My girl is cute

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

As soon as Dongfang Si's message was sent, Zhu Xiaomeng on the other side replied quickly.

'If you can recognize your mistakes and correct them in time, you can teach a child! '

Seeing this news, Dongfang Si lightly raised his forehead. Fortunately, he was the one who added the friend.If it were someone else, he would probably have yelled at him long ago.

this girl!

With a doting smile in his eyes, Dongfang Si immediately sent a humbly receptive expression, and then sent another message.

'Looking at what you said, I really like dogs and cats, so have you ever raised them?I want to have one too, can I ask about your experience? '

In this way, Zhu Xiaomeng couldn't help but feel satisfied.

What is a sense of accomplishment?This is called a sense of accomplishment!
Bringing a person who likes pigs to the road of liking dogs and cats, the sense of accomplishment cannot be described in ordinary words!

Zhu Xiaomeng was immersed in this sense of accomplishment, and began to teach Dongfang Si one by one the methods she used to raise dogs in the countryside.

Looking at Zhu Xiaomeng's dog-raising experience, Dongfang Si was a little puzzled.

It turns out that pet dogs are meant to eat leftovers and bones, but aren't they all given dog food now?

Although Dongfang Si was puzzled, he was smart enough not to ask.Because he knew that since Zhu Xiaomeng was talking about her dog-raising experience with great interest, if he dared to interrupt, she would definitely scold him!
So for the next half an hour, Dongfangsi has been cooperating with Zhu Xiaomeng.Keep all the dog-raising experience she said silently in my heart, and plan to buy a pet dog for use after a while.

I just don't know, what will happen when the method of raising native dogs is applied to pet dogs?

Zhu Xiaomeng was having a good chat here, and Zhu Muwei's hand outside the door was almost broken.

And he rubbed his waist with one hand, knocked on the door with the other, and said over and over again, "Xiaomeng, in fact, things are not what you see, the fourth child and I really don't hurt, just shouting for fun " Zhu Muwei has said this sentence many times.

As for Zhu Xiaomeng, every time she gave a perfunctory "hmm" through the door, there was no more to say.

At first Zhu Xiaomeng would agree to say yes, but later on, Zhu Xiaomeng didn't even say yes.This caused Zhu Muwei's heart to be extremely hurt!
"Xiaomeng, come out for a while, can we have a good chat?" Zhu Muwei had no choice but to speak in another way.

However, this time there was still no sound inside, as if the people inside had fallen asleep.

Thinking of this, Zhu Muwei sighed heavily, reached out to rub his waist, turned and left.

Anyway, we all live on the second floor, and we will meet again sooner or later.

When Zhu Xiaomeng was happily teaching Dongfang Si about his dog-raising experience, he never noticed that there were still people knocking on the door.

That's why Zhu Xiaomeng never answered Zhu Muwei.

At this time, Zhu Xiaomeng's gaze has been completely attracted by her dog-raising experience.

Seeing the humbly and teachable expressions sent by that person, Zhu Xiaomeng felt very satisfied.

What a great way to teach other people this stuff, isn't it!
Zhu Xiaomeng looked at the chat records and smiled happily.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Xiaomeng sent a message.

'Have you ever had a cat?I can pass on my experience to you. '

(End of this chapter)

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