Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 379 The Art of Seizing Spirits [2]

Chapter 379 The Art of Seizing Spirits [2]

"Of course!" Blood Phoenix said proudly, "It's too dangerous over there, you stay here, I'll go and have a look!"

Before he could finish speaking, the Blood Phoenix had already flapped its wings and flew into the night in an instant.

"Wait a minute! I'll go with you!" It was already impossible for Zhongkui to catch up with him, so he could only rush towards the direction where the flames flew into the air.

The people from the temple chased her down so quickly, so is her identity going to be exposed?
never mind!Being slandered in the temple, maybe this is a good opportunity to get rid of the crime!

At this time, the entire Wang Family Hunting Garden was being illuminated by the blazing blood flames. Countless guards ran out and surrounded King Qin's bedroom in a panic.

Flames were in the sky, and burning fireballs fell from time to time and hit the roof of the palace. Many places started to catch fire, and the sounds of firefighting and fleeing intertwined into a chaotic music.

However, the whole palace was bright, as if the night had never come.

"What is that? This blood-red flame is unusual!"

"In the flames, there seems to be a big bird!"

"Do you still remember the blood phoenix summoned by God of War Gongsunqi?"

"Is it the blood phoenix? Has the blood phoenix reappeared in Qin? Be careful, everyone, the blood flame of the blood phoenix cannot be touched. Once touched, it will be burned to ashes immediately!"

In the raging flames, a huge phoenix wing flashed past, causing everyone to scream and cheer.

With the position of God of War established by Gongsun Qi in Qin State, the people of Qin State respected the Blood Phoenix like a god.

Although Gongsun Qi has passed away, a summoner who can regain the recognition of the blood phoenix will definitely become a person respected by the whole country of Qin!

The imperial guards in the palace started from fear and panic, but now they gradually turned into shock and admiration. They all looked up at the bloody flames in the sky, extremely excited.

The door of the bedroom was opened, and King Qin came out from inside at some point, wearing a robe, with hair gently scattered on his back.

The light of the blood flame is red, and the light and shadow projected in the entire space seem unreal.

The eyes were almost stung, the red, long-lost light...

The purple eyes gradually changed due to the bloodthirsty red.

Bit by bit of weird blood red slowly turned up from the depths of his eyes, like rubies sinking to the bottom, being lifted up bit by bit by buoyancy.

At this moment, everyone looked up at the bloody flames in the sky, but no one noticed the change in King Qin's eyes.

If someone turned their head to look at him, they would be frightened by the evil red color in his eyes.

Suddenly, a demonic aura overflowed around him...

The red eyes appeared as if breaking some kind of seal, reflecting the color of the blood flames in the sky, it was even more bright red and strange.

He stood under the eaves, only wearing a simple robe, and the gorgeous long clothes dragged on the ground, hidden in the deep shadows under the eaves.

There was no superfluous expression on his face, except for a flash of treachery, no one could see through the heart of the King of Qin, what was he thinking at the moment.

The entire palace was covered with blood flames, but no one could see that the real blood phoenix jumped into the churning flames from the distant night.

There was a loud bang, because of the impact of the blood phoenix, the flames turned into huge waves like a sea of ​​flames.

Looking at it, the flame seemed to be tilted down...

"Quick, run!"

(End of this chapter)

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