My girl is cute

Chapter 592 You Really Did It

Chapter 592 You Really Did It
Hearing this, Wei Wei was taken aback on the weekend, it was probably the first time someone asked her such a question.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Wei said, "Actually, at the beginning, I was just fascinated by his face. I wanted to catch him and looked at that face every day. Later, as we got along longer, I started to understand his preferences little by little, what he likes to eat, what he is allergic to, what little habits he has... I have never known a person so well, I want to know a person uncontrollably. I haven't seen him for a day , you will feel that something is missing in your heart..."

Weekend Wei said, with longing in her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiaomeng knew that she was serious.

"Even if he doesn't like me now, I will make him like me slowly, anyway, I have a lot of time to spend with him!"

Hearing this, Zhu Xiaomeng and Ji Lianrong looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

When Lin Zi'er finally came out, no one knew, but she asked for leave the next day.

Early the next morning, Zhu Xiaomeng was woken up by the phone ringing.

After connecting the phone in a daze, I heard Dongfang Si's smiling voice. "Aren't you awake yet?"

After the words fell, Zhu Xiaomeng woke up instantly, and said, "I woke up a long time ago, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Dongfang Si seemed to hesitate for a moment, then chuckled, "You'd better sleep a little longer, I don't think you slept well."

Zhu Xiaomeng snorted coldly, "I'm going to sleep well, tell me something, or I'll blacklist you!"

The threatening words made Dongfang Si's lips slightly curl up on the other side of the phone.

"Since you've slept well, I'll wait for you downstairs in your dormitory. Come down quickly and have breakfast."

Zhu Xiaomeng froze for a moment, eat breakfast?
Looking at the time displayed on the phone, Zhu Xiaomeng frowned, "It's still early, what breakfast?"

Dongfangsi rang out with a little bit of joy, "Didn't you say yesterday that you want me to make you breakfast? The fried eggs are ready, and I'm downstairs in your dormitory now. If you don't come down, the fried eggs will be eaten." It's cold."

Hearing this, Zhu Xiaomeng instantly became energetic and said, "I'll be down right away!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and quickly dressed and washed.

When Zhu Xiaomeng came to the downstairs of the dormitory, he saw Dongfangsi standing under a tree from a distance, holding a food box in his hand.

"Let's go." Seeing Zhu Xiaomeng approaching, Dongfang Si naturally took her hand and walked towards the small gazebo in the distance.

Zhu Xiaomeng didn't pay attention to these, her eyes were fixed on the food box in Dongfang Si's hand, and she really wanted to open it and eat the fried eggs inside, to see if it tasted like the one she ate some time ago.

Coming to the gazebo, Dongfang Si gently opened the food box, and took out two plates from inside, with pieces of golden fried eggs inside.

There is also a little chopped green onion in each piece of fried egg. The color looks very beautiful and the taste is very attractive.

Zhu Xiaomeng couldn't wait to take the chopsticks handed over by Dongfang Si, picked up a piece of fried egg and put it in his mouth.

"Well, it's delicious." Zhu Xiaomeng narrowed her eyes and ate one piece after another.

It wasn't until the fried eggs on the two plates were all wiped out that Zhu Xiaomeng looked at Dongfangsi, "You really did it?" Could it be that he really knows how to cook?
It's just that this taste is not the one she ate in the past few days...

(End of this chapter)

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