Chapter 260
"I, I didn't..." Under Bei Yutang's cold eyes, Bei Yutang couldn't say the last word 'yes'.

She knew it, she knew it all.

Concubine Xian fell limply to the ground.

At this moment, Bei Yutang coughed violently, and a fishy sweetness gushed out of her mouth.She picked up the silk handkerchief and covered her mouth, the bright red blood instantly dyed the snow-white silk handkerchief red.

"Your Majesty." Both Jinchai and Jinzhuan looked anxious and worried.

Seeing her like that, Concubine Xian suddenly laughed softly, and at the end of the laugh, her laughter became louder and louder.

She stood up and looked at her with resentment, "Bei Yutang, do you think you are great? You are just a poor wretch. Do you think the emperor really dotes on you? No, the emperor has never loved you. You are Xia Yuwei's shield. Now that the Xia family has collapsed, it will be your Bei family's turn soon. I am going to die, and soon your Bei family will still have you, so you will also die."

"Stop, shut up." Bei Yutang seemed to have exhausted all his strength with those two simple words.All of a sudden, Qi and blood surged up, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

At the last second after she fainted, she cried out in her heart that she was cheating.She definitely wasn't dizzy with anger, but because her body was really dilapidated.

Concubine Xian laughed heartily when she saw that she was fainted by her anger.

Nan Shaotian stepped into the hall, just in time to see such a scene, he pushed the mad concubine Xian away, hurriedly picked her up, and hurried into the bedroom.

Before leaving, he said coldly: "Pull this crazy woman down, I don't want to see her again."

Concubine Xian passed away that night.

Since that day, Nan Shaotian has been by her side almost every step of the way.At the same time, the Southern Emperor issued a reward order, which spread throughout the entire Southern Kingdom at this time.All famous doctors among the people were invited to the palace to treat Bei Yutang.

Every time he was treated, he took advantage of Bei Yutang's drowsy time.

But so far, nothing.

Bei Yutang fell asleep for longer and longer, and sometimes she fell asleep without warning while chatting with him, scaring Nan Shaotian several times.

He was afraid, afraid that one day, she would not be able to sleep.

It was a sunny afternoon, and Bei Yutang's spirit was exceptionally good that day.She even had the strength to play chess with him. On that day, Nan Shaotian lost badly.

"Shao Tian, ​​I want to sleep for a while."

"I'll be with you."

Bei Yutang narrowed her eyebrows slightly, "Yes. Shao Tian, ​​can you promise me one thing?"

"What's the matter?" Nan Shaotian held her hand, not daring to use force for fear of hurting her.

"Can you agree to my father disarming and returning to the farm?"

As early as when she was in dilapidated condition, she wrote to Father Bei, asking him to hand over all his military power after defeating the barbarians.Father Bei is a smart person, so he naturally understood what she meant.

A few days ago, Bei's father had returned to the court with his troops, and asked Nan Shaotian to take back his military power in the court hall. He didn't know what Nan Shaotian's purpose was, and he didn't agree.

Perhaps, he was afraid of being criticized.Said he was a cunning rabbit and a running dog.

No matter what his purpose is, she just wants to keep the Bei family at the end of her life.She hoped that for her sake, Nan Shaotian could spare the Bei family and avoid the fate of beheading all their families.

Nan Shaotian's heart trembled when he heard her words.

He has been deceiving himself and himself all the time, she doesn't know, she won't know his previous plans.It turned out that she knew all about it, but she endured all this silently.

(End of this chapter)

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