's going on?"

"Dad just cared."

"Your father doesn't even care about our marriage, why does he only care about the transfer of ownership?" Shen Lin asked.

"You said that you will always trust me." Seeing that Yu Jing had no way to explain it, she could only play the emotional card, "I don't know why Dad sent such a text message asking me, I really don't know. "

At this moment, Yu's father sent another text message: "The transfer has been made, please tell us."

This time, Shen Lin saw it with his own eyes...

"We? Which us?"

Yu Jing frowned, never thought that things would develop like this.Anyway, things can't be hidden anymore, so she doesn't serve the family any more: "I really don't have a tutor, mobile phone is such a private thing, can you flip through it casually?"

After hearing Yu Jing's words, Shen Lin was shocked. He looked at Yu Jing in disbelief: "What did you say?"

"I said that your Shen family is so ungrateful and has no tutor." After speaking, she snatched the phone back from Huang Yu's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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