My girl is cute

Chapter 729

Chapter 729
Hearing this, the three girls were stunned for a moment, "No way? I've heard that the girls in the computer department are very tough, and it's okay to be troubled by them?"

"Aren't you afraid of being besieged when you go out to eat with the school grass of the computer department?" Several people asked, their eyes full of doubts.

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Gu Jiajia's lips, which disappeared in a flash.

"The girls in the computer department are no match for her." Until now, Gu Jiajia has never forgotten Zhu Xiaomeng's very good skills.And three years ago, at the club, she held a gun in her hand, and the bullet brushed against her ear.

The feeling of almost dying is still fresh in her memory.

Although she found out later that the bullet was just a fake, even so, it made her feel full of hatred when she thought about it now.

She was just born a little worse than Zhu Xiaomeng, so why did everyone else like her when they were compared!

Clenching her fingers unconsciously, although she hates Zhu Xiaomeng very much, Gu Jiajia also knows that she is not Zhu Xiaomeng's opponent, and fighting her is just courting death.

Who made...they were born noble.

Several girls were chatting, and suddenly found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere on the side.

Turning her head, she saw Gu Jiajia with her head down, her fingers tightly holding the water glass in her hand, her knuckles were a little blue.

Seeing this, several people couldn't help being startled, "Jiajia, are you okay?"

Hearing this, Gu Jiajia regained consciousness in an instant, and smiled at them, "It's nothing, I just remembered something suddenly."

Seeing this, several people smiled, "It's fine, let's eat quickly, and I have to go back for evening self-study later."

Looking at the bicycle, Zhu Xiaomeng rubbed her stomach, blinking her beautiful eyes at Bei Yichen, "Why don't we go for a while?"

Watching her movements, Bei Yichen was silent, then nodded.

After walking for a while, Zhu Xiaomeng suddenly covered her stomach, and said to Bei Yichen, "Why don't you wait for me at the school gate, I'm going to the toilet."

Bei Yichen nodded, looked at her back as she turned and left, suddenly thought of something, hesitated, and asked, "Did you bring the paper?"

Zhu Xiaomeng froze for a moment, then reached out and touched his pocket subconsciously.

Turning around, she looked innocently at Bei Yichen.

Seeing this, he took out a pack of paper from his trouser pocket and handed it to her blankly.

"Thank you." After saying this, Zhu Xiaomeng turned and ran towards the public toilet not far away.

Although it is a public toilet, it is also very clean.

Walking out of the toilet, he yawned lazily, but his gaze suddenly froze.

Why does the person in black casual clothes walking towards here feel so familiar?
Zhu Xiaomeng looked carefully and soon knew who it was.

In such a day, who doesn't care about other people's eyes and wears a mask on his face, except for that Z who makes her teeth itch, who else can she hate?

Seeing that he was coming in the direction of the toilet, Zhu Xiaomeng turned her head and rolled her eyes quickly.

Turning around, he took down the sign that said women's restroom, ran to the other side to the sign that said men's restroom, took down the sign for men's restroom, and put the sign for women's restroom on it.

Then put the sign with the men's restroom on the women's restroom, Zhu Xiaomeng couldn't help laughing.

I don't know what kind of expression that Z will have when he enters!
Thinking about it, Zhu Xiaomeng felt very much looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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