My girl is cute

Chapter 418 Who Should Say It

Chapter 418 Who Should Say It

Glancing coldly at everyone in the cafeteria, Zhou Wei snorted coldly, "Isn't your mouth too big! You can't keep your mouth shut even after eating!"

As the principal's daughter, Weekend Wei, no one dared to refute her words.

So as soon as Wei's words fell on the weekend, everyone shut up and didn't dare to discuss any more.

But not everyone was convinced. Immediately, a few girls in gorgeous dresses slammed the table and stood up from their chairs, "We said ours is none of your business! And you haven't done those things, and you are afraid of others Say it!"

The first sentence was addressed to Zhou Weiwei, while the latter sentence was directed at Zhu Xiaomeng.

Hearing this, Zhu Xiaomeng glanced at them indifferently, and then said, "It's none of our business for you to discuss. But it's none of my business for you to attack me with words!"

At the end, Zhu Xiaomeng's eyes were sharp, and his aura was somewhat similar to that of Qianming Mountain, carrying the majesty of a superior.

Seeing this, the girls were stunned, and then the person in the lead said a little unconvinced, "Who said we are discussing you, we are discussing a flirtatious, shameless bitch!"

Hearing this, Ji Lianrong couldn't help but said, "Who are you talking about! Shut your stinky mouth!"

Hearing this, the girl raised her chin and snorted coldly, "The one who should say it is the one!"

Seeing this, Zhou Wei immediately said, "Which mad dog is barking? Ji Lianrong, don't be as knowledgeable as a mad dog, or it will lower our status!"

Hearing this, Ji Lianrong immediately gave Weekend Wei a thumbs up, and then snorted disdainfully, "That's right, mad dogs like to bite people randomly. It's better for us not to be as knowledgeable as mad dogs."

Ji Lianrong's voice was intentionally loud, so that everyone around her could hear her clearly almost immediately.

Those girls immediately became angry, and they all stared at the two angrily, "Who do you call a mad dog!"

Hearing this, Zhou Wei rolled her eyes indecently, "Whoever should say it is whoever it is!"

The faces of those girls instantly became extremely ugly, and they looked at them with vicious eyes.

"Yo Yo Yo, if you stare again, those eyeballs will fall out." Weekend Wei continued to speak, then gave a haughty back of the head to several people, and went to buy food.

Seeing this, one of the girls in the lead threw away the chopsticks in her hand, and said loudly angrily, "Some people are really shameless! They dare to come out and hang around! Hmph, whatever your identity, you still have to be careful." Weigh it! You have to have that kind of capital to be flirtatious!"

Hearing this, Zhu Xiaomeng paused and didn't pay attention.He ordered a meal directly and ate it.

Zhu Xiaomeng's indifferent behavior made those girls feel a little annoyed.The voice became even louder, "Some people just don't know shame! They didn't learn well at a young age, but they seduced boys and even treated them as mistresses. What a disgrace to our Z Middle School! I won't even dare to go out in the future. Said that he is a student of Z middle school."

"That's right! It's not enough to have Dongfangsi, and she even went to seduce Qin Mu. She also seduced boys from other schools. I feel ashamed for her!"

"This kind of person is easy-going! Otherwise, why would he be the mistress of a rich man and degenerate himself!"


A few people said something to each other, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in Nuo Da's cafeteria.

(End of this chapter)

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