You are the sweet that I can't hide

Chapter 787 Don't Loan Me Casually

Chapter 787 Don't Loan Me Casually

"What are you afraid of? As I said, the boss's mother is my mother, the boss's brother is my brother, and my husband is naturally the boss's boss..." Before finishing speaking, Concubine Huang saw someone's gloomy eyes The shot came, and subconsciously swallowed the rest of the words.

"Okay, I know how to do it." Shu Ge lay on the bed for a while, and his neck was sore.

After pulling Sister Huang, she went downstairs: "Let's go, let's eat."


At the end of the day, after dinner at Shu's house, Concubine Huang and Qiao Jinyang bid farewell and left.

After getting into the Land Rover, Concubine Huang realized that Qiao Jinyang had been silent.

Not only now, but also during the meal just now, he didn't talk much.

No.It should be said that since she talked to the boss during the day and he rushed upstairs, it was not normal.

He kept drooping his face.

If it weren't for his good looks, he would look like an unburied dead man.

Finally, Concubine Huang couldn't bear it anymore, and lightly bumped the man's arm in the driver's seat with her arm:

"Qiao Jinyang, is your uncle here?"

Qiao Jinyang's face turned even darker.

She was a little nervous again, and touched his forehead: "Isn't there something uncomfortable, is it sick?"

Although I have been married to him for so long, I still don't know what kind of disease he is.

But he has a secret illness, she always remembers it.

No matter what, he is now his husband.

Although it is not true that they are married so far, she does not want to be a widow at such a young age.

Moreover, he still came out with himself today.

If he gets sick outside, it is his own responsibility, and Qiao's family has to tear himself apart.

Qiao Jinyang grabbed her hand, moved it away gently, and looked at her.

It was rare for Concubine Huang to see her looking at herself so seriously, but her heart skipped a beat.

She has lived with him for a while, and she is familiar with the look in this man's eyes when he is unhappy.

She raised her lips and smiled: "What's the matter, Qiao Jinyang?"

"Please remember, I am your husband, don't borrow me casually in the future."

Finally, Qiao Jinyang paused every word.

Concubine Huang was taken aback, so he was concerned about this matter? !
Can't help laughing: "It's not a loan to outsiders, what's wrong with lending it to the boss to provoke the third master? Don't be so stingy, okay?"

Seeing that she didn't feel wrong at all, Qiao Jinyang's handsome face turned cold again, and the car stopped driving:
"Concubine Huang, are you really generous to this extent? You don't mind your husband pretending to be intimate with other women?"

She felt that if she said she didn't care, the man's face would be even more embarrassing immediately, so she could only say: "All right, all right. I just said it casually, didn't the boss also refuse? Why are you acting like you were raped? Huh? It's like the boss and I fucked you up!"

Qiao Jinyang's face turned purple.

After living with her for such a period of time, I have also gotten used to her speaking style, as long as I don't say that at Qiao's house, it's fine, I just lowered my tone:

"In name, we are always husband and wife. Go and see which wife is as generous as you? Even if you are acting, you have to do the whole thing. If you are like this today, if my parents and grandma see it, they must know that we are playing together. Fake."

As for being so serious?
Concubine Huang complained a few words in her heart, but seeing his reaction, she could only take a deep breath and act like a child.
"I won't lend you out again, you are my husband, no one will borrow you, okay?"

Qiao Jinyang's expression softened a little.
Concubine Huang fastened her seat belt, secretly peeked at the man who started, and sighed slightly.

The godmother is relieved that she and Qiao Jinyang have embarked on a normal married life, just like ordinary couples.

Actually not.

(End of this chapter)

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