I'm covering this boss soon

Chapter 448 The Concubine Reborn 3

Chapter 448 The Concubine Reborn 3
For the sake of the prey, the five brothers spared him.

After that one time, the hunter often used the prey as money for prostitution, and came to invade Bei Yutang.This matter gradually became known to his people, and many people also followed his example, using prey as money for whoring.

The five brothers have tasted the sweetness of getting something for nothing, and they no longer hide it, and simply open it up to the whole village.As long as you can get silver or prey, you can come and share her.

When Bei Yutang was delirious, she didn't feel pain, but whenever she was sober, she wished she could die.However, those five brothers had long guarded her against death, guarded her tightly, and did not give her a chance.

The five brothers wanted her to conceive a child for a while, but they didn't let her pick up the guest, but after a long time, she couldn't conceive for a long time.The five brothers invited a doctor to examine her, only to find out that she was infertile.

In fact, long before Bei Yutang sold it to them, Bei Nianjin had given her sterilization soup.

After the five brothers found out, they completely disliked Bei Yutang.They bought it to let her have children, and now they can't have children. The only function is to exchange her for food.

They used the prey they got from selling her body to buy a new daughter-in-law, and Bei Yutang was completely reduced to a plaything that the whole village could play with.After an unknown period of time, mold spots appeared on her body.

The people in the village threw her into the mountains, where she was eaten alive by jackals that night.

Bei Nianjin was aware of Bei Yutang's miserable situation, and even his final tragic death.Even that time, Bei Yutang almost escaped, but was successfully stopped by the people she sent over, so the five brothers took her back again.

Bei Nianjin successfully took revenge on everyone he wanted to take revenge on. At the same time, relying on the memory of his previous life, he replaced Bei Yutang and became the most favored concubine in the harem. He even captured the powerful regent and became his favorite... white moonlight.

As she wished, she took away all the glory and wealth of Bei Yutang's previous life, even those men who admired her.

She used various means to make those men her servants.

She just wants to take everything from Bei Yutang, even a little maid beside her.

After Bei Nianjin got rid of Bei Yutang, he would naturally not let Bei Yutang's mother go.

She devised a scene in which the red apricot cheated out of the wall, which forced Bei Yutang's mother to commit suicide by hanging herself.After his death, he couldn't be buried in the Beijia Ancestral Hall, but was thrown away in a mass grave with a straw mat.

Her mother, Aunt Yang, became the mistress of the Marquis of Beiping under her arrangement.

Bei Nianjin has successfully become a big winner in life.

After watching the entanglement between them, if it is only one-sided, maybe it is not wrong for Bei Nianjin to want revenge.However, the object of her revenge was wrong.

If she just took revenge on her ex-husband's family who abused her in her previous life, and then lived her life well, the final result would be happy for everyone.She wanted to blame all the misfortunes of her previous life on Bei Yutang's head.

As for the reason she said, it seemed ridiculous and far-fetched to Bei Yutang.

Let's not say that she has already learned the truth from the system, but just analyze it from this matter.

What reason does Bei Yutang have to ruin her appearance?
Her appearance is not as good as Bei Yutang's, her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and her various talents are also not as good as Bei Yutang's.Bei Yutang has a great reputation abroad, but Bei Nianjin is just a gloomy concubine hiding behind her.

For a person who is not a threat to her, she has no reason to disfigure her face.

(End of this chapter)

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