I'm covering this boss soon

Chapter 265 The Real World 3

Chapter 265 The Real World 3
"What did you bring us to the kitchen for?" someone asked.

Bei Yutang didn't answer.

When they walked into the kitchen, they saw Lai Bei Yutang's reconciled face.Li Zhengwai was still at a loss, and didn't understand what she meant.

Li Mei was the first to yell, "What do you mean? Where's the money?"

Bei Yutang gave her a red-eyed look, and the contemptuous look in her eyes did not wait to be concealed, "Our family is poor, and poor people eat these things. If you think your family is rich, Mrs. Li, you must be rich every day. "

When she said that, these people finally understood what she meant.

White flour is a rare thing in farmers' homes.Throughout the year, I can't eat it a few times at home.If Bei Yutang's family was really too poor to get rid of the pot, how could there be white noodles to eat.

Look at the bag next to it, there is still a lot of white flour, and those white flour can be exchanged for several buckets of corn.

"Mr. Li, do you want to say that all the flour in my house was stolen from your house, and your son saw it with his own eyes." Bei Yutang said sarcastically.

Li Mei blushed from being squeezed.

Doesn't it mean that she is poor, so she must have no money.Show them the poor now, who has no money and who is shameless.

Bei Yutang stretched out his hand, "Here's the money. This money is for my son to buy cabbage."

Li Mei stared at her, if she gave it today, wouldn't she admit that she had framed Er Gouzi.She couldn't bear this face.

"Your family has money, but that doesn't mean he didn't steal the money." Li Mei said anxiously.

Bei Yutang's eyes narrowed slightly, and a coercion suddenly exuded from her body, "You don't cry when you see the coffin. Since you are determined to change, I don't bother to talk to you. Let's see the officials. I will see you in court. Above all, to prove who the money is. At that time, when the magistrate judges it, you will be sent to jail."

She has a serious expression, and people around can tell that she is not joking.

Seeing the officer, this is not necessary.

In the eyes of ordinary people like them, only big things will go to the government.Little matters like this are always resolved by Li Zheng.

Li Mei herself had a guilty conscience, but now she was frightened by Bei Yutang's bluff.

Her family lost five cents, and she knew it was her son who took it away.Originally, he wanted to repair his own son, but he didn't expect that little cunning man to see that Er Gouzi had three coins on him, so he presumed that he stole it.

Li Mei took advantage of the situation to put the charge on Er Gouzi, so that she could get back her own money.

Li Mei will definitely not suffer if she wants to go to jail for the five cents now.

Li Mei said with an ugly face, "I'll give it to you."

But in order not to be offended, Li Mei added: "I'll give it to you, because I don't want to make trouble with the government over such a trivial matter."

Bei Yutang couldn't see her careful thinking, "Don't be so reluctant, just go to the official directly."

The tougher Bei Yutang's attitude was, the more guilty Li Mei felt.

Sure enough, Li Mei's face became extremely ugly.

At this time, Li Zheng, who was a peacemaker, spoke, "Since Mrs. Li has said yes, you can just take a step back, and everyone lives in peace. We are all from the same village. We don't see each other when we look up and see each other when we look down, and harmony makes money."

For the sake of Lizheng's talk, Bei Yutang is not a person who doesn't know what to do, and there will always be a place for Lizheng in the village in the future, so this face should be sold to Lizheng.

"Okay. I'm just trying to save face today, so I don't care about you, but if you hear rumors about my son in the village, we'll go to the government and let the county magistrate judge."

(End of this chapter)

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